Glossary of Medical Terms, Abbreviations & Symbols
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i.a. = intra-arterial; intra-articular / IAAS = International Association for Ambulatory Surgery / IAC = immunoaffinity column (toxicol.) / IANC = International Anatomical Nomenclature Committee, see NA / IAOMT = International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (dentistry, based Canada) / IAP = Institut d'Anatomie Pathologique (FR) / IARC = International Agency for Research on Cancer (based Lyon) / IAS = Immunoaffinitätssäule see IAC / IASP International Association for the Study of Pain (based Washington) / IBD = 1. inflammatory bowel disease; 2. international birth date, defined: "the date of the first marketing authorisation for any product containing the active substance granted to any company in any country in the world (see Annex IV, ICH-E2C(R2) Guideline)" (Source: EMA, see also DIBD) / IBP = indice biliaire plasmatique = plasma bile index / IBR = infectious bovine rhinotracheitis; infektiöse bovine Rhinotracheitis (vet.) / IBS = irritable bowel syndrome / IC = 1. inspiratory capacity (volume of gas which can be breathed in in a full inspiration, starting from the resting inspiratory position; = tidal volume + inspiratory reserve volume, or total tung capacity - functional residual capacity) (rmed.); 2. intermittent claudication (main symptom of PAOD); 3. immunité collective / iCa = ionised calcium / ICAM = intercellular adhesion molecule / ICD = 1. implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (NB not the same as a pacemaker); 2. International Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (WHO) (e.g. ICD-10 = ICD, tenth revision) / ICDH = isocitic dehydrogenase / ICH = International Conference on Harmonization of Technical Requirements for Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use (the "ICH-GCP guidelines", followed in clinical trials; based Geneva) / Ichthyol® = ichthammol (skin anti-infective) (pharm.) / ICNIRP = International Commission on Non-Ionising Radiation Protection (founded 1992; formerly INIRC) / ICP = insuffisance circulatoire périphérique = failure of peripheral circulation; peripheral circulatory failure / ICR = Intercostalraum; intercostale ruimte = intercostal space / ICRP = International Commission on Radiological Protection / ICRU = International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements (ICRU) (founded 1925, based Washington) / ICSD = International Classification of Sleep Disorders / ICSI = intracytoplasmic sperm injection (reprod. med.) / ICST = interstitial cell stimulating hormone (= LH) / ictère catarrhal = hepatitis A (catarrhal jaundice is obsol.) / ictère épidémique = hepatitis A (epidemic jaundice is obsol.) / ictère nucléaire = kernicterus / ictère par sérum homologue = hepatitis B; homologous serum jaundice / petit ictus = little stroke (cerebrovascular disease) / ICU = intensive care unit / IDC = invasive ductal carcinoma (breast cancer) / IDD = insulin-dependent diabetes / IDDM = insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (modern usage prefers "type 1 diabetes mellitus") / IDI = incremental daily intake (food science; tox.) / IDL = intermediate density lipoprotein / IDLH = immediately dangerous to life or health (USA: NIOSH/MESA), defined: "Conditions that pose an immediate threat of severe exposure to contaminants, such as radioactive materials, which are likely to have adverse cumulative or delayed effects on health" / IDR = intradermoréaction à la tuberculine see TST / ISDP = indice de dose de scanographie pondéré see CTDIw / IDU = intravenous drug user / I.E. = internationale Einheiten see IU / IEC = inhibiteur de l'enzyme de conversionde l'angiotensine = ACE inhibitor / IEM = immersion electron microscope / IFA = 1. immunofluorescent antibody (technique); 2. indirect fluorescent antibody (test) / IFE = interfolicular epithelium / IFG = impaired fasting glucose; impaired fasting glycaemia / IFLG = improved formate lactose glutamate (microbiol.) / IfSG = Infektionsschutzgesetz = (suggest) Protection against Infections Act (D; supersedes BSeuchG from 1/1/2001) / IFT = immunofluorescence test / Ig = immunoglobulin(s) / IgH = immunoglobulin heavy (genetics) / IGRT = image-guided radiation therapy (or radiotherapy) / IGT = impaired glucose tolerance / IGV = intrathorakales Gasvolumen see TGV / IGZ = Inspectie voor de Gezondheidszorg = Health Care Inspectorate (NL) / IHD = ischaemic heart disease / IHK = ischämische Herzerkrankung see IHD / ijsazijn = concentrated acetic acid (wart removal e.g.) / ijzeren long = iron lung / ijzerstapelingsziekten = iron metabolitis / IKR = Interkostalraum = intercostal space (ICR) / IL = interleukin (anti-inflammatory cytokine) / ILC = invasive lobular carcinoma (breast cancer) / ILD = interstitial lung disease / ILEOP = immunoelectroosmophoresis / îlot osseux condensant (bénin) = bone island, enostosis / IM = intramuscular / imagerie médicale = medical imaging / IMAO = inhibiteur de la monoamine-oxydase = monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI) / IMC = 1. indice de masse corporelle see BMI; 2. infirmité motrice cérébrale = cerebral palsy (CP) / Immunantwort = immune response / immungeschwächt = immunocompromised; immunodepressed / immunité collective = herd immunity (epidem.) / immunodéprimé see immungeschwächt / immunofluorescence indirecte = indirect fluorescent antibody test / immunsérum = immunserum / IMP = Institut Médico-Pédagogique (FR) / impair = impar (anat.) / impaludé - malarious (region) / impériosité mictionnelle = urinary urgency / Impfdurchbruch = vaccine failure; vaccination failure / Impfenzephalitis = postvaccinal encephalitis / Impfstoff = vaccine / Impfung see vaccination / Impingementsyndrom = impingement syndrome (shoulder) / impotence = (general) dysfunction; functional disability; (less commonly) impotence; erectile dysfunction / impression digitale = digital impression; digitate impression (cranium) (NB not to be confused with empreinte digitale = finger print) / impuissance = impotence / IMR =  imagerie par résonance magnétique, more commonly IRM / IMRT = intensity-modulated radiation therapy (or radiotherapy) / Imuram® = preparation of azathioprine (pharm.) / IMV = intermittent mandatory ventilation (rmed.) / in sano = "with a healthy margin" (tumour resection) / inadaptation sociale = social dysfunction; unresolved psychosocial problems (e.g. substance abuse, mental illness) / INAMI = Institut National d'Assurance Maladie-Invalidité (B) = (suggest) National Health Insurance Institute / inappareillable = unsuitable for prosthetic replacement; for which a prosthesis cannot be fitted / inappétence = loss of appetite (general); loss of libido / placenta incarcéré = retained placenta; incarcerated placenta (obst.) / ongle incarné = ingrowing nail; ingrown nail (usually toenail) / incidence = incidence (for definition see prevalence) (epidem.); view (rad.) / incongruent = misaligned (dent.) / incurvations = bowing; curvature (bones) / index specimen = i.e. a biological indicator / indice de mixique = mixing index (rmed.) / indolent = slow-growing; indolent (tumour e.g.) / inducteur = premedication; "premed" (anaesth.) / induré = indurated / inenten = immunise; vaccinate / actieve inenting = active immunisation / passieve inenting = passive immunisation / inentingsstof = vaccine / infarctus = infarction; infarct (myocardial; pulmonary) / infaust = unfavourable; poor (prognosis) / Infarkt see infarctus / infectiologue = infectious diseases consultant / infectious & infective (definitions): infectious = spreads or may spread; infective = caused by an infectious agent / infiltration diffuse des tissus par... = generalized deposition in the tissues of ... / infiltrierte Lungenabschnitte = consolidated lung tissue / infirmière visiteuse = hospital visitor / infirmité motrice cérébrale = cerebral palsy / influx nerveux = nerve impulse / informations nominatives = named-patient information (contrast anonymised