Glossary of Medical Terms, Abbreviations & Symbols
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f = respiratory frequency; breathing frequency, see RF / FAB = functional aerobic impairment (card.) / fabulations = confabulations (neurol.) / facette = mortise (point of articulation between 2 bones) / Facettengelenk = facet joint; facet (spine, anat.) / faciès figé = masklike facies (Parkinsonism e.g.) / à façon = bespoke; tailor-made / FACS = fluorescence-activated cell sorting (machine is called a sorter) / facteur de transfert (du CO) = transfer factor; (TLCO) (rmed.) / Fadenwurm = threadworm / faisceau de His = bundle of His (card.) / erythrocyte falciforme = sickle cell; drepanocyte / Falldefinition = criterion (D law, notifiable diseases) / tétrade de Fallot = tetralogy of Fallot; Fallot's tetralogy / Fallsucht = epilepsy / Faltenhaut = cutis laxa; chalazodermia; chalastodermia; dermatochalasis; dermatochalazia / familiär = familial / Fangschlaufe = snare (surg.) / fantôme = phantom (med. imaging) / FAP = familial adenomatous polyposis (bowel cancer) / Färbeindex = mean corpuscular haemoglobin (MCH) / Farbenblindheit see Farbenfehlsichtigkeit / Farbenfehlsichtigkeit = colour vision defectiveness; dichromasy (NB complete colour blindness, whereby only black, white and shades of grey are distinguished, is called monochromatism or achromotopsia. "Colour blindness" popularly refers to the inability to distinguish between certain colours, notably red-green) / farbsinnschwach = colour-defective (of person) / Farbstoffausschlußtest = dye exclusion test (microbiol.) / Farmer-Lunge = farmer's lung (rmed.) / Faserjahr see Feinstaubjahr / Faserknorpelring = annulus fibrosus (intervertebral disc) / FASI = Fachkräfte für Arbeitssicherheit = works safety experts (OSH) / FAST = Face-Arm-Speech Test (diagnosing strokes) / Fast-Track-(Behandlungs)konzept see ERAS and ERP (surg.) / Faulbrand = wet gangrene / Faulecke = perlèche; angular cheilosis / Fäulnis = putrescence / fausse couche = spontaneous abortion; miscarriage / fausses reconnaissances = perceptual distortion (neurol.) / fausse route = false passage (created by trauma/disease) / faux = falx / pince à faux germes see Abortuszange (faux germe = obs. term for blighted ovum) / fave = favus; honeycomb ringworm; tinea favosa / FBC = full blood count (UK and British-influenced usage; US prefers "complete blood count", see blood count) / FC = fréquence cardiaque see HR / FCA = Freund's complete adjuvant / FCM = fièvre catarrhale du mouton = bluetongue (BT) (vet.) / FCS = foetal calf serum (microbiol.) / FCV = feline calcivirus (vet.) / FDA = Food and Drug Administration (USA) / FCD = fixed-dose combination (pharm.) / FCXM = flow cytometry cross-matching (transplantation) / FDI = Fédération Dentaire Internationale = World Dental Federation (founded Paris 1900, based Geneva; English uses the FR acronm) / FDIU = foetal death in utero, synonym IUFD / FDP = fibrinogen fibrin degradation products (blood) / FE = fractional expired (gas concentration: expressed as FEO2, FECO2) (rmed.) / fébricule = febricula / FECO2 see FE / FEF = 1. forced expiratory flow: in 4 parts, together comprising the forced expiratory volume in a forced vital capacity manoeuvre. Thus usually expressed as FEF25, FEF50, FEF75. FEF25-75 (measured over the 2 middle quarters ) is known as forced mid-expiratory flow, or maximum mid-expiratory flow (MMF); FEF75-85% is known as forced end-expiratory flow (rmed.); 2. free erythrocytic protoporphyrins (blood) / FEFmax see PEF / Fehldeutung = misdiagnosis / Fehlgeburt = spontaneous abortion; miscarriage, see also Schwangerschaftsunterbrechung / Fehlsichtigkeit = optical defect; defect of vision / Fehlwirt = accidental host (parasites) / Feigwarze = 1. genital wart; condyloma acuminatum; 2. flat condyloma; condyloma latum (syphilis) / feinblasiges Rasselgeräusch see adventitious breath sounds / Feinhörigkeit = hyperacusis / Feinstaubjahr: a measure of cumulative dust exposure in mines - the airborne concentration in mg/m3 measured over 220 8-hour shifts x number of years of exposure. For asbestos there is a parallel unit "Faserjahr". See also