/Glossary of Medical Terms, Abbreviations & Symbols

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B = bursa-dependent (lymphocytes) / BA = breathing apparatus (OSH) / BAA = Bauchaortenaneurysma, see AAA / BAAR = bacille acido-acoolo-résistant see AFB / baardschurft = barber's itch; sycosis barbae (derm.) / baarmoeder = uterus; womb (gyn.) / baarmoedermyoom = (uterine) fibroid; leiomyoma uteri (gyn.) / BAB = "born after the ban" (cattle, BSE) (vet.) / bactériopause see PAE / Badewannen-Hörverlust = cookie bite hearing loss; U-shaped hearing loss; (much rarer) pool hearing loss; soup plate hearing loss (MF, can still hear HF & LF sounds) / badigeonner = to paint (e.g. throat with antiseptic) / BAF = biopsie à l’aiguille fine see FNA  / Bagassose = bagassosis (rmed.) / baguette = rod (colostomy) / bajonetfractuur = Colles' fracture; silver fork fracture / bakterienzüruckhaltend = bacteriostatic / BAL = 1. British antilewisite; dimercaprol; 2. bronchoalveolar lavage, see lavage / balayer = to scan / Balggeschwulst = atheroma / Balkanfieber = Q-fever / Balkenblase = trabeculated bladder / Ballaststoffe = dietary fibre / ballonnements = bloating (gastr.) / sonde à ballonnet = balloon catheter, see also balloon pump / ballonisation valvaire = floppy valve syndrome; mitral valve prolapse syndrome (card.) / lâcher de ballons (lâcher is a noun) = multiple pulmonary nodules; multiple nodular lesions; multiple pulmonary opacities. The image is of a bunch of balloons being released, i.e. the nodules are scattered. If smaller than 1 cm, often indicates infection, if larger than 1 cm, a neoplasm (rmed/rad.) / Ballonsonde see ballonet and balloon pump / balloon pump: "A catheter with a sausage-shaped balloon is passed through a femoral artery to the descending aorta. The balloon is rapidly inflated during diastole, thus raising the pressure with which the coronary arteries are perfused and so increasing coronary blood flow and myocardial oxygenation. The balloon is suddenly deflated immediately before systole, so reducing the cardiac afterload, increasing the stroke volume and ejection fraction, and decreasing the tension in the myocardial wall and myocardial oxygen consumption. Balloon pumping has been shown to improve the haemodynamic performance in a wide variety of conditions in which cardiac function is impaired." (source: BMJ / ballonnements = bloating (gastroent.) / BALT = bronchial-associated lymphoid tissue / balzak = scrotum / BAM see BfArM / BAN = British Approved Name (pharm.) (BANs were superseded 2004 by rINNs) / bandelette = (surgical) tape / bandelettes = striae (muscle e.g.) / bandelette réactive; bandelette de test = (urine) test strip / bandförmig (lung opacities) = linear; "lines" (rad./rmed.) / bandoulière = shoulder harness (e.g. for patient to carry oxygen bottle in) (rmed.) / Bandscheibe = intervertebral disc / Bandscheibe der Lendenwirbelsäule = lumbar disc / Bandscheibenvorfall = hernia (prolapse) of intervertebral disc; herniated (prolapsed) disc;"slipped disc" / Bandwurm = tapeworm; cestode worm / Bang; Bang'sche Krankheit; Bangseuche = brucellosis; undulant fever / BApO = Bundes-apothekerordnung = Federal Pharmacists Order (DE) / loge de Baréty = right paratracheal region (also area or space: NB expressions like "Baréty's space" or "compartment" are only seen in translations; they are not real medical English) / sonde barrette = array probe (instr.) / baryte = barium sulphate (contrast medium) / repas baryté = barium meal / bas de contention = support stockings / Basaliom; basalioom = basal cell