Glossary of Medical Terms, Abbreviations & Symbols
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V = volume / VA = alveolar volume (± 5.6% CO2; 14% O2) (rmed.) / VA = ventilation alvéolaire = alveolar ventilation (rmed.) / V.a. = Verdacht auf = suspected / va-et-vient = reciprocating (surgical saw); "back-and-forth" (suturing) / vaatkluwen (kidney) = glomerulus; Malpighian tuft; Malpighian body / vaatverwijder = vasodilator (pharm.) / vaatvlies = 1. chorion (embyology); 2. choroid (eye) / vaccin = vaccine /

VACCINATION attitudes NB Terminology seems a little fluid in all languages, depending on context and writer

EN uses a wide range of terms in this field, including

(mostly media or colloquial use, sometimes with pejorative overtones):
 “anti-vaxxer” (noun or adj.) (with two “x”)
 anti-vax movement (with one “x”)

(medical, academic use):
 vaccine-hesitant, vaccine hesitancy
 vaccination resistance
 vaccine sceptic
 vaccination critic
 vaccination attitudes (cf. the “VAX Scale”)

FR uses
scepticisme anti-vaccin / à l'égard du vaccin / vis à vis du vaccin = vaccine hesitancy; vaccine scepticism; vaccination resistance
sceptique = (adj.) vaccine-hesitant (e.g. "vaccine-hesitant parents"); (person) vaccination sceptic; "anti-vaxxer"

DE uses
Impfkritiker as an umbrella term covering both Impfgegner (usually lay people opposed to vaccination on e.g. religious and non-scientific grounds) and Impfskeptiker (who may include medical personnel not opposed to vaccination per se, but divided as to methods, timings etc:
anti-Impf- (as prefix, of attitude) = vaccine-hesitant; “anti-vax”
Impfgegner = “anti-vaxxer”; anti-vaccination activist
Impfgegnerschaft = anti-vaccine movement
Impfkritiker = vaccination critic
Impfskeptiker = vaccination sceptic (person)


vaccine = vaccinia; cowpox / vaccinostyle: fine lance used to sample blood from e.g. earlobe / VACTERL = vertebral, anal, cardiac, tracheal, (o)esophagal, renal, limb (pattern of congenital abnormalities) / VADS = voies aérodigestives supérieures = head and neck / vaginale = tunica vaginalis testis / vagissements = vagitus / vague = vagus nerve / oeil vairon = 1. eyes of different colours (genet.); 2. wall-eye (corneal leukoma) / valeur limite de concentration admise dans les lieux de travail = TLV (if inhalation) / valeur limite d'exposition (VLE) = (equivalent to, translate as) threshold limit value ceiling (TLVC) (limit which must never be exceeded even briefly; synthesis of TLV-STEL and TLV-C) (OSH) (Eurodicautom) / valeur moyenne d'exposition (VME); valeur moyenne de limite d'exposition) (VME) = (equivalent to, translate as) TLV-TWA (limit value over an 8-hour shift or 39 hours' work a week) (OSH) (Eurodicautom) / valeur seuil ponctuelle = cutoff value / valeur théorique = predicted value, reference value (lung function testing) / valve éclairante see écarteur chirurgical éclairé / valvule = valve / varice see Varix / vapotage = vaping / vapoteur = vape (electronic cigarette) / varicelle = chickenpox; varicella / varicosité = spider vein, see notes under Varix / varicositeit = varicosity (bulbous part of nerve terminal) / variole = smallpox; variola / Varix (D plural Varizen) = varix; varicose vein; varicosity (not to be confused with the finer telangiectases popularly known as "spider veins", "thread veins", "starburst veins", "sunburst veins") / varkenslintworm = pork tapeworm; Taenia solium / VAS = visual analogue scale (of e.g. breathlessness, pain) / vascularisation = vascularity, blood supply (to) / abondamment vascularisé = highly vascular; richly supplied with blood vessels / vascularite = vasculitis / ostéosynthèse en vasque = bowl osteosynthesis (orthop.) / vatbaar voor = susceptible to / VATS = video-assisted thoracic surgery / VB = 1. vacuum biopsy; Vakuumbiopsie; 2. voided bladder urine (in prostate testing, samples VB1, VB2 and VB3 are distinguished: VB3 is taken last, after massaging of the prostate) / VC = 1. vital capacity (maximum useable lung volume; volume of gas