Glossary of Medical Terms, Abbreviations & Symbols
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P = 1. Parinaud (French ophthalmologist, devised a scale for vision testing); 2. pertussis; 3. polio; 4. pollex (thumb); 5. pressure (rmed.); 6. tension; partial pressure (rmed.) NB if P is followed by a body part, e.g. alv=alveoli, pl=pleura, ab=abdomen, or by E=expiratory or I=inspiratory, the context is the mechanics of breathing, so the term is pressure (gas inside a body cavity). If followed by a gas formula (O2 or CO2) the context is blood gas exchange and the term is tension, or partial pressure (gas within a fluid). / P0.1 = mouth occlusion pressure 0.1 sec. after start of inspiratory effort (rmed.) / P50 = PO2 at 50% saturation (pH=7.4 and PCO2=40 mmHg) (rmed.) / Pa = 1. arterial gas tension (formula indicates the gas in question, see PaCO2; PaO2) (rmed.); 2. see aP (immun.) / PA = alveolar gas tension (formula indicates the gas in question, see PACO2; PAO2) (rmed.) / Pa = abdominal pressure (rmed.) Pab = subdiaphragmatic abdominal pressure (rmed.) / PAAZ = psychiatrische afdeling algemeen ziekenhuis = (general) hospital psychiatric unit / PAB see PABA / PABA = p-Aminobenzoesäure = p-aminobenzoic acid / PABS = p-aminobenzene sulphonamide; sulphanilamide / PAC = port-a-cath; portacath (or simply "port". PORT-A-CATH is a registered trademark - Smiths Medical) / pachypleurite = adhesions; fibrothorax (rmed.) / PaCO2 = partial pressure of (arterial) CO2 (rmed.) / PACO2 = alveolar CO2 tension; partial pressure of aleveolar CO2 (rmed.) / PACU = post-operative care unit / PAD = peripheral arterial disease, see PAOD / PAE = post-antibiotic effect (delayed regrowth of bateria after exposure to antibiotic)(microbiol.) / PAF = 1. platelet activating factor; 2. primary atrial fibrillation (card.) / PAH see PAHA / PAHA = p-aminohippuric acid / pain acide = bactericidal soap / glomérule en pain à cacheter = globally sclerotic glomerulus; completely hyalinised glomerulus; glomerulus exhibiting glomerulosclerosis, glomerular sclerosis (kidney) / squame en pain à cacheter = scale; scaly patch; plaque (derm., sometimes likened to "frosted glass") / paktang = grasper (surg. instr.) / palais = palate / suture en paletot = overlapping suture ("the o.s. technique"; "an o.s. repair") / palette cutanée = skin paddle (the island of skin and underlying tissue area lifted from the donor site and grafted at the recipient site. If described as "autofermante" this means that the donor site defect can be closed primarily, i.e. sutured without the need for grafting. Translate by paraphrasing using "primary closure" or similar. NB term is sometimes used synonomously with lambeau = flap.) / palier = increment (exercise testing) / palimpsest = an alcoholic "blackout" though without loss of consciousness. Inability to remember earlier events. (Greek "palimpsest" is an inscribed ancient tablet, erased and re-used) / doigts palmés = syndactyly; webbed fingers or toes / palmure = palmature / Palpationszählung = method (of pulse count) by simple palpation of the wrist at fixed intervals, involving no apparatus) / cil palpébral = eyelash / paludisme = malaria / accès palustre = malaria attack / Palv = alveolar gas pressure (rmed.) / PAM (2-PAM) = pralidoxime / PAN = périartérite noueuse = polyarteritis nodosa; periarteritis nodosa / panaris; Panaritium = whitlow; felon; paronychia (derm.) / Panaritium see panaris / panencépahalite sclérosante subaïgue = subacute sclerosing panencephalitis / panmixie = random mating; panmixis; panmixia / pannicule adipeux = subcutaneous fat (layers) / pansement = (surgical) dressing (bandage, plaster etc.) / panseuse see instrumentiste / pantotheenzuur = pantothenic acid (Vitamin B complex) / Panzerherz = armoured heart; constrictive pericarditis; panzerherz / Panzerkrebs = carcinoma en cuirasse; cancer en cuirasse / Panzerniere = perinephritis scleroticans / PAO = 1. paraosteoarthropathy (also POA); 2. pression artérielle ophthalmique see PAR 2. / PaO2 = partial pressure of (arterial) O2 (rmed.) / PAO2 = alveolar O2 tension; partial pressure of alveolar O2 (rmed.) / PAOD = peripheral arterial occlusive disease; peripheral occlusive artery disease / Pap (smear, cytological classification): named after G.N. Papanicolaou (Greek-American physician 1883-1962, devised diagnostic stain test esp. for cervical smears) / PAP = pulmonary arterial pressure / Papageienkrankheit = psittacosis; parrot fever / papegaai; bedpapegaai = (patient) lifting pole; trapeze (free-standing or fixed to bed or ceiling; helps patients who have some upper body strength, unlike chair or sling hoists used to move patients from e.g. bed to bath) / papegaaienziekte see Papageienkrankheit / Papel = papule / papil = papilla / papilles gustatives = lingual papillae (contain the tastebuds) / papille optique = optic disc / papillomatose orale floride = oral verrucous carcinoma, see verruqueux / PAPP-A = protéine plasmatique placentaire (de type) A = pregnancy-associated plasma protein A / Paprikaspalterlunge = paprika