carcinoma; basilioma / Basalmembran = basement membrane / bascule = tipping (movement of joints) / à bascule = side-shifting (pain, esp. migraine) / Basenüberschuß = base excess (rmed.) / bas-fond = fundus / basilaire = basilar / basilique = basal / Basisleiden = underlying condition / Basistherapeutika see DMARDs / Basistherapie = disease-modifying therapy; second-line therapy (treating cause not just symptoms) / carcinome basocellulaire = basal cell carcinoma / BASP = (European) Bureau for Action on Smoking Prevention / bassin = (bony) pelvis / bassinet = 1. renal pelvis; 2. neck (gallbladder) / BAT = 1. bas antithrombose = compression stocking; 2. Biologische Arbeitsstofftoleranzwert / bâtonnet = rod (cells) (ophth.) / BAU = 1. bioequivalency allergy units / 2. Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Unfallforschung (D) / BAuA = Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin (D) see FIOSH / Bauchbruch = uterine hernia; hysterocele / Bauchdecke = abdominal wall / Bauchdeckenreflex = abdominal reflex / reflektorische Bauchdeckenspannung = reflex abdominal rigidity / Bauchfell = peritoneum / Bauchhöhle = abdominal cavity / Bauchhöhlenschwangerschaft = abdominal pregnancy (type of ectopic pregnancy or extrauterine pregnancy) / Bauchschnitt = abdominal section; laparotomy / Bauchspeicheldrüse = pancreas / Bauchtyphus = typhoid; typhoid fever; typhus abdominalis, see typhoid; typhus / Bauchwassersucht = ascites / Baumwollstaubpneumokoniose see Byssinose / BAV = bloc auriculo-ventriculaire = atrioventricular block; AV block (card.) / BB see Blutbild / BBD = bloc de branche droite = right bundle branch block (card.) / BBG = bloc de branche gauche = left bundle-branch block (card.) / BCG = 1. bacille Calmette-Guérin (tuberculosis vaccination); 2. ballistocardiography (-gram) / BCO = bronchopheumopathies chroniques obstructives = chronic obstructive lung disease (COLD) / bd (bis in diem) = twice daily / BDB = Biopanning Data Bank (China, formerly MimoDB)(biochem.) / BDC = bruits du coeur = heart sounds / bDNA = branched DNA; branched-chain DNA (test) / BDP = bilateral diaphragm paralysis (rmed.) / BE = 1. base excess (blood values); 2. Broteinheit = bread exchange; bread unit (= 12g of carbohydrate, used esp. in diabetic nutrition) / beach chair position (anaesth.) / beademing = ventilation (rmed.) / béance du col utérin = incompetent cervix (gyn.) / Beanspruchungssituation = exposure (OSH/tox.) / Beanspruchungsreaktionen = stress response; exposure response (tox.) / bec de lièvre = harelip / bec de perroquet = ostéophyte, bone spur / "bécasse" = angled Debakey clamp / Becken = 1. (bony) pelvis; grosser Becken = false pelvis; greater pelvis; greater pelvic cavity / kleiner Becken = true pelvis; lesser pelvis; lesser pelvic cavity; 2. renal pelvis / Beckenboden = pelvic floor / Bedarfs- und Notfalltherapie = relief and emergency treatment (asthma) / bedwants = bedbug (Cimicidae) / funktionelle Beeinträchtigung = functional impairment / been = tine (of forceps) / beenafbraak = osteomyelitis; (acute) osteitis; caries / beenderbroosheid = osteoporosis; "brittle bones" / beendermerg = medulla; bone marrow / beenderziekten = diseases of bone / beeneter see beenafbraak / beenontsteking = ostitis / beenvlies = periosteum / Befall = infestation (lice e.g.) / ... nicht befallen = no involvement of the... (lymph nodes e.g. in cancer) / Befeuchterfieber, Befeuchterlunge = humidifier fever (exogenous allergic alveolitis) / Befindlichkeit = subjective wellbeing / BEG = bon état général see GGC / begleitend = attendant (symptoms e.g.) / Behindertenbegleithund = disability assistance dog / Beihoden = paradidymis / venöse Beimischung = venous admixture (rmed.) / BEIR = (Committee on the) Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation (USA: NRC) / Beischlaf = coitus; sexual intercourse / BEJ = besoin énergétique journalier, see DER 2. / bekken see Becken / bekijken = visualise; inspect (via an endoscope e.g.) / Belag = deposit; coating; layer (see also belegt); (dental) plaque / belastbare klinische Kriterien = robust clinical evidence / Belastbarkeit = tolerance / Belastung = exposure (level), body burden (of pollutant); stress (level) (physical force) / belegt = 1. coated; furred (tongue); 2. husky (voice) / Belegzellen = parietal cells; acid cells; border cells / beliebige Verteilung = random distribution (rad./rmed.) / BELLE = biological effects of low-level exposures (USA: group at Univ. of Massachusetts) / belroos = erysipelas; St. Anthony's fire / Belüftung = ventilation (rmed.) / Belüftungsstörung = ventilation abnormality (rmed.) / Belüftungsungleichheiten = uneven distribution of ventilation (rmed.) / beluisteren = auscultate / BEM = 1. basal Eagle's medium (microbiol.); 2. biological effect monitoring (tox.) / benauwdheid = constriction; narrowing; stenosis (airway, blood vessel) / benommen = drowsy, somnolent, light-headed, dazed, "woozy"/ Beobachtungsabstand = viewing distance (operator to VDU) / béquilles = crutches / BERA = brain stem evoked response audiometry / berg = cradle cap; crusta lactea (see also dauwworm) / Bergarbeiterpneumokoniose = coal worker's pneumoconiosis (CWP); coal miner's pneumoconiosis (rmed.) / berge = (tumour) margin / bergziekte = mountain sickness; altitude sickness / berkentakje = spider vein, see notes under Varix / beroerte = stroke (cerebral, apoplectic) / Berufsanamnese see Arbeitsanamnese / Beruhigungsmittel = tranquillizer (pharm.) / Berylliose = berylliosis (rmed.) / ventre en besace = pendulous abdomen / Beschäftigungstherapie = occupational therapy / beschermhuls = "flue" (casing of surgical probe) / beschermplaatje = backstop (e.g. pyrex rod or soaked sponge, gauze pad, absorbs heat) (laser surgery) / beschneiden = circumcise / Besenreiser = spider veins, see notes under Varix / beslagen tong see belegt 1. / besmettelijk = infectious; contagious / besnijdenis = circumcision / Betäubung = anaesthesia / unter Beteiligung von... = with involvement of... / Betriebsmedizin (D): 2 years' study following 4 years for Arbeitsmedizin / Betriebsstoffwechsel = energy metabolism / "Bettente" = urine bottle / "bettflüchtig" = of person who "wanders in the night", i.e. won't stay in bed (child, dementia patient) / Bettwanze see bedwants / Beugeseite = flexor side (of limb) / Beulenkrankheit = cutaneous leishmaniasis; oriental boil (by Leishmania tropica) / Beulenpest = (bubonic) plague; (historical) the "Black Death" / Beurteiler = reader, observer (of radiograph, test) / bevalling = delivery; parturition; childbirth / Beweglichkeit = motility (microbiol. / Bewegungsapparat = musculoskeletal system / Bewegungsgips see attelle plâtrée articulée / Bewegungsschiene see CPM / bezinksel = (urinary e.g.) sediment / BfArM = Bundesinstitut für Arzneimittel (und Medizinprodukte) (D) = Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices / BFC see bouffée de chaleur (gyn.) / BGA = Blutgasanalyse = blood gas analysis (rmed.) / BGD = bedrijfsgezondheid = occupational health / BGLB = brilliant green lactose bile broth (microbiol.) / BGZ = bedrijfsgezondheidszorg = occupational safety and