which can be expired from a position of full inspiration, unhurriedly and not timed; normal value ± 3.5 litres, = inspiratory capacity + expiratory reserve volume; see also FVC) (rmed.); 2. volume courant (rmed.) / Vc = capillary (blood) volume (rmed.) / VCA = 1. valeur calculée de l'apgar, see indice d'Apgar; 2. viral capsid antigen / VCE = vertical centre-edge (radiograph) / VCG = vectocardiogram / VCI = vascular cognitive impairment; syn. (now deprecated) vascular dementia / VCUG = voiding cystourethrogram (urology) / VD = 1. venereal disease (obsol., now called STD); 2. ventricule droite = right ventricle / VD = dead space (volume) (rmed.) / VdAK = Verband der Angestellten-Kassen (D) (health insurance) / VDRL = Venereal Disease Research Laboratory; VDRL test (for syphilis) / VD/VT = dead space/tidal volume ratio (rmed.) / VE = expired ventilation (rmed.) / VEB = ventricular ectopic beat, see VPB / vecht- of vluchtreactie = fight-or-flight reaction / VEE = Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis (virus) / "veelvraat" = "blackhead"; comedo (derm.) / VEEQ = ventilation equivalent (rmed.) / végétations adénoïdes = adenoidal vegetation; adenoids / VEGF = vascular endothelial growth factor / à l'état de veille = when awake; in a state of wakefulness / veinotonique = venotropic; venotonic; phlebotropic; phlebotonic / Veitstanz = St Vitus' dance; (simple) chorea / VEMS = volume expiratoire maximal seconde; volume expiratoire maximale par seconde = forced expiratory volume in 1 second, see FEV1 (rmed.) / venapunctie = venipuncture / vénotonique see veinotonique / ovale venster = oval window (ear) / ronde venster = round window (ear) / vent = to admit room air to cultures: "vented and unvented blood culture bottles.. with 2 days of venting" (microbiol.) / ventilation minute see MV (rmed.) / scintigraphie de ventilationperfusion = ventilation-perfusion scan; VQ scan (rmed.) / ventilation périodique = Cheyne-Stokes respiration; periodic breathing (rmed.) / Ventilations-Perfusionsverhältnis = ventilation-perfusion relationship; ratio (rmed.) / Ventilationsstörung = ventilatory defect; ventilatory impairment: obstruktive = obstructive; restriktive = restrictive (rmed.) / profil ventilatoire; régime ventilatoire = breathing pattern / régime ventilatoire de Biot = Biot's respiration; Biot's breathing (rmed.) / ventouse = cupping glass; ventouse / ventre de bois = board-like rigidity (of abdomen in e.g. peritonitis) / venulen = venioles / Venturator = type of environmental monitoring device / venusheuvel; Venushügel = mons pubis; mons veneris / Verabreichung = route of administration; delivery method (pharm.) / Verästelungen = ramifications (small airways e.g.) / Verbandbuch = first aid log (record of incidents requiring first aid, not list of first aid equipment to hand) / Verbandstoffe = (surgical) dressings / verbening = ossification / verbinden = dress (wounds) / Verbreitung = extent (of opacities) (rad./rmed.) / Verdichtung = opacity (area of denser tissue on radiograph; cf. Dichteanhebung) / Verdichtungsband = linear opacity (rad./rmed.) / verdovend middel; verdovingsmiddel = anaesthetic; narcotic / Vereisung = cryoanalgesia / Verengung = constriction; narrowing; stenosis (airway, blood vessel) / see Einengung / vererbbar = hereditary / verge = penis / vergesellschaftet mit = in association with (symptoms) / vergetures = stretch mark (derm./gyn.) / vergroeid = fused (vertebrae) / Verhärtung (Gewebe) = fibrosis (tissue) / verheerende Krankheit = "killer disease", "big killer" / verhornend = keratotic; horny; with keratin (epithelium) / verkalking; Verkalkung = calcification (rad./rmed.); arteriosclerosis / verkäsend = caseating (granuloma e.g.) / Verkäsung; verkazing = caseation / Verklebung = agglutination (cells) / Verklebungen = (tissue) adhesions / verklumpen = agglutinate; clump / Verlagerung = displacement (e.g. of organs during surgery) / Verlegung = obstruction / Verknöcherung = ossification / verkoudheid = (common) cold / verkoeverkamer = (postoperative) recovery room / verkümmert = stunted; withered; blighted / verlegt = blocked (blood flow, airway) / verlichting = relief; alleviation (pain e.g.) / verloskunde = obstetetrics / verlossing = delivery (obst.) / verlostang = obstetric forceps / Vermännlichung = virilisation / Vermittlung = transmission (nerve impulses) / vermutlich vorhanden = putative / Vernetzungsgrad = cross-linkages / Verödung = obliteration (removal by disease, degeneration or surgery) / grande vérole (obsol.) = syphilis / petite vérole see variole / os de verre = osteogenesis imperfecta; osteopsathyrosis (genetic defect, not to be confused with the "brittle bones" of oseoporosis) / en verre dépoli = ground-glass (opacity, obscuration) (rad./rmed.) / verrekking = strain / verrou = lock (prostheses) / verruqueux = verrucous; condylomatous; warty (carcinoma, typically of mouth, anus, cervix) / Versagen = failure (organs) / versant = side (of nose e.g.) / verschärft = intensified (breath sound) / Verschleierung = masking (of symptoms) / Verschluß = obstruction (bowel e.g.) / Verschlußdruckmethode = interruptor method (lung function testing) / Verschlußkapazität see CC (rmed.) / Verschlußvolumen see CV 3. (rmed.) / verschreiben = prescribe (pharm.) / Verschwielung = coalescence; confluence (of lung opacities, see also Herd) (rad./rmed.) / verschwommen sehen = (to have) blurred vision / versicherungstechnische Gerechtigkeit = fairness in insurance cover (bioethics) / verslavde = addict / verslaving = addiction / Versorgung = restoration (teeth) / verstandskies = wisdom tooth / Rhythmus-Versteifung = locking of (rhythm of) pacemaker / "versterkend middel" = "tonic" / verstuiking = sprain / Verstümmelung = deformity; mutilation / vertakt = branched (nerve processes) / vertébrothérapie = spondylotherapy / Vertragsarzt see Kassenarzt / Verträglichkeit = tolerability (by patient; NB better to paraphrase e.g. "[drug] was well tolerated") / Verträglichkeitsdaten = tolerability data (pharm.) / vertroebeling = opacity; clouding (lens of eye) / Verwachsungen see Verklebungen / Verwandtenblutspende = directed donation (by family or friends) / verwaschene Sprache = slurred speech / Verweilkatheter = indwelling catheter / Verweildauer; Verweilzeit = residence time (substance in body) / Verwölbung = bulging, protrusion (of intervertebral disc e.g.) / verzachtend = palliative (treatment) / verzadigd = saturated (rmed./nutrition) / Verziehung = distraction (of lung architecture) (rad./rmed.) / verziendheid = far-sightedness; long-sightedness; hyperopia / verzögert = delayed (allergic reaction e.g.) / verzwakt = diminished (breath sounds) / Verzweigungen see Verästelungen / verwering = uleration / verzwikken = twist, turn (ankle) / VES = ventricular extrasystole; ventrikuläre Extrasystole (card.), see VPB / vésicule = vesicle (gen. anat.) / vésicule biliaire = gallbladder / vésicule séminale = seminal vesicle / vessie à colonnes see Balkenblase / vessie hyperactive; vessie de lutte see OAB / vetembolie = fat embolism / vetweefselfgezwel = lipoma / vetzucht = obesity / vetweefsel = adipose tissue / vetzuur = fatty acid / VFC = vena femoralis communis = common femoral vein / VFS = vena femoralis superficialis = femoral vein (preferred term: formerly called the "superficial femoral vein", now deprecated as confusing since it is in fact a deep vein) / VG = ventricule gauche see LV / VGM = 1. veiligheid, gezondheid en milieu = safety, health and environment; 2. volume globulaire moyen see MCV / VHB = virus de l'hépatite B, see HBV / VHC = virus de l'hépatite C, see HCV / VHL = Von Hippel-Lindau (congenital abnormalities) / VI = inspired ventilation (rmed.) / Vibratensiometer = vibra tensiometer / vice = defect / vicieux = pathological; abnormal / vidéochirurgerie = laparoscopic surgery, see also VATS / großes Vieleckbein = trapezoid bone; os trapezoideum / kleines Vieleckbein = trapezium bone; os trapezium / vierte Krankheit = fourth disease; Dukes' disease; scarlatinella / VIH = virus de l'immunodéficience humaine see HIV / vijgwrat = 1. genital wart; condyloma acuminatum; 2. flat condyloma; condyloma latum (syphilis) / VIN = vulval intraepithelial neoplasia (gyn.) / VIPPIN = ventilation en pression positive intermittent nasale see NIPPV / virémie = viraemia (condition of having virus in the blood, e.g. "low-level viraemia"; as a quantified level, it is "viral load" (expressed as copies of the virus per mL blood) / virginell = (previously) untreated / virocide = virucide / virose = viral infection / Virulenzfaktor = virulence factor (bacteriol.) / Virus- (as adj. usually) = viral / Virustatika = virustatics / Virusvermehrung = replication of viruses / viscosité intellectuelle = intellectual slowness (dementia e.g.) / viscus = singular form of viscera / visgraatsverband = figure-of-8 bandage; spica bandage / vision crépusculaire = twilight vision; night vision / V iso v = volume of isoflow (rmed.) / visschubbenziekte = ichthyosis; fish skin disease / vissenlintworm = fish tapeworm; Diphyllobothrium latum / viszerales Fettgewebe = abdominal fat / VIT = ventricular inflow tract (heart) / vitalité = viability (cells) / Vitalwerte = vital signs (pulse, blood pressure, etc.) / vitaminé = with added vitamins / Vitaminmangelzustand = vitamin deficiency / VITT = vaccine-induced immune thrombocytopenia and thrombosis (virology, linked to Astra-Zeneca Covid-19 vaccine) / VK = Vitalkapazität = vital capacity, see VC 1. (rmed.) / VKB = vorderes Kreuzband, see ACL / VKF = voorkamerfibrillatie = atrial fibrillation (card.) / vlak = margin (surg.) / VLDL = very low density lipoprotein / vleesboom = (uterine) fibroid; leiomyoma uteri (gyn.) / vlekdiameter = spot size (laser surgery) / vlektyfus; vlekkentyfus = typhus; spotted fever, see typhus / vleugelvel = pterygium (eye) / vliegenzwam = fly agaric; Amanita muscaria / vlokkentest see CVS (gyn.) / VM = 1. ventilation maximale = maximum voluntary ventilation (MVV), see MBC (rmed.); 2. ventilation minute see MV (rmed.) / VMAT = volumetric modulated arc radiotherapy / VMM = ventilation maximale par minute = maximum voluntary ventilation (MVV), see MBC (rmed.) / vN2 = venous blood nitrogen content (rmed.) / VNS = 1. vegetatives Nervensystem = vegetative nervous system, but see ANS; 2. visual numeric scale (self-reported pain) / VO2 = oxygen uptake (rmed.) / VOC = variant of concern (Covid, virology) / voedingskunde = nutrition / voedingsmiddelenkunde = dietetics / voedingsmiddelentoxicologie = dietary toxicology / voedingsstof = nutrient / voedingsvezels = dietary fibre; roughage / voedselbrei = chyme / voetwortelbeen = tarsal bone / Vogelhalterlunge; Vogelzüchterlunge = bird fancier's lung; bird breeder's lung (blanket term for various types of ornithosis, usually qualified by name of bird concerned e.g. pigeon fancier's lung, chicken breeder's lung) / voie d'abord = surgical approach / petites voies aériennes = small airways (diameter < 2 mm) (rmed.) / voile du palais = soft palate; velum palatinum / vol de la sous-clavière = subclavian steal (syndrome) / infirmière volante = 1. bank nurse; float pool nurse (hospital staffing); 2. flying nurse (e.g. air ambulance) / voldragen = full-term (obst.) / volémie = blood volume / volet costal = flail chest / Vollblut = whole blood / vollblütig see pléthorique 1. / volledig bloed see Vollblut / Völlegefühl = bloating; feeling of bloatedness; feeling of fullness (gastr.) / volume alvéolaire courant = alveolar volume (VA) (rmed.) / volume-cible clinique see CTV / volume-cible planifié see PTV / volume tumoral macroscopique see GTV / volume courant = tidal volume, see TV (rmed.) / volume d'éjection systolique = stroke volume (card.)