splitter's lung (rmed.) / paquet musculaire = muscular bundle (anat.) / PAR = 1. polyarthrite rhumatoïde see RA; 2. pression artérielle rétinienne = retinal arterial pressure; intraretinal pressure (ophth.) / para = woman who has borne a certain number of live offspring, e.g. "para X" is a deciparous women; "para 0" is a nulliparous woman / paracousie = paracusis / paradentose; paradontose; Paradontose (misspelling) see parodontose) / paradontite; Paradontitis (misspelling) see parodontite; Parodontitis / paradoxal = paradoxical (motions, respiration) / parafango: preparation of sea mud ("fango") and paraffin, used in beauty treatments / parage = wound preparation / paralysie = paralysis; palsy / paralysie faciale a frigore = Bell's palsy / paralysie générale progressive = general paresis of the insane (historical) / Parameter = (often) a marker (of stress response) / paramètre = parametrium (uterus) / hernie paraombilicale = paraumbilical hernia / Pararauschbrand = gaseous oedema; gas gangrene / Pararauschbrandbazillus = Clostridium septicum / parasympathicus = parasympathetic nervous system / parathormone = parathyroid hormone; parathormone / parathormonémie = serum PTH (level, concentration) / parathyréose = non-inflammatory parathryoidopathy / paravésical = perivesical / Pärchenegel = Schistosoma (parasite) / projet parental = assisted reproduction project (IVF e.g.) / Parese = paresis; (muscle) weakness / Pariser Nomenklatur see NA / parité = parity; number of children borne (gyn.) / maladie de Parkinson; ziekte van Parkinson; Parkinson-Krankheit = Parkinson's disease; paralysis agitans; shaking palsy, see also parkinsonisme / parkinsonisme; Parkinsonismus = parkinsonism; parkinsonian syndrome (group of neurological disorders, of which Parkinson's disease just one, but  the commonest) / parodontal = periodontal / parodonte = periodontium / parodontite; Parodontitis = periodontitis (preferred term); parodontitis / parodontose; Parodontose = (juvenile) periodontosis; parodontosis; parodontal disease; spongy gums (non-inflammatory condition) / paroi thoracique = chest wall / paroxystique = paroxysmal / partour = rim (labral, acetabular)(anat.) / PAS = 1. para-aminosalicylzuur; para-aminosalicylic acid; 2. periodic acid Schiff (reaction); 3. physician-assisted suicide, often just "assisted suicide". Increasingly, the term PAS is used by those opposed to the practice. Advocates prefer MAID. NB the terminology, practice and legality of euthanasia and assisted suicide vary considerably between countries. In euthanasia, the lethal drug is administered directly by a doctor; in assisted suicide it is self-administered by the patient. "Assisted suicide" taking place outside the hospital setting and for reasons other than terminal illness and/or extreme suffering, is "non-physician-assisted suicide" (NPAS) and will invariably be illegal. 4. pression artérielle systolique = SBP / PASC = post-acute sequelae SARS-CoV-2 infection (syn. for "long Covid") /  pasgeboren = neonate; newborn (noun); neonatal (adj.) / passager = transient / passe-fil = guide-wire (surg.) / voix pâteuse = "hot potato voice" (in throat infections and some neurological conditions) / pathogène = pathogen (noun); pathogenic (adj.) / pathologie = clinical medicine; pathology (= histopathology); any pathological condition (can often be translated simply as "disease", "condition" etc.) / pathologies associées = comorbidities / pathophysiologie = pathophysiology (defined: ‘changes that occur in the human body when normal structure and/or physiology is altered’) / Patiententestament = living will / patiëntplaatelektrode = patient return electrode, patient plate (if rigid = plate; if flexible = pad) (electrosurg.) / Paukenhöhle = tympanic cavity (ear) / pavillon = pavilion (oviduct) / pavimenteux = pavemented (epthelium e.g.) / PAVK = periphere arterielle Verschlußkrankheit, see PAOD / PB = ponction-biopsie see ponction / PBG = porphobilinogen / PBGO = periodiek bedrijfskundig onderzoek (OSH), see PGO / PBI = protein-bound iodine / PBS = 1. phosphate-buffered saline; 2. protein-buffered saline / PBSS = PBS solution / PC = 1. perte de conscience see LOC; 2. provocative concentration (PC20 = provocative concentration causing 20% fall in FEV1) (rmed., tests of bronchial hyperresponsiveness) / PCA = patient-controlled analgesia / PCD = programmed cell death, see also apoptosis / PCE = polyarthrite chronique évolutive see RA / PCF see ICP / PCI = percutaneous coronary intervention (angioplasty + stents, as alternative to bypass grafts) / PCL = posterior cruciate ligament (knee) / PCO2 = partial pressure of CO2; CO2 tension (rmed.) / PCP = 1. pneumocystitis carinii pneumonia (opportunistic infection in HIV subjects); 2. primärchronische Polyarthritis = progressive chronic polyarthritis; 3. primary care physician (USA, equivalent of UK GP) / PCR = polymerase chain reaction (genetics) / PCS = peptone-chlorure de sodium, see SCP / PCT = proximal convoluted tubules (kidney) / PCV = 1. packed cell volume (blood); 2. pneumococcal