health; ocupational health care / BHA = bruits hydroaériques = bowel sounds; BHA+ = bowel sounds present (or heard) (gastr.) / BHK = baby hamster kidney (culture; microbiol.) / BHM = Brustherzmassage = cardiac massage / BHR = bronchiale hyperreactiviteit; bronchiale Hyperreagibilität = 1. bronchial hyperreactivity (pharm. usage, response to specific pharmacological agents); 2. bronchial hyperresponsiveness (more general term denoting response in terms of e.g. lung volume changes) (though NB distinction is blurred; see also HRBS) / BIA = Berufsgenossenschaftliches Institut für Arbeitssicherheit (D) = Institute for Occupational Safety / BIBR = bonne intensité bon relâchement (obst. unconfirmed) / BIBRA = British Industrial Biological Research Association / b.i.d. = bis in die = twice a day / Biegeschwingemethode = oscillatory method (rmed.) / maladie de Biermer (adjective biermérien) = pernicious anaemia / biest = colostrum (gyn./obst.) / Bifurkationsprothese = bifurcation endoprosthesis; "trouser graft" (treatment of abdominal aortic aneurysms) / bigemini (ECG) / bijbal = epididymis / bijgeruis = (see notes) adventitious breath sound; adventitious lung sound (rmed.) / bijnier = adrenal gland; epinephros / bijniermerg = adrenal medulla / bijnierschors = adrenal cortex / bijschildklier = parathyroid gland / bijwerking = side-effect / bijziendheid = near-sightedness; short-sightedness; myopia / bilan biologique sérique = blood tests / bilan hématologique = haematology screen (group of tests) / bilan de morts; nombre de morts = death toll (epidem.) / bilan sanguin = "bloods" (colloquial) / bilan de santé = health check; check-up / Bildgebung = (medical) imaging / indice biliaire plasmatique = plasma bile index / billot = bridge (if part of an operating table, otherwise one of various accessories which raise or support the patient's body on the operating table, e.g. sandbag, chest roll, foam wedge / billot lombaire = kidney bridge (operating table) / bilnaad = perineum / bilobé = bilobate / bilspier = gluteus muscle / grote bilspier = musculus gluteus maximus / Bindegewebe = connective tissue / Bindehaut = conjunctiva (eye) / bindvlies see Bindehaut / los bindweefsel = losse connective tissue; hard bindeweefsel = hard connective tissue; vezelrijk bindeweefsel = dense connective tissue / Binet-Simon test = see Simon Task / binoculaire = binocular (); bilateral (defects of vision in both eyes) / "Bioethics Convention" (Council of Europe: full title: "Convention on Human Rights and Bioethics") / "biofidelic" (of e.g. crash dummy in road tests = true to the human body) / biogen = biogenic / biologie = 1. biology; 2. (laboratory) tests, analysis / biologie délocalisée see POCT / test biologique see biologie 2. / biologische beschikbaarheid = bioavailability / biométrologie = biological monitoring; biomonitoring (of toxicants in body fluids e.g.) / biopannage = biopanning (biochem., term by analogy with panning for gold) / biopsie par aspiration = vacuum-assisted core biopsy / biopsie conique; biopsie de cône = cone biopsy / biopsie par forage = core biopsy (needle or probe) / biopsie par forage sous guidage stéréotaxique = stereotactic core needle biopsy / biopsie au trocart = core needle biopsy / biopt (pl. biopten); Bioptat = biopsy (the sample); biopsy specimen / Biot'sche Atmung = Biot's respiration; Biot's breathing (rmed.) / birthmark see haemangioma; naevus / plaie en biseau = bevelled wound (where skin is penetrated at an angle; one margin of the wound is bevelled and the other margin overhangs it. In forensic medicine, this