information) / infraclinique = subclinical / infraliminaire = subliminal / infundieren = infuse / infuusvloiestof = infusion medium / ingeklemd = strangulated; incarcerated (hernia) / ingewanden = viscera; internal organs / Inhalationsrauchen = inhaled smoking / Inhalationssystem = inhaler system (asthma) / inhalative Arzneimittel = inhalation drug / inhalative Provokationstestung = inhalation provocation testing / inhibine = inhibiting factor (often used in EN as [substance name]+-statin e.g. somatostatin; antonym is libérine) / inhibiteur de l'enzyme de conversion = ACE inhibitor; angiotensin inhibiting enzyme / INIRC = International Non-Ionising Radiation Committee (set up by IRPA 1977; superseded by ICNIRP) / injectievloiestof = simply "injection" (as opposed to "tablet" in e.g. product description) / iNKT = invariant natural killer T (class of immune cells) / inleiden = induce (obst.) / INN = 1. inhibiteur non-nucléosidique de la transcriptase inverse, see NNRTI; 2. International Nonproprietary Names, see rINN / Innenhöhle (of uterus) = endometrium (gyn.) / Innenhohlraum = lumen (of airway e.g.) / Innenohrschwerhörigkeit see SNHL / innere Belastung = (internal) body burden (tox.: NB "internal exposure" also seen) / ligne innominée = arcuate line of ilium / os innominé = innominate bone / INR =  Normalised Ratio (blood coagulation) / INRS = Institut National de Recherche et de Santé = National Research and Safety Institute (for the prevention of occupational accidents and diseases) (FR) / plume inscriptrice = recording pen; recording stylus (on ECG e.g.) / Insel = insula of Reil; lobus insularis (cerebral cortex) / Inselhormon = insulin / INSERM = Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale = French Institute of Health and Medical Research / insmeren met = rub with / installation = positioning (of patient for surgery) / instantané = spot (as opposed to continuous e.g. spot sampling, spot measurements / instrumentiste = scrub nurse; instrument nurse / insuffisance respiratoire = respiratory insufficiency / degré d'intensité = category (classification of radiographs) / intensité sonore = sound intensity / Intensivstation = intensive care unit / Intensivüberwachungsstation, see HDU / deuxième intention = (wound healing by) second intention; granulation / première intention = 1. first-line (therapy); 2. (wound healing by) first intention; 3. radiochimiothérapie de première intention = neoadjuvant radiochemotherapy; preoperative radiochemotherapy; induction radiochemotherapy / intercritique = interictal (epilepsy) / interépineux = interspinous / intéresser = involve; affect (lésion qui intéresse les organes...) / interhumain = human-to-human (disease transmission e.g.) / interligne = joint line; medial margin (>anat.) / interligne articulaire see Gelenkspalt / interlobär = interlobular / Intermediärstoffwechsel = intermediary metabolism / International Commission for Protection against Environmental Mutagens and Carcinogens / International Committee for Standardization in Haematology / International Health Regulations (WHO, adopted 1969) / Internationale Gesundheitsvorschriften see International Health Regulations / interne = 1. junior doctor; 2. medial (anat.) / espace interosseux = web space (between fingers): first= between thumb & index; second= between index and middle finger / test d'interprétation = reading trial (radiographs) / interruption thérapeutique de grossesse = medical termination (of pregnancy) / intervention immunologique = immune intervention / Intimita = (tunica) intima; (innermost structure of tissue or organ) / intimité see Intima / pression intrarachidienne = intraspinal pressure / intrathorakal = thoracic / intubé = intubated / invasif = invasive (of disease) (NB effractif = invasive, of medical procedure) / inversé = inverted (organ); invaginated (uterus e.g.) / inverti = homosexual / InVS; In.V.S. = Institut de Veille Sanitaire = National Institute for Public Health Surveillance (FR) / inzident (adj.) = 1. incidental (finding); 2. incident (e.g. "incident cancers", defined as the first cancer diagnosed in a patient) / Inzucht = incest / IO = insuline ordinaire = regular insulin / directed ionic dust collection / ionic strength / iono = (blood) electrolytes (abbrev. for "ionogramme", seen in a list as e.g. "iono, urée", = U&E / IOV = iso-oscillatory volume (rmed.) / IP = 1. infection parameter; Infektionsparameter; 2. intraperitoneal / IPPV = intermittent positive pressure ventilation (rmed.) / IPSS; I-PSS = International Prostate Symptom Score / IPV = 1. inactivated poliomyelitis vaccine (or virus); 2. infectious pustular vulvovaginitis (vet.) / IQWiG = Institut für Qualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit im Gesundheitswesen = Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (DE) / ir = intrarachidien = intraspinal / IRCG = insuffisance respiratoire chronique grave = severe chronic respiratory insufficiency (= COLD/COPD, if the defect is obstructive) (rmed.) / IRDES = Institut de Recherche et Documentation en économie de la santé = Institute for Research and Information in Health Economics (FRpreviously CREDES) / IRI = 1. immunoractive insulin; 2. ischaemia-reperfusion injury (transplantation) / IRM = imagerie par résonance magnétique, see MRI / IRPA = International Radiation Protection Association / irreponibel see ingeklemd / IRV = inspiratorisches Reservevolumen; inspiratory reserve volume (maximum volume of gas which can be breathed in from the end-inspiratory position; the extra inspiration available for exercise; normal value ± 1500-1600 ml) (rmed.) / ISBT = International Society of Blood Transfusion (based Amsterdam) / ISC = intermitttent self-catheterisation / (muscles) ischio-jambiers = hamstrings / ISK = intermittierendes Selbstkatheterismus see ISC / ISMICS = International Society for Minimally Invasive Cardiothoracic Surgery (founded 1997) / isochrone = isochronous (noun = isochronia) / isogroupe = belonging to the same blood group / tente d'isolement mobile = stretcher transit isolator (mobile unit); tente d'isolement statique = static bed isolator (used in hospitals: treatment of infectious disease) / isotonic salt solution / Isovolumendruck-Flußkurve see IVPF (rmed.) / IST = infection sexuellement transmissible, see STI / incision en S italique = lazy-S incision; Blair's incision (surg.) / ITP = idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura; idiopathic thrombocytopenia / ITS = Intensivstation, see ICU / ITU = intensive therapy unit; synonym ICU / IU = international units / IUAC = International Union Against Cancer (based Geneva) / IUB = intrauterine ball (contraceptive) / IUD = intrauterine device / IUFD = intrauterine foetal death; intrauterine foetal demise (after 20 weeks, popularly called stillbirth) / IUGR = intrauterine growth restriction; intrauterine growth retardation / IUP = Intrauterinpessar see IUD / IUR = infection urinaire à répétition = recurrent UTI / IV = 1. inspired volume (rmed.); 2. intravenous / IVA = (artère) interventriculaire antérieur see LAD / IVC = inspiratory vital capacity, see IC (rmed.) / IVD = insuffisance ventriculaire droite = right ventricular insufficiency (RVI) / IVF = in vitro fertilisation / IVG = 1. insuffisance ventriculaire gauche = left ventricular insufficiency (LVI); 2. intérruIUB = intrauterine ball (contraceptive)ption volontaire de la grossesse = (medical) abortion; termination (of pregnancy) / IVK = inspiratorische Vitalkapazität see IVC / IVP = intravenous pyelogram, see IVU / IVPCA = intravenous patient-controlled analgesia / IVPF = isovolume pressure-flow (curve; relationship) (rmed.) / IVPI = Intra-Veneuze Pathogeniteits-Index; intravenous pathogenicity index / ivresse = intoxication (alcoholic or narcotic); drunkenness / ivresse des profondeurs = nitrogen narcosis (diving med.) / IVU = intravenous urogram (synonyms: intravenous pyelogram; excretory urogram) / IWA = Inkassostelle für Wahlärztliche Leistungen (D) /

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