conjugate vaccine / PD = 1. per diem; pro die = per day; 2. protein derivative; 3. provocative dose, see PC / PDE = adenosine 3,5 monophosphate phosphodiesterase / PDHA = partially depolymerised hyaluronic acid / Pdi = transdiaphragmatic pressure (rmed.) / PDL = produit dose longueur see DLP / PDP = pyruvate dehydrogenase phosphatase / PDS = prikkelbare-darmsyndroom, see IBS / PDT = photodynamic therapy (light energy is used not to create a thermal effect but to initiate a photochemical reaction) / PDW = platelet distribution width / PE = 1. Probeentnahme; Probeexzision = biopsy; 2. Punktionseinschnitt = puncture incision, cf. ponction / PEA = pulseless electrical activity; pulslose elektrische Aktivität (card.) / Péan = (common type of) haemotstatic/artery forceps (named after 19th century French physician) / muscle peaucier = a muscle which inserts into the skin / muscle peaucier du cou = platysma / PEB = proérythroblaste = proerythroblast / PEC = précurseurs (circulants) des cellules endothéliales; précurseurs endothéliaux circulants, see CEPC / troubles pectangieux = heart-related chest pain; angina pectoris; angina / pédicule = pedicle (skin graft, polyp e.g.) / pédiculé = pedicled; pedunculated / pédicure; Pediküre = foot health professional/practitioner (if non-graduate); chiropodist (older, semi-obs. term) / pédicure-podologue = podiatrist (graduate) / pédicurie = foot care; pedicure / PEEP = positief eind-expiratoire druk; positive end-expiratory pressure (rmed.) / PEEPi = intrinsic positive end-expiratory pressure; intrinsiek positie eind-expiratoire druk (rmed.) / pees = tendon / peesknoop = ganglion / peesschede = tendinous sheath / peesschedeontsteking = tendovaginitis / PEF; PEFR = peak expiratory flow (rate); peak flow (highest expiratory flow rate reached during a maximal forced exhalation; normal value 482-722 litres/min.) (rmed.) / PEFV = partial expiratory flow volume (curve) (rmed.) / Peitschenwurm = whipworm; Trichuris trichiura / pektangiöse Beschwerden see pectangieux / PEL = permissible exposure level; permissible exposure limit (USA; OSHA) / pelade = alopecia areata; pelade / comprimé pelliculé = film-coated tablet (pharm.) / pellicule = pellicle (a surface skin); pellicules (plural) = dandruff / pelote = pad (of hernia truss) / pelote métatarsienne = metatarsal pad (pod.) / pelote mycosique = fungus ball (aspergilloma) (rmed.) / Pelotte see pelote / plancher pelvien = pelvic floor (anat.) / PEmax = maximum static expiratory alveolar pressure (rmed.) / Pendelluft = "Pendelluft" (in EN and FR too): continuing redistribution of (trapped) air inside the lungs even though there is no airflow at the mouth (lung function tests, in e.g. pneumothorax) (rmed.) / pendelnder Vorfall = sliding hernia (of intervertebral disc, see also Bandscheibenvorfall) / pénétrance = penetrance (genetics) / PEP = pneumothorax extrapleural =pelotte = metatarsal pad (pod.) extrapleural pneumothorax / per primam intentionem = (wound healing) by first intention / per secundam intentionem = (wound healing) by second intention; by granulation / percussion immédiate = direct percussion / percussion médiate = mediate percussion / (patient) perdu de vue au suivi = (patient) lost to follow-up / date de péremption = expiration date (pharm.) / artère perforante = perforating artery / perfunderen = perfuse (rmed.) / perfusion de = blood supply to / péricarde fibreux = fibrous pericardium / péricarde séreux = serous pericardium / peridural; péridural = epidural (anaesth.) / espaces péri-encéphaliques = cerebrospinal fluid spaces / perifeer = not attached to a teaching hospital (hospital, doctor e.g.) / rééducation périnéale = pelvic floor exercises (gyn.) / periodische Atmung = Cheyne-Stokes respiration; periodic breathing (rmed.) / peristaltiek; péristaltisme = peristalsis / perlschnurartige Verdickung = beaded septum sign (rad./rmed.) / Permanent Commission and International Association on Occupational Health / perméabilité = patency (of blood vessel) / péroné = fibula; perone (anat.) / Peroneusschiene see orthèse anti-équin / peroperativ, peropératoire = intraoperative; peroperative / PERRLA = pupils equal, round, react to light and accommodation / persönliche Autonomie = informational self-determination (bioethics) / perspiration = silicone bleed; silicone sweating (breast implants) / pertes blanches = vaginal discharge; leukorrhoea; fluor albus (gyn.) / perturbation = impairment; defect (e.g. ventilatory) / perturbation endocrinienne = endocrine disruption / PESS = panencéphalite sclérosante subaïgue = subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE) / Pest; peste = (bubonic) plague; (historical) the "Black Death" / peste equine = African horse sickness (vet.) / PET = positron emission tomography / pétard = "joint" (marijuana) / PetCO2 = end-tidal CO2 tension (rmed.) / petit rond = teres minor (muscle) / portion pétreuse (de l'os temporal); os pétreux = petrous portion (of temporal bone); petrous bone (skull) / intoxication pétrolique = kerosene poisoning; pneumopathie pétrolique = kerosene