may be called a "tangential gunshot wound") / bistouri = scalpel (surg.) / bistouri électrique = electrocautery knife / bistouri froid = cold knife / bitterzout = Epsom salt (magnesium sulphate, laxative) / BIU = 1. balle intrautérine see IUB; 2. bonne involution utérine = good uterine retraction; involution (obst. unconfirmed) / BIV = bovine immunodeficiency virus (vet.) / bivetellin = dizygotic (twin) / BK = bacille de Koch = Koch's bacillus; preferred term is MTB / blaar = bulla; blister; bleb / blaasspiegel = cytoscope / blaaswormpje = bladder worm; cysticercus (tapeworm) / blackwater fever = haemolytic malaria / bladelektrode = blade electrode / "blanchi" = in remission (psoriasis) / blarenkoorts = pemphigus / Bläschenatmung = vesicular breathing / Blase = 1. (urinary) bladder; 2. foetal membranes; 3. bulla (emphysematous) / Blasenmole = hydatidiform mole / Blasensprung = rupture of the foetal membranes; "breaking of the waters" (gyn./obst.) / Blasensucht see blarenkoorts / Blatt = folium; leaflet; cell layer (gen. anat.) / Blättchen (blood) see Plättchen / Blattern = smallpox; variola (major) / Blausucht; Blauverfärbung = cyanosis / blauwzucht see Blausucht / bleb = bleb (small bulla in emphysema) / bleekzucht = iron deficiency anaemia; chlorosis / Bleibelastung = lead burden, exposure / Bleichsucht see bleekzucht / bleihaltiger Schwebestaub = lead aerosol(s) / Bleisaumen = "lead line" (at edge of gums, symptomatic of lead poisoning / Bleispiegel = lead level / maladie bleue = blue baby syndrome / Blickfeld = visual field; field of vision / Blinddarm = caecum (NB "appendix" is not medically correct; in appendicitis it is the vermiform appendix of the caecum, not the caecum itself, which is inflamed) / blindedarm see Blinddarm / blinder Fleck = blind spot; punctum caecum (ophth.) / blinde vlek see blinder Fleck / Blindsack = diverticulum / bloc de branche = bundle branch block (card.) / bloc opératoire = operating suite (hospital) / blocage = 1. fixation (maxillof.); 2. freezing; akinetic episode (Parkinson's) / Block = block (card.) / Blödsinn = dementia / bloedarmoede = anaemia / bloedbeeld see Blutbild / bloedbezinkingssnelheid see BSE 1. / bloedbraken = haematemesis / bloederziekte = haematophilia / bloedkanker = leukaemia / bloedlichaampje = blood cell; blood corpuscle / zeer bloedrijk = highly vascular; richly supplied with blood vessels / bloedstolling = coagulation / bloedstolsel = blood clot; thrombus / bloedvergifting = sepsis; blood poisoning / bloedverwantschap = consanguinity / bloedvin see haemangioma / bloedvormend = haematopoietic; blood-forming / bloedwei = blood serum / bloedzuiker = glucose / blood clot: ante-mortem a clot is strictly speaking a "thrombus". Thrombi are dry, friable, grey in colour, attached to a blood vessel and containing lines of Zahn. Post-mortem both "clot" and thrombus" are used. Post-mortem clots are elastic, not attached and with no lines of Zahn. Due to the difference in blood sedimentation rate, they may comprise a yellowish upper layer of plasma ("chicken fat clots"), a middle layer of white cells and a lower dark purple-red layer rich in red cells (cruor, or "currant jelly clots"). / blood count: calculation of the cellular make-up of a volume of blood, usually 1 cubic millimetre. A standard blood count ("blood count without diff") counts the red and white cells macroscopically, whilst a full blood count (synonyms complete blood count or haemogram) includes differential analysis of the white cells, breaking them down into the 5 different types (neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils and basophils). The FBC/CBC typically measures: WBC, WBC differential count, RBC, Hb, Hct, MCV 2., MCH, MCHC, RDW, PLTC and MPV. / hypertension de la blouse blanche = white coat hypertension; white coat syndrome (patient's blood pressure rises in e.g. a medical consultation, due to anxiety) / BLU see BT / Blutader = vein / Blutarmut see bloedarmoede / Blutaustritt = seepage (from blood vessel e.g.) / Blutbahn = bloodstream / Blutbild see blood count / großes Blutbild see full blood count / kleines Blutbild see standard blood count / blutbildend see bloedvormend / Blutegel = leech / Bluterkrankheit see bloederziekte / Blutfarbstoß = haemoglobin; blood pigment / Blutgase = blood gases (rmed.) / Blutgerinnsel = blood clot; thrombus / blutgerinnungshemmend; Blutgerinnungshemmer = anticoagulant (adj. & n.) / Blutkalkspiegel = blood calcium (level) / Blutkonserve = stored blood (for transfusion) / Operation in Blutleere = bloodless operation; bloodless surgery; bloodless surgical procedure  / Blutschwammgewächs see haemangioma / blutstillend = haemostatic / Blutstillstift = haemostyptic pencil / Blutungsbereitschaft = haemorrhagic diathesis / Blutvergiftung see bloedvergifting / Blutverwandschaft see bloedverwantschap / auf dem Blutweg = via the bloodstream / Blutzucker see bloedzuiker / BM = 1. basal metabolism; 2. biological monitoring / BMA = British Medical Association (NB this is the doctors' "trade union", not the regulatory body for the profession, which is the GMC, or General Medical Council) / BMD = bone mineral density / BMG = Bundesministerium für Gesundheit = Federal Ministry of Health (D) / BMI = body mass index (weight in kg divided by height in metres squared: below 20=underweight; 20-25=ideal; 25-30=overweight; above 30=obese) / BMJ = British Medical Journal / BMR = 1. basal metabolic rate (measured as kcal expended per hour and m2 body surface); 2. bof, mazelen, rodehond see MMR / BMS = bare metal stent (card.) / BMT = bone marrow transplant / BMWP = Biological Monitoring Working Party (UK) / BNF = British National Formulary (pharm.) / BNS = Blitz-Nick-Salaam-Krämpfe = infantile spasms (preferred term); West syndrome; nodding convulsions; eclampsia nutans (neurol.) / Bodensatz = sediment / boezem = atrium (heart) / boezemfibrilleren = atrial fibrillation / boezemmyocardium = atrial myocardium / bof = mumps / bogenförmig = curvilinear / Bogengänge = semicircular canals (ear) / Bogenlinien = curvilinear lines (rad./rmed.) / boîte crânienne = brain case / bolelektrode = (roller) ball electrode (surg.) / Bolustod = death by choking / BOOP = bronchiolitis obliterans organising pneumonia; cryptogenic organising pneumonia (rmed.) / boorwater = boracic acid; boric acid (germicide) / bord cardiaque = cardiac border (rad.) / Borg scale of perceived exertion: (ratings originally from 6-20, now modified: "7 = very, very light; 9 = very light; 11 = fairly light; 13 = somewhat hard; 15 = hard; 17 = very hard; 19 = very, very hard") / borstbeen = sternum; breastbone / borstkas = thorax; thoracic cage / borstlymfbuis = thoracic duct; ductus thoracicus / borstvlies = pleura / bösartig = malignant (tumour) / bosselure = haustrum; sacculation (colon e.g.) / bot = bone / main bot = clubhand / pied bot = clubfoot; pes varus / Botenstoff = neurotransmitter / Botox = botulinum toxin therapy / botte plâtrée = walking cast / bouchon = plug (of matter e.g.) / bouffée de chaleur = hot flush (US flash) (gyn.) / bouffée épidémique = outbreak / bouffisure = puffiness / bougie = bougie (instrument) / bougie de Hegar = Hegar's dilator / bouillon = broth (culture medium) (microbiol.) / boule coagulante = ball electrode (coagulation) / boulimie = bulimia / bourbillon = core (of boil e.g.) / bourdonnement = tinnitus; ringing in the ears / bourgeon = papule; "pimple" / bourgeonnant = papular / bourgeonnement = budding (reproduction of yeasts e.g.); granulation (wound tissue) / bourgeons du goût = tastebuds; caliculi gustatorii / bourrelet = cuff (inflatable, as in sphygmomanometer); mask (permanently inflated, as in anaesthesia mask) / bourrelet de graisse péricardiaque = pericardial fat pad / bourse = 1. bursa; 2. purse-string (suture) / bourses = scrotum / "bouton de fièvre" = coldsore; herpes simplex / boutonné = buttoned; olive-tipped (e.g. bougie) / fièvre boutonneuse = boutonneuse fever / bovenbuik = epigastrium; regio epigastrica / bovenkaak = upper jaw; maxilla / BP = 1. British Pharmacopaeia; 2. binding protein / BPC = bronchopathies chroniques = chronic bronchial disease / BPCO = bronchopneumopathie chronique obstructive, see COPD / BPD = borderline personality disorder (psych.) / BPE = basic periodontal examination / BPH = benign prostatic hyperplasia / bpm = beats per minute (card.) / BPO = bronchopathies obstructives = obstructive bronchial disease / BPP = benign positional vertigo see BPPV / BPPV = benign paroxysmal positional vertigo; "positional dizziness" / BPS = Borderline-Persönlichkeitsstörung, see BPD / BR = bunte Reihe, see API (microbiol.) / braakmiddel = emetic / braaksel = vomit / Bracherium see Bruchband / bradycardisant = bradycardic (card.) / braken = vomit / brancard = stretcher / brancher à l'aspiration = to place on suction / Brand = gangrene / Braunnesseln = urticaria pigmentosa / BRBPR = bright red blood per rectum / BrdU = bromodeoxyuridine / Brechdurchfall = gastroenteritis / thorax en bréchet = pigeon chest; pigeon breast / Brechmittel = emetic / Brechreiz = nausea / breedspectrumantibioticum = broad-spectrum antiobiotic (pharm.) / breitbasig aufsitzend = sessile (polyp) / Bremse = 1. horsefly; gadfly; tabanid; 2. see Bremsvorrichtung / Bremsstrahlung = bremsstrahlung (rad.) / Bremsvorrichtung = friction device (prostheses) / Brennen = stinging (sensation) / Brennwert = energy (food labelling) / breuk see Bruch / breukband see Bruchband / breukpoort = defect; opening (in abdominal wall) (hernia) / bride cutanée = contracture (scar e.g.) / bride mongolique = prominent epicanthal folds (Down syndrome) / brilhematoom; Brillenhämatom = bilateral periorbital haematoma; "raccoon eyes"; two black eyes, see also Monokelhämatom / simple brin, double brin = single-stranded, double-stranded (DNA, RNA) / British Cardiac Society / British Committee for Mutagenicity Testing / broche de Kirschner = Kirschner wire (orth.) / brocher = to pin (fracture) / bröckelhaltig = spiculated (bone marrow aspirate e.g.) / bröckelig = friable (blood clots, e.g.) / broiement see broyer / bromsulfaleine sodique see BSP / bromsulfonephthaléine see BSP / bromvlieg = bluebottle; blow fly (Calliphora) / bronchiaaltoilet = bronchial toilet / Bronchialbaum = bronchial tree / Bronchialkarzinom = bronchial carcinoma / Bronchiektasien = bronchiectasis / Bronchiolitis = bronchiolitis / tonus bronchomoteur = airway tonus / bronchopathies chroniques see BPC / bronchopathies obstructives see BPO / Bronchopneumopathien; bronchopneumopathies = respiratory disease; lung disease (blanket term) / bronchopneumopathies chroniques non-spécifiques = chronic non-specific lung disesease (CNSLD); chronic non-specific pulmonary