Glossary of Medical Terms, Abbreviations & Symbols
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OA = 1. osteoarthritis; 2. osteoarthrosis / OAB = overactive bladder (syn. hypertonic bladder, hyperactive bladder) / OAD = oblique antérieure droite see RAO / OAG = oblique antérieure gauche see LAO / OAP = oncovin, ara-C and prednisone (cancer chemotherapy) / OAR = organes à risque = organs at risk (radiotherapy) / oB (usually as o.B.) = ohne Befund = normal; unremarkable; NAD / Obduktion = autopsy (with dissection, syn. innere Leichenschau) / Obduzent = pathologist conducting an autopsy / O-been; O-Beine = bowleg; genu varum / leitender Oberarzt = lead consultant; senior consultant / Oberbauch = epigastrium; regio epigastrica / Oberflächenaktivität = surface activity (rmed.) / Oberflächenfilm see oberflächliches Agens / Oberflächenkarzinom = carcinoma in situ (CIS) / Oberflächenspannung = surface tension (rmed.) / oberflächliches Agens = pulmonary surfactant; lung surfactant / Obergeschoß = superior pole (kidney) / Oberhaut = epidermis / Oberlappen = upper lobe (lung) / Oberschenkelknochen = femur; thighbone / Objektträger = slide (microscopy) / objet-test = test type; optotype (ophth.) / muscle grand oblique de l'abdomen = external abdominal oblique muscle / muscle petit oblique de l'abdomen = internal abdominal oblique muscle / OBP = odorant-binding protein; odourant-binding protein / obstipatie; Obstipation = (severe or intractable) constipation (ICD-10 heading K59.0 gives simply "constipation") / obstructif; obstruktiv = obstructive (lung disease) / obturation dentaire = (dental) filling; (dental) stopping / obus gazeux = gas bottle; gas cylinder (rmed.) / occlusion intestinale = bowel obstruction; intestinal obstruction; ileus / OCT = 1. optical coherence tomography; 2. ornithine carbamyl transferase / OD = 1. oculus dexter; oeil droite = right eye; 2. overdose (narc.) / ODA = 1. on day of admission; 2. operating department assistant (formerly "theatre technician") / ODR = oxygen diffusion rate (rmed., blood gases) / OED = Observatoire européen des drogues see EMCDD (EU) / OeHD = Ösophageale hernia diaphragmatica = hiatus hernia; hiatal hernia (either the commoner type I = sliding hiatal hernia or type II = paraoesophageal hernia) / oeil de perdrix = soft corn; heloma molle (foot) / oerdiertje = protozoon; (plural protozooa) / OES = occupational exposure standard (chiefly UK) / for entries beginning OESO- check also (US) ESO- / oestroprogestatif = oestrogen-progesterone oral contraceptive; combination pill; combined pill / oeuf clair = blighted ovum (gyn.) / officinal; offizinell = officinal (1. of drug dispensed from pharmacy stocks, not to a special prescription; 2. of drug listed in national pharmacopoeia) / ÖGD = Ösophago-Gastro-Duodenoskopie = oesophagogastroduodenoscopy / OGE = organes génitaux externes = external genitalia / OGTT = oral glucose tolerance test (diabetes) / OHB = oxygénothérapie hyperbarique see HBOT / OHCA = out-of-hospital cardiac arrest / OHE = Office of Health Economics (UK) / OHL = orifices herniaires libres = hernial orifices normal / Ohrenschmalz = earwax; cerumen / ohrfern = distant; dull (rmed.: heard over air-filled areas of the lung; contrast ohrnah) / ohrnah = loud, sharp (rmed: sounding close to the ear, as in a consonating rale, heard over consolidated tissue; contrast ohrfern) / Ohrensausen = tinnitus; ringing in the ears / Ohrtrompete = Eustachian tube; tuba auditoria / OI = ostéogenèse imparfait = osteogenesis imperfecta (genetic defect) / OIE = Office International des Epizooties (based Paris: NB only the FR name and acronym seem official (OIE web site)), seen in EN as International Office of Epizootics, but International Office of