pneumonia / pétrosquameux = petrosquamosal / fièvre peu élevée = mild fever / PF = pulmonary function / Pfanne (anat.) = acetabulum; socket (in a ball-and socket joint, anat.) / PFC = plaque-forming cell (blood) / Pfeiler see Pfeilerzahn and Zahnpfeiler (dent.) / Pfeilerzahn = abutment; abutment tooth (natural or implant, acts as an anchor on either side of the "pontic" in a dental bridge, filling the gap; see also Zahnpfeiler) / Pferdefuß = talipes equinus / Pferdepest see peste equine / PFGE = Pulsfeldgelelektrophorese = pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE-typing; PFGE profiles; PFGE patterns) / PFK = phosphofructokinase / PFT = pulmonary function test (testing) / PFU = plaque-forming unit (blood) / PG = 1. paralysie générale see PGP; 2. prostaglandin / PGA = polyglycolic acid (first synthetic polymer, used circa 1930 for surgical sutures) / PGD = pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (assisted conception) / PGF see PIGF / PGH = pre-implantation genetic haplotyping  (assisted conception) / PGL = persistent generalised lymphadenopathy; persistierende generalisierte Lymphadenopathie / PGO = periodiek geneeskundig onderzoek = routine medical examination; check-up (cf. PMC) / PGP = paralysie générale progressive = general paresis of the insane / PHA = phytohaemagglutinin / Phagozytose = phagocytosis / phalangette = distal phalanx; phalangette / phalangine = middle phalanx; medial phalanx / Phalen's test (muscle and nerve response, in e.g. carpal tunnel syndrome) / pharmacovigilance = post-marketing surveillance (PMS) / Pharmazeut = pharmaceutical chemist / PHCS = Perceived Health Competence Scale = (defined) "a measure of the degree to which an individual feels capable of effectively managing his health outcomes"; "a measure of self-efficacy regarding general health-related behaviour" / phénylcétonurie = phenylketonuria (PKU) / phlébotome = sandfly; Phlebotomus / organe phonateur = organ of speech / phonation = speech (faculty) / phtisie (obsol.) = pulmonary tuberculosis; phthisis (obsol.); consumption (obsol.) (rmed.) / physiologique = physiological; normal (as opposed to pathological) / eau, liquide, solution physiologique = physiological saline, salt solution (aqueous solution of NaCl with osmolality similar to that of blood serum) / Pi = protease inhibitor / PIACT = International Programme for the Improvement of Working Conditions and Environment (ILO; use FR acronym) / pian = yaws; pian / PIC = prior informed consent / Picco® = make of respirator, made by Draeger, France / pickup = thumb forceps (non-locking, look like tweezers) (surg.) / PID = 1. pelvic inflammatory disease (gyn.: NB used interchangeably with "salpingitis", though in other languages salpingitis is inflammation of the fallopian tubes only); 2. pre-implantation diagnosis (reprod. med.) / pie-mère = pia mater, adj."pial" (meninges) / pied forcé = march foot / piepende ademhaling = wheezing / PIF = 1. peak inspiratory flow (rate) (rmed.); 2. prolactin inhibiting factor / PIFR see PIF 1. / pig-bel (New Guinea) see NEC / PIGF = placental growth factor / PIH = pregnancy-induced hypertension / pijnappelklier = pineal body; pineal gland; epiphysis cerebri / pijpbeen = long bone; cylindrical bone / pijpzweer = fistula / follicule pileux = hair follicle / pilier dentaire, see Zahnpfeiler / piliers = arches; pillars (of palate) / piliers du coeur = papillary  muscles of  the  heart / "Pille danach" = morning after pill (contraception) / Pilzarbeiterlunge = mushroom worker's lung / Pilzkrankheiten = mycoses; fungal diseases / Pilzleserlunge see Pilzarbeiterlunge / pied en piolet = congenital convex pes valgus; rocker-bottom foot / PImax = maximum static inspiratory alveolar pressure (rmed.) / pince = clamp; forceps, stapler (surg.) / pince digitale = finger pulse oximeter / pince à hémostase, pince hémostatique = haemostatic forceps, haemostat / pince à hémostase forte = stout haemostat / signe de la pince = Nikolsky's sign (skin lesions) / pince mécanique = stapler / pince mécanique à suture linéaire = linear stapler / pince polli-digitale = precision grip (thumb "pollex" and other fingers, usually index) / pincet = forceps / PIO2 = inspired oxygen tension (rmed.) / Pipettierspritze = syringe pipette (usually with spring-loaded plunger) (microbiol.) / piquants/coupants = (surgical) sharps / piqûre = bite; sting (insect); injection; "jab" / piramidebaan = pyramidal tract; corticospinal tract (nerves) / pisbuis = urethra / PKU = phenylketonurie; phenylketonuria / PL = posterolateral / PL = lung recoil pressure (rmed.) / PLA = 1. ponction de liquide amniotique = amniocentesis; 2. polylactic acid (polymer used as biomaterial for bone plates & pins) / plaatepitheel see Plattenepithel / plaatje (blood) see Plättchen / PLAC = pyramidalis–anterior pubic ligament–adductor longus complex / placards = (skin) plaques (in lupus erythretatosus) / placentaire = placental / plage = area (on X-ray e.g.) / "plakje" = "slice" (tomography) / plan = plane (of body) / plan de morsure = bite plane (dent.) / plan = planus, plana, planum (adj.) / plante = sole (of foot) / plaque = plate (surg. implant) / plaque aréolo-mamelonnaire = areola-nipple complex / plaque motrice = motor end plate (nerves) / facteur d'activation plaquettaire = platelet activating factor (blood) / plaquette = platelet; thrombocyte (blood) / plaquettes de chocolat = "six-pack" (abdominal muscles) (pop.) / plasmaférèse = plasmapheresis (blood) / membrane plasmique = cell membrane / plasmodique = plasmodial / plastie = plasty (usually as suffix, e.g. rhinoplasty) / plastie en Z = Z-plasty / Plate (microbiol.): Petri plate = a Petri dish containing a nutrient medium ready for inoculation with the microorganism to be cultured; a pour plate on to which swabs were plated; a streak plate / ein Plateau erreichen = to level off; to plateau / plateau tibial = tibial plateau / plateau vertebral = intravertebral disc / platine = footplate (of stapes) / platluis = crab louse; Pthirus pubis / Plättchen = platelet; thrombocyte (blood) / Plattenepithel = squamous epithelium: einschichtiges Plattenepithelel = simple squamous epithelium; mehrschichtiges Plattenepithel = stratified squamous epithelium / Plattfuß = flatfoot; pes planus / Platzangst = agoraphobia / plaveiselcelcarcinoom = squamous cell carcinoma / vorzeitige Plazentalösung = placental abruption / PLB = pursed-lip breathing (technique used in e.g. asthma) / PLC = pityriasis lichenoides chronica (derm.) / PLCX = posterolateral circumflex / PLE = polymorphic light eruption; polymorphous light eruption (derm.) / pleinvrees = agoraphobia / pleister = sticking plaster; bandaid / pléthorique = 1. plethoric; ruddy (facial appearance in e.g. polycythaemia); 2. obese / Pleuradruck = pleural pressure (rmed.) / Pleuraerguß = pleural effusion (rmed.) / Pleuraplaques = pleural plaques (rmed.) / pleurapunctie = pleural tap; thoracentesis; pleural fluid aspiration / Pleuraveränderung = pleural change (rmed.) / Pleuraverdickung = pleural thickening (rmed.) / pleurawrijven = pleural rub; pleural friction rubbing / natte pleuritis = pleurisy with effusion; exsudative pleurisy; wet pleurisy (rmed.) / PLGF see PIGF / pli du coude = bend of elbow / plicature = plication; "tuck" (surg.) / bordure plissée = ruffled border (osteoporosis) / PLMO = protéine de liaison avec les molécules odorantes, see OBP / plomb; plombage = (dental) filling; (dental) stopping / maladie des plongeurs = decompression sickness; "the bends" / PLR = posterolateral ramus / Plussymptomatik = positive symptoms (in schizophrenia, e.g. hallucinations, agitation, contrast Minussymptomatik) / PM = personalised medicine / PMC = periodieke medische controle, see PGO / PMF = progressive massive fibrosis (rmed.) / PMH = past medical history / PMI = 1. point of maximum impulse (card., but "apex beat" is preferable); post-mortem interval (forensic med.); 3. protection maternelle et infantile (FR) = maternity and child health services / PML = 1. polymorphonuclear lymphocytes; 2. progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy / PMMA = polymethyl methacrylate; "Perspex" (used as cement to fix bone implants) / PMN = polymorphonuclear neutrophils; neutrophils / PMS = 1. post-marketing surveillance (pharm.); 2. premenstrual syndrome / PMT = premenstrual tension / Pmus = net pressure generated by respiratory muscles (rmed.) / PN = parenteral nutrition / PNBI = placenta non bas inséré, see NBI / PND = prenatal diagnosis / PNEC = predicted no effect concentration (tox.) / pneumallergène; pneumoallergène = aeroallergen;airborne allergen; inhaled allergen / pneumoconiose; pneumoconioses (FR), see pneumoconiosis / pneumoconiose benigne = benign pneumoconiosis (type of pneumoconiosis produced by dusts that are inert) / pneumoconiose rhumatoïde = Caplan's syndrome; rheumatoid pneumoconiosis / pneumoconiose de surcharge = synonym: pneumoconiose benigne / pneumoconiosis: NB English tends to prefer the singular form "pneumoconiosis"as a blanket collective term, where other languages use the plural form ("les pneumoconioses", "Pnemoukoniosen"). The plural form is sometimes found, however: "The pulmonary diseases that result from the inhalation of dust, both organic and inorganic, are known collectively as the pneumoconioses." / pneumoconiotique = pneumoconiotic (lesion e.g.) (rmed.) / pneumocyte = collective term for the alveolar epithelial cells (types I & II alveolar cells). Granular pneumocyte = a type II alveolar cell. Usage: where clear which type of cell is involved, say "type I (or II) (alveolar) cell" rather than pneumocyte; say "type II (alveolar) cell" rather than granular pneumocyte /  nerf pneumogastrique = vagus nerve / einfache Pneumokoniose = simple pneumoconiosis / komplizierte Pneumokoniose = complicated pneumoconiosis / Pneumokoniosen see pneumoconiosis / pneumologie = respiratory medicine, pneumology / pneumologue; pneumoloog = lung specialist; pulmonary physician; respiratory physician; chest physician; pulmonologist (NB "pneumologist" seems to be Canadian usage only, presumably via French) / pneumonie par