Staub. / Felsenbein = petrous bone / femme en âge de procréer = woman of child-bearing age / FEO2 see FE / Feld = zone (of lung) (rad./rmed.) / FER = forced expiratory ratio, see FEV1 / Ferment = enzyme (rare, obs.) / maladie du fermier = farmer's lung (rmed.) / Fernmetastasen = distant metastases (cancer) / anémie ferriprive = iron deficiency (adj.); sideropenic anaemia / Fersenbein = heel bone; calcaneus / Fersenkeil = heel wedge; sehr weicher Fersenkeil = cushion heel (prostheses) / Fersen-Zehen-Gang see Hacken-Zehen-Gang / Fertigarzneimittel = proprietary drug; properietary medicinal product / fessier = gluteal / festonnage; festonnement = leafing; scalloping (rad./rmed.) / Feststellung = lock (prostheses) / FET = forced expiratory time (rmed.) / Fettbürzel an der Herzspitze = pericardial fat pad / Fettgeschwülst = lipoma / Fettgewebe = adipose tissue, fatty tissue / Fettherz = fatty heart / Fettleber = fatty liver / Fettleibigkeit see Fettsucht / Fettmark = yellow (bone) marrow; medulla ossium flava / Fettsucht = obesity / Fettsuchtchirurgie see Adipositaschirurgie / fétuine = alpha-foetoprotein (AFP) (gyn./obst.) / feuchtes Rasselgeräusch see adventitious breath sounds / Feuermal see haemangioma / Feuersteinleber = brimstone liver (congenital syphilis) / feuillet = folium; leaflet; cell layer (gen. anat.) / feuilleté = laminated (derm.) / feuillètement  = leafing; scalloping (rad./rmed.) / feut = foetus / FEV = forced expiratory volume (usually timed - FEVt - and representing a proportion of FVC. The commonest parameter is FEV1, a measure of lung obstruction, see FEV1) (rmed.) / FEV1 = forced expiratory volume in 1 second (the volume of gas expired during the first second of an FVC manoeuvre; normal value 2.9-4.7 litres. Absolute FEV1 is of little clinical use. The commoner FEV parameter is "relative" FEV1. This is FEV1 as a % of FVC, sometimes called the "forced expiratory ratio" (FER) or the Tiffeneau Index, but usually shown simply as the formula "FEV1/FVC" or "FEV1/FVC x 100"; normal value 63-92%. NB German also calls it the "Atemstosswert") (rmed.) / FEVT = FEV total (syn. of  FVC) / FGF = fibroblast growth factor / FGG = Fingergrundgelenk, see MCP / fibres alimentaires = dietary fibre / tissu fibreux = fibrous tissue / fibrillo-flutter = flutter-fibrillation (card.) / fibrogen = fibrogenic (rmed.) / fibrome = fibroma; (uterine) fibroid; leimyoma / fibroscope = fibrescope, fibreoptic endoscope) / Fibroseentstehung = fibrogenesis / FIC = forced inspiratory capacity, see IC / fiche d'irradiation = exposure record sheet: document kept centrally by employer, cf. carnet d'irradiation / FID = fosse iliaque droite = right iliac fossa (RIF) / FIE = feline infectious enteritis (vet.) / Fieberbläschen = coldsore; herpes simplex / Fieberkurve = temperature chart (hospital record) / Fieberzacken = bouts of fever / fièvre aphtheuse = foot and mouth disease (vet.) / fièvre bilieuse hémoglobinurique = Blackwater fever / fièvre charbonneuse see anthrax 2 / fièvre de l'escargot see snail fever / fièvre scarlatine = scarlet fever; scarlatina / FIF = forced inspiratory flow (rmed.) / fifth disease = erythema infectiosum ("... the peirvo viruses 5- organisms which cause "slapped cheek" or fifth disease. This usually affects children and is often incorrectly diagnosed as typical German measles or a feeding rash. It attacks in 2 stages: in the first phase the child is generally unwell and suffering from mild flu-like symptoms; at this time the virus is affecting the bone marrow and interfering with red cell production. In the second stage the bone marrow recovers but the patient develops a rash which is red and maculopapular (hence the term slapped cheek), and fleeting joint pains.") / FIG = fosse iliaque gauche = left iliac fossa (LIF) / éléments figurés = formed elements (of blood) / fijt = whitlow; felon; paronychia (derm.) / filariose = filariasis / filet efférent = efferent neurone / Filiae = metastases; "secondaries" / Filialisierung = metastasis / filiation = (cell) linear relationship / Filmleseversuch = reading trial (radiographs) / Filmtablette = film-coated tablet (pharm.) / Filzlaus = crab