Epizootic Diseases (used in EU legislation) seems preferable as a title / O-K-methode = rhythm method; Ogino-Knaus method (contraception) / okselholte = axilla; armpit / OL = oculus laevus = left eye / olifantsziekte = elephantiasis / oligospermie = oligospermia; low sperm count / à bout olivaire = olive-tipped (e.g. bougie) / olive bulbaire = inferior olive; oliva medullae oblongata (brain) / olive cérébelleuse = dentate nucleus (brain) / OLTX = orthotopic liver transplantation / ombre = opacity; shadow (rad.) / OMC = oedème maculaire cystoïde: "formation de cavités - logettes - au sein de la couche rétinienne plexiforme externe (couche des fibres de Henlé), et/ou dans la couche granuleuse interne. Ces logettes sont disposées en rayon de roue, avec parfois une logette centrale"; see CMO / OMD = oedème maculaire diabétique, see DMO / omloop = 1. circulation (blood); 2. whitlow; felon; paronychia (derm.); 3. rash (derm.) / omnipracticien = general practitioner (GP) / omoplate = scapula; shoulder blade / OMS = 1. organic mental syndrome; 2. Organisation Mondiale de la Santé = World Health Organisation (WHO) / omzetting = metabolisation / o.n.A. = ohne nähere Angabe see NOS (ICD-10) / onchocercose = onchocerciasis / clinical oncologist (defined): specialises in radiotherapy, cf. medical oncologist who specialises in chemotherapy / oncompliceerd = closed; simple (fracture) / ondelette fille = daughter wavelet (card.) / onderbuik = hypogastrium / onderhoudsdosis = maintenance dose / onderhuid = hypodermis; subcutis; tela subcutanea / onderkaak = lower jaw; mandible / onderstel = chassis (of laser machine e.g.) / "Ondine's curse" = congenital central hypoventilation (rmed.) / ongerechtigheid = (anything which shouldn't be there, thus:) defect; foreign body / ongesteld = unwell; "indisposed" (of woman = menstruating) / ongewapende lintworm = beef tapeworm; Taenia saginata / onkogen = oncogenic / Onkologie = oncology (study of tumours, de facto of malignant tumours = cancers) / ontaarden see entarten / ontlasting = stool; stools, faeces; defaecation / ontmerging = demyelinisation / ontrolde vaatsteel = unfolded aorta / ontslagsbrief = discharge summary / ontsmettingsmiddel = antiseptic / ontspringen uit = originate in (anat.) / ontstekingshaard = focus of infection / ontstekingsremmer = anti-inflammatory (pharm.) / ontvanger = acceptor (blood transfusion) / ontwenning = withdrawal; weaning off (addiction) / ontwenningsverschijnsel = withdrawal symptom (addiction) / ontwrichting = dislocation / onychomycose = fungal nail infection; onychomycosis / oogkas = orbit (eye) / harde oogrok = sclera (eye) / harde oogvlies see oogrok / oorsmeer see Ohrenschmalz / oorspeekselklier = parotid gland / oorspiegel = otoscope / oorsprong = origin (fixed proximal end of a muscle attachment; contrast insertion) / oorsuizen see Ohrensausen / oortrompet see Ohrtrompete / op elkaar vallen = to be coaxial with each other ("aiming beam and therapeutic beam must be coaxial with each other"; "HeNe laser emitting a visible aiming beam of red light coaxial with the invisible Nd:YAG laser light") / opacifiant = contrast medium (rad.) / OPCAB = off-pump coronary artery bypass / OPD = original pack dispensing (pharm.) / "open been" = leg ulcer; ulcus cruris / open rug = spina bifida / operatief = surgical(ly) / operatiegebied = operative field, surgical field / operatiemicroscoop = operating microscope / Operationsbericht = surgical report; operative report / operationsfähig = fit for surgery / opératoire = surgical / opercule rolandique = frontoparietal operculum (brain) / OPG = 1. oocytes per gram (parasites); 2. orthopantomogram; orthopantogram; "panorex" (dent.) / opgeheven = absent (breath sounds e.g.) / ophtalmie des