irradiation see poumon radiothérapique / Pneumozyt see pneumocyte / PNS = peripheral nervous system / PO2 = partial pressure of oxygen; oxygen tension (rmed.) / POA = paraosteoarthropathy (also PAO) / POAD = peripheral occlusive arterial disease, see PAD / POBA = plain old balloon angioplasty (placement of a balloon only, without stents, atherectomy, etc. NB this sounds like a slang expression but is not) / POC = proof of concept (pharm., R&D) / poche façonnée = bespoke bag; tailor-made bag (parenteral nutrition) / Pocken = smallpox; variola (major) / POCT = point-of-care testing (refers to tests performed at the patient's bedside rather than in the laboratory) / POD = postoperative day / podologie = podiatry / poids de graisse = total body fat / poids maigre = lean body mass / "point noir" = "blackhead"; comedo (derm.) / poire = squeeze bulb (apparatus) / centre anti-poisons = poison control centre / World Association of Clinical Toxicology and Poison Control Centres (unconfirmed) / pokken see Pocken / "poli" (NL) see polikliniek / policlinique; polikliniek; Poliklinik: a centre where treatment but not ongoing care is given; often equivalent to an out-patients' department, minor injuries unit etc. NB poli- is not the same as poly- here: see also polyclinique / Pollakisuria; Pollakiurie = urinary frequency / Pollution = nocturnal emission; "wet dream" / Polstervene see Drosselvene 2. / Poltern = cluttering; tachyphemia (speech disorder) / polyarthrite chronique évolutive; polyarthrite rhumatoïde; Polyarthritis see RA / Polychemotherapie = combination chemotherapy / polyclinique = general hospital, see also policlinique / polyglobulia = polycythaemia / polymyomateux = containing multiple fibroids (uterus, e.g.) / polynucéaires neutrophiles = neutrophils / polyradiculonévrite curable = acute febrile polyneuritis; acute idiopathic polyneuritis / polytop = multifocal (lesions of CNS in e.g. MS, contrast monotop) / pompe musculaire respiratoire = respiratory pump / ponction = 1. puncture (of skin prior to surgical intervention or insertion of catheter or probe); 2. biopsy (needle biopsy; aspiration biopsy; tap) (removal of a tissue sample for analysis) / ponction biopsie see ponction 2 / ponction biopsie hépatique = liver biopsy / ponction blanche see ponction sèche / ponction lombaire = lumbar puncture; spinal tap; rachiocentesis / ponction sèche = "dry tap" / surcharge pondérale = obesity; condition of being overweight / pontage coronaire = coronary bypass / PONV = post-operative nausea and vomiting / "poor man's coke" = methamphetamine; "meth" (narc.) / poortader = portal vein / "pootje" = podagra; gouty toe / poumon/maladie du travailleur du pop-corn = popcorn lung (bronchiolitis obliterans) / "poppers" = amyl nitrite or butyl nitrite (if used as recreational drugs also known as: locker room; snappers / porphyrines érythrocytaires = erythrocytic protoporphyrins, erythrocyte protoporphyrins / portage = 1. carrying (of e.g. fungal infection); 2. delivery service (medicines delivered to patient at home, or from hospital pharmacy to hospital inpatient) / porte (adj.) = portal / portio = cervix (uteri) / Portweinfleck = port-wine stain, see haemangioma / position gynécologique = lithotomy position (gyn.) / position respiratoire moyenne = mean respiratory level / positon syn. for positron / posologie = dosage (instructions) (pharm.) / postfixer = to postfix (cell cultures, microbiol.) / Postgenomik = postgenomics / hormone post-hypophysaire = posterior pituitary hormone / postoperative Übelkeit und Erbrechen see PONV / potentialiser = potentiate (effects) / Potenz = potential (of a substance to be toxic) / potion = draught (pharm.) / pouls d'oxygène = oxygen pulse / poumon d'acier = iron lung (rmed.) / poumon cardique = cardiac lung / poumon évanescent = vanishing lung (rad.) / poumon noyé = wet lung (rmed.) / poumon radiothérapique = radiation pneumonitis (rad./rmed.) / Poupinel = dry heat sterilizer (180oC, for glass and metal items) / poussées fébriles = (bouts, attacks of) feverishness / poussées thermiques = facial flushing / pox = syphilis (obsol.) / pp = postprandial / PPA = 1. peste porcine africaine = African swine fever (vet.); 2. phenylpropanolamine (pharm.) / ppbv = parts per billion by volume (NB British usage may be "pp thousand million bv") / PPD = 1. phenyl phosphorodiamidate (urease inhibitor); 2. purified protein derivative / PPE = personal protective equipment (OSH) / PPE:IX = protoporphyrin content of the erythrocytes / PPH = postpartum haemorrhage (gyn.) / PPIN = ventilation en pression positive intermittente nasale, see NIPPV / Ppl = pleural surface pressure (rmed.) / PPLO = pleuropneumonia-like organisms / ppmv = parts per million by volume / PPP = platelet-poor plasma / pPROM = preterm premature rupture of the (foetal) membrane (gyn.) / PPS = pentosan polysulphate (experimental blood-thinning drug) / PPSB = prothrombin-proconvertin-Stuart-B (blood) / pptv = parts per trillion by volume / PPV = positive predictive value (tests) / PQRST = complex of waves on an ECG: "the