/ volume de fermeture see CV 3. (rmed.) / volume gazeux thoracique see TGV (rmed.) / volume globulaire moyen see MCV 3. / volume respiratoire courant see volume courant / volume sanguin minute = cardiac output (rate) (symbol Q) / volume télédiastolique = end-diastolic volume (card.) / volume télésystolique = end-systolic volume (card.) / voorbehoedmiddel = contraceptive / voorhoofdsholte = frontal sinus / voorhorncellen = anterior horn cells (epithelium) / voorhuid see Vorhaut / voorkamer = atrium (card.) / voorkeursbehandeling = treatment of choice / voorkwab see Vorderlappen / voorraadgranulae = storage granules (nerves) / voorstanderklier = prostate (gland) / voorzijde = distal end (surg. instrument) / Proben mit Voranreicherung = pre-enriched samples (food testing) / Vorderhirn = forebrain; prosencephalon / Vorderhorn = anterior horn (spinal medulla) / Vorderlappen = anterior lobe (pituitary) / Vorfall = prolapse; hernia (of organ or other body part) / Vorgang = process (inflammatory e.g.) / Vorhaut = prepuce; foreskin (penis, clitoris) / Vorhautverengung = phimosis / Prozente zum Vorhersagewert see Sollwert / Vorhof = atrium (card.) / Vorhofflattern = atrial flutter (card.) / Vorhofflimmern = atrial fibrillation (card.) / Vorkern = pronucleus (cyt.) / Vorlagenwiegetest = pad test (of stress incontinence; patient wears a pad and its before-after weight difference measures urinary leakage) / Vorortbegehung = walk-through survey; jobsite audit (OSH: of an industrial plant e.g.) / vorquellend = protruberant, prominent (e.g. eyes in exophthalamos) / Vorsteherdrüse = prostate (gland) / sich vorstülpen = protrude / vortherapeutisch = preliminary diagnostic (test) / Vorwässerung = pre-hydration; often just "hydration" (e.g. before an angioplasty) / VOT = ventricular outflow tract (heart) / voûte palatine = hard palate / voxel = voxel (volume cell element) (CAT scanning) / VP = vena poplitea = popliteal vein / VPB = ventricular premature beat (classified by Lown; also called ventricular ectopic beat, premature ventricular contraction, ventricular premature complex; ventricular extrasystole (card.) / VPC see VPB / VPD = volume-pressure diagram (rmed.) / VPF = vena profunda femoris = deep femoral vein; profunda femoris / VPI = vaccin poliomyélitique inactivé see IPV / VPM = volume plaquettaire moyen see MPV / VPN = valeur prédictive négative see NPV / VPO = vaccin poliomyélitique oral see OPV / VR = volume résiduel see RV (rmed.) / vraatzucht = bulimia / VRC = 1. ventilatory response curve (rmed.); 2. volume respiratoire courant see volume courant / VRE = volume de réserve expiratoire see ERV / VRI = volume de réserve inspiratoire see IRV (rmed.) / VPP = valeur prédictive positive see PPV / vruchtafdrijving = (medical) abortion; termination (of pregnancy) / vruchtvlies = chorion / vruchtwaterpunctie = amniocentesis (gyn.) / vruchtzuiker = fructose / VS see VSG / VSD = 1. ventricular septum defect; 2. Vorhofseptumdefekt see ASD; 3. virtually safe dose (tox.) / elastische Vorspannung = elastic recoil (rmed.) / VS= verre standard = unit (of alcohol) / VSG = vitesse de sédimentation globulaire see ESR 2. / VSL = véhicule sanitaire léger = light ambulance / VSM = vena saphena magna = great saphenous vein / VSP = vena saphena parva = small saphenous vein / VS-PEP = ventilation spontanée avec pression expiratoire positive see CPAP / VSS = vital signs stable / VT = tidal volume, see TV (rmed.) / VT = verocytotoxin / VTEC = verocytotoxin-producing E.coli (bacterium responsible for "hamburger disease") (other variants are: verotoxin-producing, verotoxigenic and verotoxinogenic E. coli) / VTR = valeur toxicologique de référence see TRV / VT/TI = mean inspiratory flow (rmed.) / VUI = variant under investigation (virology, Covid) / VUJ = vesico-ureteric junction / vulnéraire = healing / vulweefsel = filler tissue / VVI = type of pacemaker / VW = Verbandwechsel = change of dressing; dressing change / vWf = van Willebrand factor (blood protein) / VWF = vibration white finger (Raynaud's phenomenon) / VWS = Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport (NL) = (minister e.g. for) Public Health, Welfare and Sports / VZS = vegetatieve zenuwstelsel see ANS / VZV = varicella zoster virus (chickenpox) /

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