neiges = snow blindness / ophoping = accumulation / opiacé = opiate / douleur opinionâtre = persistent pain / OPN = os propre du nez = nasal bone (its absence in a foetus is an indicator of trisomy 21) (gyn./obstet.) / opperhuid = epidermis / opportuniste = opportunistic (microorganisms) / opposition = opposing force (grip) / formulaire d'opposition = opt-out form (organ donation, research) / OPS =formulaire d'opposition = opt-out form (organ donation, research) organisch psycho-syndroom; organisches Psychosyndrom see OMS 1. / couche optique = thalamus / produits d'optique médicale = prescription eyewear (NB not 'medical optical products' - those are microscopes, etc.) / optischer Durchbruch; optischer Durchschlag = optical breakdown (laser eye surgery) / OPV = oral poliomyelitis vaccine / opvlieger; opvlieging = hot flush (UK); hot flash (US) (gyn.) / OR = 1. odds ratio; 2. overall risk, contrast relative risk (tox.) / Orangenschalenhaut = orange peel skin; cellulite / ordonnance = (doctor's) prescription / oreille axillaire du sein (rare) see prolongement axillaire du sein / oreillette = atrium (whole organ) or atrial appendage (card.) / oreillons = mumps / Organentnahme = organ retrieval / Organspenderausweis = organ donor card / organite = organelle / orgelet = stye; hordeolum / Orientbeule = oriental boil; cutaneous leishmaniasis (by Leishmania tropica) / ORL = oto-rhino-laryngologie see ENT / ORS = 1. observatoire rgional de la santé = regional health observatory (FR); 2. orale rehydratievloeistoff = oral rehydration solution / orthèse = orthosis (any kind of external support, splint, brace, etc) / orthèse anti-équin = drop foot splint (or brace); foot drop splint (or brace) / orthèse d'enroulement = spring-loaded dynamic splint / orthoergique = autoreactive (eczema) / orthogénie = orthogenics / centre d'orthogénie = abortion clinic / Ortsdosimeter = environmental dosemeter, environmental monitor (contrast Personendosimeter) / ortsfest = stationary (dosemeter) / OS = open surgery (contrasted w. laparoscopic surgery) / OSA = obstructive sleep apnoea / öse = loop (microbiol.: used in handling cultures, cleaned by flaming) / OSG = oberes Sprunggelenk = ankle joint / OSH = occupational safety and health / OSHA = 1. Occupational Safety and Health Act; 2. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (USA) / maladie d'Osler = infective endocarditis (esp. subacute form, Sir William Osler, 1849-1919) / oslérien = occuring in, pertaining to infective endorcarditis / osselet = ossicle (anat.) / masse osseuse = bone density; bone mineral density / tissu osseux = bony tissue / ossicule see osselet / ostéite déformante hypertrophique = osteitis deformans; Paget's disease / ostéite fibro-kystique = osteitis fibrosa cystica; Recklinghausen's disease of bone / ostéoporose = osteoporosis; "brittle bones" / Oszillation = oscillation (airway resistance measurement) / OTC = over-the-counter (medicines) / otite moyenne = middle ear infection; otitis media / otorhinolaryngoloog = ENT specialist / ourlien = (of, pertaining to) mumps / overdragen = (adj.) postmature; past term (obst.); (verb) transmit (a disease) / overgangsepitheel = transitional epithelium / oververziendheid door ouderdom = presbyopia; long-sightedness of middle and old age / ovocyte = oocyte / ovogenèse = oogenesis / ovule = vaginal suppository; vaginal ovule / oxa-R = oxacillin-resistant (Staphylococcus) / oximen = oximes / oxydant (noun) = oxydiser / oxydation = oxidation / oxygénation = oxygenation / oxymétrie d'oreille = ear oximetry / oxyurase = oxyuriasis / oxyure = pinworm; threadworm; oxyurid / Oxyuris vermicularis = (obsolete name for) Enterobius vermicularis /

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