louse; Pthirus pubis / FIM = factor inhibiting leukocyte migration / Fimbrientrichter = fimbriated extremity; fimbriated infundibulum (gyn.) / anatomie fine = minute anatomy / Fingerbeer = finger pad / Fingerkuppe see Fingerbeer / Finne = 1. bladder worm; cysticercus (tapeworm); 2. papule (acne) / FIOSH = Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (D, based Dortmund; for D name see BAuA) / FISH = fluorescent in situ hybridisation (genetics) / fission track counting (method of biological monitoring) / Fistelstimme = falsetto / FIV = 1. fécondation in vitro = in vitro fertilisation (IVF); 2. feline immunodeficiency virus (vet.); 3. forced inspiratory volume (rmed.) / FIVt = forced inspiratory volume, timed (rmed.) / FIV1 = forced inspiratory volume in 1 second (rmed.) / FIVETE = fécondation in vitro et transfert d'embryons = IVF and embryo transfer / fixateur = fixative (cell cultures) / Fixer (D) = drug user; "junkie" / Fixerstraße = needle tracks (pop.) / FKDS = farbkodierte Doppler-Sonografie, see CFI / fladderthorax = flail chest / flambée épidémique = outbreak / Flaschenzugnaht = far-near/near-far suture; pulley suture / "Flat-of-the-curve" medicine: applications of health care resources yielding no discernible or valuable health benefit (USA: source: BMJ) / Flattern = flutter (card.) / flauwvallen = faint / fléchissage = loss; weakening (muscle tone e.g.) / Fleckfieber = typhus; spotted fever / flessum see flexum / plan de flexion = plane of flexion / flexueux = flexuose / flexum = flexion contracture; flexion deformity (joints) / Fliegenpilz = fly agaric; Amanita muscaria / Flimmerepithel = ciliated epithelium / Flimmern = fibrillation (card.) / flitslampgepompd = flash lamp pumped (dye laser) /  floculation = flocculation  / flüchtig = transient (e.g. TIA) / Flügelfell = pterygium (eye) / fluoration = fluoridation (water supply) / FM = food-to-microorganisms (Factor FM; also called "the organic loading rate") / FMD = foot and mouth disease (vet.) / FMF = forced mid-expiratory flow (rmed.) / FMFT = forced expiratory flow time (rmed.) / FMH = Federatio Medicorum Helveticorum / FMP = fibrose massive progressive = progressive massive fibrosis (PMF) / FNA = 1. fine needle aspiration (biopsy); 2. Formularium der Nederlandse Apothekers / FNB = Feinnadelbiopsie see FNA / FO = fond de l'oeil = fundus oculi / FOB = faecal occult blood (test) / foetus (defined: 3 months to birth) / foie cardiaque; foie de choc = shock liver; ischaemic heptatitis; hypoxic hepatitis / fokaler Anfall = partial seizure; (older term) focal seizure (epilepsy) / Folgeerkrankung = sequela(e); secondary disease / Folgestrang = lagging strand (genetics) / foliumzuur = folic acid / Follikelpunktion = ovum pick-up (fertility) / Follikelsprung = rupture of follicle (gyn.) / follikulotropes Hormon = follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) / Folsäure = folic acid / perturbation fonctionnelle = functional impairment; functional disorder (rmed.) / test fonctionnel see EFR (rmed.) / fond de l'oeil = ocular fundus; fundus of the eye / fongostatique = fungistatic / émission fontaine = "squirting" (gyn./sex) / femme fontaine = "squirter" (gyn./sex) / fonte musculaire = loss of muscle tone / fonte osseuse = softening of bony tissue / forced expiratory ratio see FEV1 / fortpflanzungsgefährdend = toxic to reproduction; repro-toxic / Fortsatz = 1. process (bone.); 2. (cytoplasmic) tail / fosse infraclaviculaire = infraclavicular fossa / foudroyant = fulminant / fourchette = fourchette; posterior commissure of the labia (gyn.) / fourmillement = pins and needles; tingling; formication (neur.); (in legs) "restless legs" / foyer = cluster, hotspot (epidem.) / lunettes à double foyer = bifocals (ophth.) / à foyer ouvert = open-reduction (fractures) / FR = fréquence respiratoire see RF (rmed.) / fracas see fracture esquilleuse / fracas facial = facial smash (fractures) / fracture en baïonette see fracture en dos de fourchette / fracture en bois vert = greenstick fracture / fracture du col fémoral = hip fracture (it is always the neck of the femur that is broken, never the femur itself) / fracture en dos de fourchette = Colles' fracture; silver fork fracture / fracture par engrenage; fracture engrenée = impacted fracture / fracture esquilleuse = comminuted fracture / fracture de fatigue = stress fracture / fracture fermé = closed fracture; simple fracture / fracture ouverte = open fracture; compound fracture / fracture de Pouteau-Colles = Colles' fracture / fracture tassement cunéiforme = wedge compression fracture / fracture tassement en galette = burst fracture / fracture tassement vertébral = vertebral compression fracture / fractuur see also breuk / Fraktur search for Bruch / framboos = strawberry mark; strawberry naevus (not raspberry NB!), see haemangioma / Frambösie = yaws; framboesia / frambozentong = raspberry tongue; red strawberry tongue (scarlet fever) / frange = frimbia (adj. frimbiated) / Fräse = rongeur (for soft tissues) (surg.) / Frauenheilkunde = gynaecology / FRC = functional residual capacity; functioneel residuaal capaciteit (air remaining at the end of a normal quiet respiration, the resting end-expiratory volume of the lung) (rmed.) / frein = frenulum / Fremdgas = marker gas; indicator gas; non-resident gas (e.g. helium in lung function tests) / Fremdstoffmetabolismus = xenbiotic metabolism / frémissement = thrill (card.) / French glue see GRF / fréquence de fusion critique = critical fusion frequency (definition of fusion frequency: "frequency of succession of retinal images above which their differences of luminosity or colour are no longer perceptible."  / Freßsucht = bulimia / Freudiaanse vergissing = Freudian slip / frileux; frileuse (of person) = cold-sensitive / frilosité = cold sensitivity / frissons = chills / frissons solennels (synonym grands frissons; gros frissons = shaking chills; rigors / froid = elective (procedure, as opposed to 'chaud' = emergency) / FROM = full range of motion (physical therapy) / fronde = sling (orth. and e.g. as internal prolapse support) / Frostbeule = chilblain / Frostgangrän = (deep) frostbite / frottement pleural = pleural rub; pleural friction rubbing / frottis = smear (cytol.) / Fruchtblase = 1. gestational sac; foetal membranes (amnion + chorion); 2. amniotic sac (amnion) (obst.) / fruchtschädigend = embryotoxic; teratogenic; toxic to reproduction / Fruchttod = intrauterine death / Fruchtwasser = amniotic fluid; liquor amnii / Frühchen = "preemie" (colloq.), see preterm / frühgeboren = preterm (obstet.): extrem frühgeboren = extremely preterm; sehr frühgeboren = very preterm. For WHO definitions see preterm  / unreife Frühgeborene = immature preterms, see preterm / Frühgeburtlichkeit = preterm delivery; state of being a "preterm" (obstet.), see preterm / FS = frozen section (done intraoperatively, for immediate confirmation of a diagnosis, or alternatively because the tissue sampled is not suitable for paraffin embedding. So the imperative is usually, but not always, one of speed.) / fsa = fiat secundum artem = à faire selon les règles de l'art = kunstgerecht machen; volgens voorschrift = (instruction on medical prescription) to be done in accordance with the rules of the art; (less formally) properly; in the accepted manner / FSF = fibrin stabilising factor (blood) / FSH = follicle stimulating hormone; follikelstimulerend hormoon / FSME = Frühsommer-Meningoenzephalitis = see TBE / FUC = fractional uptake coefficient (rmed.) / functional residual capacity see FRC (rmed.) / Fünfte-Krankheit see fifth disease / funktionelle Residualkapazität = functional residual capacity, see FRC (rmed.) / Funktionsstörung = functional impairment; loss of function; impaired function / furoncle = boil; furuncle / FURSL see KIDNEY STONES / poison de fuseau; poison fusorial see Spindelgift / Fußheberparese = foot drop, see Spitzfuß / Fußpuls = foot pulse / soins FV = soins fin de vie = end-of-life care / FVC = 1. forced vital capacity (volume of a maximal exhalation performed as rapidly as possible following maximal inhalation to total lung capacity; normal value ± 4-6 litres. NB see also VC, which is not timed, and FEV1 ) (rmed.); 2. functional volume capacity (rmed.) / FVL = flow volume loop (rmed.) / Fx = fracture /

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