principal deflection in the ECG representing ventricular depolarization". (Stedman) The first wave, which is usually upright but may be inverted is called the P wave, representing atrial contraction. The next wave, the Q wave, is a small downward deflection, followed by an upright deflection known as the R wave, with a further downward deflection, the S wave. The QRS complex represents ventricular contraction and its duration represents the time taken for the wave of excitation to spread through the ventricle... All the waves together make up the PQRST deflections. (ITI)  / PR see PAR 1. / plaques en prairie fauchée (secondary syphilis): EN authors use the FR expression in quotes; defined: erythematous patches in the middle of the dorsal surface of the tongue, completely denuded of epithelium, after the papillae become inflamed and hypertrophied, and then fall off leaving a bare surface, like a mown field in the middle of a prairie. Expression coined by Fench venereologist Jean Alfred Fournier (1832-1914) / Präservativ = condom / predikative Gentests = predictive gene testing / prélever = sample (general); harvest (cells) / prématurité (gyn./obstet.): prématurité extrême; grande prématurité; prématurité moyenne, voire tardive: see entries under preterm / prénarcose = premedication; "premed" (anaesth.) / presbytie = presbyopia; long-sightedness of middle and old age / pression capillaire pulmonaire = pulmonary artery wedge pressure (rmed.) / présure = rennet (culinary form of chymosin or rennin - NB not to be confused with renin) / preterm (gyn./obstet.) = often synonymous in colloquial use with premature, but there is a difference. Preterm describes time – a preterm baby is one born before the end of the 37th week of gestation. Premature describes function – a premature baby is one born before its organs are fully developed. Most preterm babies are also premature, but a full-term baby may technically be premature. The WHO defines preterm births as follows: extremely preterm – born before 28 weeks / very preterm – born after 28 weeks but before 32 weeks / moderate to late preterm – born after 32 weeks but before 27 weeks. / prevalence (rate) (epidem.): number of cases of a disease present in a population at one point in time (= number of existing cases divided by total population); contrast incidence = number of new cases of a disease ocurring in a certain period (number of new cases divided by population at risk) / prévention: in English cannot usually be rendered simply as "prevention", but needs to be qualified as e.g. "disease prevention", "accident prevention"; in an occupational context English would often prefer "occupational safety and health"; "OSH" / priemworm = pinworm; seatworm (Enterobius ventricularis) / Priessnitzverband = Priessnitz dressing / prikkel = 1. stimulus; 2. irritant / prikkelbaardaarmsyndroom = irritable bowel syndrome (IBS); spastic colon / prikkelbaarheid = irritability, excitability (card.) / Primärheilung = healing by first intention / primary standards: "... pollutant concentrations felt to be acceptable from a health standpoint (the primary standards) and those supportive of acceptable aesthetics (the secondary standards) were ultimately established" / primigeste = primigravida / primitif = (defined) occurring in a previously normal organ or site / principes actifs = active principles (pharm.) / PRINCIPLE = Platform Randomised Trial of Treatments in the Community for Endemic and Pandemic Illnesses (Univ. Oxford; / prion = "smallest infectious agent known, consisting of proteins, lacks genetic material in the form of nucleic acids" / vaccination prise = vaccination successful (certificate of vaccination e.g.) / prise en charge = management (of patient); reimbursement (of healthcare costs by insurer) / délai de prise en charge = time between cessation of exposure to risk and first diagnosis (legal concept applied when deciding whether an accident or illness is occupationally caused) / programme de prise en charge = DMP / prise d'oxygéne = oxygen uptake (rmed.) / prise de sang = (taking of a) blood sample / nombre de prises = number of times a medicament is taken per day / Privinismus = drug-induced rhinitis; rhinitis medicamentosa (from e.g. protracted use of decongestant nasal sprays) / PRK = photorefractive keratectomy (eye surgery) / PRN; p.r.n. = pro re nata = as needed; when required (dosage, "PRN medicines") / Probang-gerät = Probang (vet.) / Probeexzision = excisional biopsy / procidence = prolapse; procidentia / procréation médicale assistée = assisted conception (gyn.) / procubitus = procubitus = prone, see decubitus / proefexcisie see Probeexzision / progestageen; progestatif see Gestagen / progressive Myopathie = muscular dystrophy / prolabé = prolapsed / prolongement = process (anat.) / prolongement axillaire du sein = axillary tail of the breast / Propfschizophrenia = engrafted schizophrenia (Kraepelin, 1919) / Propulsiv-Petit mal see BNS / prosencéphale = prosencephalon; forebrain / Prostataadenom see BPH / protéase = proteolytic enzyme / protection maternelle et infantile = maternity and child health care services / Proteid; protéide; proteïde see protein 2. ("proteid" exists in English but is not used - translate as "protein") / protein = 1. simple protein; globular protein (e.g. albumins, globulins); 2. conjugated protein; compound protein (in which a protein molecule is united with a non-protein molecule, e.g. lipoproteins, haemoglobin, mucin) / proteinchemisch = protein chemical / protidique = protein (adj.) / protocole opératoire = surgical protocol / protubérance annulaire = pons (cerebelli); bridge of Variolus (brain) / protubérantiel = pontine (brain) / Prozess, e.g. Weichteilprozess = (soft tissue) mass, lesion, growth / PRP = platelet-rich plasma; plättchenreiches Plasma / PRPP = phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate / PRRS = porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (vet.) / PRS = recoil pressure of total respiratory system (rmed.) / PRV = polycythaemia rubra vera; primary polycythaemia / PS = prise de sang = bood test / PSA = 1. persönliche Schutzausrüstung = personal protective equipment (PPE) (OSH); 2. prostate-specific antigen / pseudocoarctation = kinking; buckling (aorta) / psittacose = psittacosis; "parrot fever" (rmed.) / PSP = paralytic shellfish poisoning; poison / PSR = pulmonary stretch receptors (rmed.) / P4SR = predicted 4-hour sweat rate / PSS see PESS / psychofarmaca = psychoactive drugs; antipsychotic drugs / psychothérapie déléguée = (suggestion) referred psychotherapy (exclusively Swiss term: the Federal Health Insurance Act stipulates how the doctor refers the patient for it, who bears the cost, etc.) / psychomotricien = psychomotor therapist (largely European and US term, seems not to be used in UK); rehabilitation therapist (?equates most closely to a cognitive behavioural therapist) / pt = platelets / PT = prothrombin time (test of blood coagulation, measured in seconds or, in France e.g., as a percentage against a control - taux de prothrombine = prothrombin ratio (defined: the prothrombin time for a patient, divided by the result for control plasma) / PTA = 1. prior to admission; 2. prothromboplastin antecedent (blood, = Factor XI) / PTBS = posttraumatische Belastungsstörung, see PTSD, PTSS / PTC = plasma thromboplastin component (blood, = Factor IX) / PTCA = percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (first performed 1977) / PTG = prothèse totale du genou = total knee replacement; total knee arthroscopy (TKA) / PTH = parathyroid hormone / PTN = pression et température normales = normal temperature and pressure / ptose = sagging / PTS = permanent threshold shift (hearing) / PTSD = post-traumatic stress disorder / PTSS = post-traumatic stress syndrome, syn. PTSD / PTT = partial thromboplastin time, see APTT / PTTK = partial  thromboplastin time with kaolin, see APTT / PTU = protéines totales urinaires, see TUP / PTV = planning target volume (radiotherapy) / PTWI = provisional total weekly intake (WHO/FAO) / PTX = pneumothorax (rmed.) / pubère = pubescent / puce à ADN = biochip; gene array; DNA chip; DNA microarray / PUFA = polyunsaturated fatty acid / Puffer (D) = shock absorber (joints); buffer (chem./pharm.) / puffer (EN) = aerosol inhaler / "pink puffer" = emphysema patient (visual aspect and breathing pattern; contrast the chronic bronchitic, who is a "blue bloater") / PUI = person under investigation (epidem.) / pulmonale arterielle Hypertonie = pulmonary arterial hypertension (rmed.) / pulmonaler kapillärer Verschlußdruck = pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (rmed.) / Pulsader = artery / pulsduur = pulse width; pulse duration (laser surgery) / pulsation cardiaque = heartbeat / pulsion sexuelle = sex drive / pulsotypage see PFGE / PUM = person under monitoring (epidem.) / punctie see ponction / punktförmig = "spot" (irradiation); nodular (opacity) (rad./rmed.) / punktförmige Blutung; puntvormige bloeding see rosée sanglante / Punktion see ponction / Punktmutation = point mutation (genetics) / opacité pustuleuse = blotchy opacity (rad./rmed.) / PUVA = treatment for psoriasis (combination of drug psoralen with ultraviolet light A) / PV = 1. predictive value (tests); 2. pressure-volume (curve) (rmed.) / PVC = 1. prélèvement de villosités choriales see CVS; 2. premature ventricular contraction (card.; see VPB) / PvCO2 mixed venous PCO2: P = mixed, v = venous (rmed.) / PVD = peripheral vascular disease, see PAD / PVE = prosthetic valve endocarditis / PVS = 1. persistent vegetative state (NB not to be confused with minimally conscious state or coma); 2. petite veine saphène, see SSV / Pw = chest wall recoil pressure (rmed.) / PWC = peak working capacity (erg.) / Px = physical examination / bacille pyocyanique = Pseudomonas aeruginosa / Pyramidenbahn see piramidebaan / PZP = pharmazeutisches Zwischenprodukt - pharmaceutical intermediate / PZS = perifere zenuwstelsel see PNS /

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Last updated: 20 September 2024
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