disease (CNSPD) / bronchopneumopathies obstructives chroniques = chronic obstructive lung disesease (COLD); chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) / Bronchulus = bronchiole / Bronzediabetes = haemochromatosis; bronze diabetes; bronzed diabetes / broyer = crush; grind (tissues in cell cultures) / brucelles = tweezers (surg.) / Bruch = 1. fracture; 2. hernia; "rupture" (inguinal hernia) / Bruchband = truss (for inguinal hernia) / Brucheinklemmung = strangulated hernia; incarcerated hernia / Bruchrille = bar ("tablet with a bisect bar; quadrisect bar") (pharm.) / Tablette mit Bruchrille = scored tablet (pharm.) / Bruchsack = hernial sac / Brücke = pons (cerebelli); bridge of Variolus / brug see Brücke / bruit (card.): "A bruit can be defined as an abnormal sound heard over an artery, related to the cardiac cycle but unrelated to the respiratory cycle or to muscle, joint or swallowing activity. Most bruits heard over the cervical arteries are medium pitched and blowing in quality. Although some are continuous throughout the cardiac cycle, most are heard beginning in early or late systole." / bruit respiratoire = breath sound; lung sound, see adventitious breath sounds / Brunst = oestrus / Brustbein see borstbeen / Brustdrüse = mammary gland / Brustdrüsenentzündung = mastitis / Brustfell = pleura (collective); parietal pleura /  Brusthöhle = chest cavity; thoracic cavity / Brustkorb = thorax; thoracic cage / Brustkorbschnitt = thoractomy / Brustwand = chest wall / Brutschrank = incubator (microbiol.) / BSA = 1. blood serum agglutination; 2. body surface area / BSE = 1. bezinkingssnelheid van de erythrocyten see ESR; BSE = 2. bovine spongiform encephalopathy; "mad cow disease" (vet.) / BSG = Blutsenkungsgeschwindigkeit = erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR); blood sedimentation rate (BSR) / BSLT = bilateral sequential double lung transplant / BSO see TAH BSO / BSP = 1. bromsulphalein; 2. British Society of Periodontology / BSR = blood sedimentation rate, see ESR 2. / BST = bovine somatotropin (growth promoter) / BT = bluetongue; synonyms SA-MCF; catarrhal fever of sheep; sore muzzle of sheep (viral disease affecting sheep and other ruminants) (vet.) / BTPS = body temperature and pressure, saturated / BUBBLE HE = breast, uterus, bladder, bowel, lochia, episiotomy - Homan's sign, emotional status (gyn/obst. postpartum monitoring) / bubon = bubo (plague e.g.) / Bubonenpest see Beulenpest / buccal = oral / par voie buccale = under the tongue; sublingually (pharm.) / Büffelnacken =  buffalo hump (Cushing's syndrome) / buikholtezwangerschap see Bauchhöhlenschwangerschaft / buikloop = diarrhoea / buikspeekselklier see Bauchspeicheldrüse / buikvlies see Bauchfell / buikwaterzucht see Bauchwassersucht / builenpest see Beulenpest / Bülau-Drain = suction drain (surg./wounds) / bulbe rachidien see medulla oblongata / bulleux = bullous (rmed.) / bullös = bullous (rmed.) / BUN = blood urea nitrogen / Bundesamt für Sera und Impfstoffe (D) Federal Agency for Sera and Vaccines / Bundesärztekammer (D) German Medical Association / Bundesseuchengesetz (D) = Federal Infectious Diseases Act / Bürstensaum = brush border (kidney) / butée = (joint) stop (orth.) / capture en butée = ureteroscopy, see KIDNEY STONES / BVV see BgVV / bw = body weight / BW = Bordet-Wassermann = Wassermann (test, reaction, for syphilis) / Byssinose = byssinosis (rmed.) / Bz = Benzocain; benzocaine (local anaesthetic) / BZ = Blutzucker(-spiegel, -wert) = blood sugar; blood glucose

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