Glossary of Medical Terms, Abbreviations & Symbols
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LA = lung aspirate (rmed.) / laatkop = cupping glass; ventouse / lab-ferment = chymosin; rennin; (culinary) rennet (NB not to be confused with renin) / Lachgas = 'laughing gas' (nitrous oxide; N2O) / Lachsfleck = salmon patch, see haemangioma / Lacktabletten = lacquered tablets (pharm.) / os lacrymal = lacrimal bone; os lacrimale; os unguis / lacs = surgical tie;  lacs vasculaire; lacs chirurgical = vessel loop; surgical loop (colour coded, e.g. red for artery, blue for vein and yellow for nerve) (Note: lacs is often misspelled as lac) / mettre sur lacs = to retract; ligate (tissue is encircled or looped with vascular tape, moving it out of the surgeon's way) / LAD = left anterior descending artery (card.) / LAF = 1. lymphocyte activating factor; 2. lampe à fente / Lage = presentation; lie (obst.) / lähmend = depressing; depressant (contrast anregend) / LAI = 1. latex agglutination inhibiting (inhibition); 2. leukocyte adherence inhibition / LÄK = Landesärztekammer (D) = Land Medical Council; Medical Council for the Land of .... / lambeau = flap (skin grafting) / lambeau artériel = artery flap / lambeau bilobé = bilobate flap / lambeau cerf-volant = kite flap / lambeau cutané = skin flap / lambeau différé = delayed flap / lambeau de glissement = advancement flap / lambeau en îlot = island flap / lambeau inguinal = groin flap / lambeau pédiculé = pedicled flap / lambeau sensible = sensory flap / lambeau à vascularisation axiale = axial pattern flap / lambeau à vascularisation diffuse = random pattern flap / lame = 1. (often) lamina (anat.); 2. slide (microbiol.); 3. blade (scalpel, retractor) / 4. sheet; sheeting (surg. implant) / lame cornée = horny plate (of fingernail, toenail e.g.) / lame malléable = malleable retractor; malleable ribbon retractor (surg.) / lame quadrijumelle = quadrigeminal plate (mesencephalon) / lame vertébrale = lamina of vertebral arch; lamina arcus vertebrae / lamelle = coverslip, coverglass (microbiol.) / lampe à fente = slit lamp / lamsvlies = amnion (gyn.) / landkartenartige Verteilung = geographic pattern (rad./rmed.) / langerekt = elongated (anat.) / eilandjes van Langerhans; ilôts de Langerhans; Langerhans-Inseln = islets of Langerhans (pancreas) / Langhanssche Riesenzellen = giant cells of Langhans (rmed.) / Längsfaser = slip fibre (asbestos) / languette = lingula (lung) / Langzeit-EKG = long-term ECG / Lanzette = lancet (surg.) / LAO = left anterior oblique (view, rad.) / lapjesproef = patch test (allergies) / Lappe = lobe (lung) / Lärmschwerhörigkeit = noise-induced hearing loss / Lärmtaubheit = noise-induced deafness / larver = mask (symptoms) / LAS = lymphadenopathy syndrome (AIDS-related complex; "pre-AIDS") / Lasche = drain (surg.), cf. Drainage / LASER: verb = to lase; pres. part. = lasing / laser déclenché = "Q switched" laser / laserrook = laser plume  ("debris (from tissue ablation) 'rains out' into the surrounding area, whilst the rest is transported away in the plume") / laservermogensmeter = laserpower meter / laserruimte = laser room / LASIK = laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis (eye surgery) / lasso = snare; grasper (surg.) / Latenzzeit = latency of evoked responses (EEG) / test au latex par agglutination see LSA / Lauer-Taxe = official drug price list (D) / Laufband = treadmill / lavage = lavage (technique); washing (product): "Such good results from pulmonary and bronchial lavage in asthmatics and others have stimulated interest in its research potential.. Examination of bronchoalveolar washings may eventually serve as a useful adjunct, or even as an alternative, to lung biopsy in the diagnosis of and management of certain types of diffuse pulmonary disease." / lavage bronchopulmonaire = bronchopulmonary lavage / lavement = enema; irrigation; clyster / lawaaidoofheid see Lärmtaubheit / LBA = lavage broncho-alvéolaire see BAL and lavage (rmed.) / LBD = Lewy body dementia (Alzheimer's) / LBK = linker bovenkwab = upper left lobe (lung) / LC = lethal concentration (tox.) / LCA = ligament croisé antérieur = anterior cruciate ligament (knee) / LCIS = lobular carcinoma in situ; lobuläres Carcinoma in situ (breast cancer) / LCM = lymphocytic choriomeningitis (virus) / LCR = liquide céphalorachidien see CSF / LCS = liquide cérébro-spinal see CSF / LD = 1. lactate dehydrogenase; 2. lethal dose (LD50 = median lethal dose (tox.) / LDH = lactate dehydrogenase; lacticodéshydrogenase; Laktatdehydrogenase / LDL = low density lipoprotein / LE = lupus erythrematosus / lead time = (defined) length of time between early diagnosis by screening and clinical diagnosis where no screening is performed / Lebendgeburt = live birth / Lebendimpfstoff = live vaccine / lebensfähig = viable / Lebensschwäche = immaturity (neonate) / lebenswichtige Funktionen = vital functions / Leberegel = liver fluke (collective name, parasite) / Leberentzündung = hepatitis / Leberfleck = liver spot; (senile) lentigo, see naevus / Leberstärke = hepatic glycogen / Lebertran = cod liver oil (pharm.) / LED = lupus érythrémateux disséminé; Lupus erythematodes disseminatus, see SLE 1. / Lederhaut = 1. dermis; corium: 2. sclera (eye) / lederhuid see Lederhaut / Leerdarm = jejunum / Leerröntgen = non-contrast X-ray / leeuwengezicht = "lion face"; leontiasis ossea; facies leontina (Paget's disease, leprosy) / lege artis see fsa / Le Gô grid, score (alcoholism) / LEI = Laboreingang = (laboratory) sample receipt (date, time) / Leichenbeschauer (D) = physician who certifies death (on basis, initially, of external examination, usually the attending physician) / Leichenflecken = postmortem lividity; livor mortis / Leichengerinnsel = post-mortem clot, post-mortem thrombus, see blood clot / Leichengift = ptomaine (cadaverine, putrescine e.g.) / Leichenschau = autopsy; post-mortem examination (comprising "äußere Leichenschau" = external examination and "innere Leichenschau" = dissection of the corpse / Leichenschein = death certificate (issued by attending physician) / Leichenstarre = rigor mortis / Leiantikörper = (passively acquired) maternal antibodies; maternally derived antibodies / léimyome = leimyoma; (uterine) fibroid / Leistenband = inguinal ligament / Leistenbruch = inguinal hernia; "rupture" / Leistenregion = groin; inguinal region / Leistungsabnahme= degradation of performance; imparird performance; relative incapacity (erg.) / Leistungseinbuße = loss, impairment (lung function) / Leistungsminderung = (relative) incapacity (handicapped) / leitfähiges Schuhwerk = conductive footwear (discharges static electricity) (OSH) / Leitfähigkeit der Atemwege = airway conductance (rmed.) / Leitungsbahn = neurone; neuron / LEM = lésions extramédullaires = extramedullary lesions; EMD / LEMP = leucoencephalopathie multifocale progressive, see PML / lendenschot = lumbago; joint stiffness / Lendenwulst = lumbar prominence (scoliosis) / lénitif = demulcent; (rare) lenitive / lentille = (contact) lens (opth.) / lepelvormige nagels = spoon nails / lest végétal = dietary fibre; roughage / leucémie lymphoïde chronique, see CLL / leucémie à tricholeucocytes = hairy cell leukaemia / leucoencéphalopathie multifocale progressive = progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy / leucome = leukoma (see also taie) / leucose; Leukose = leukaemia / biologisches Leukozytenverhalten = leukocyte behaviour / levensvatbaar = viable / levertraan see Lebertran / levervlek see Leberfleck / lèvre blanche = white roll (mouth) / lèvre rouge = vermilion (mouth) / grandes lèvres = labia majora (gyn.) / petites lèvres = labia minora (gyn.) / chromosome artificiel de levure, see YAC / LH = luteiniserend hormoon; luteinising hormone (gyn.) / (médecin exerçant à) titre libéral = (doctor working in) private practice / libérine= releasing factor (e.g. corticolibérine = corticotropin-releasing factor); liberin (cf. inhibine) / LIC = liver iron concentration / lichen plan = lichen planus (derm.) / Lichtdermatose see PLE / lichte Weite = lumen (blood vessels e.g. or instruments) / Lichtkrankheit see PLE / Lichtscheu = photophobia / lichtvlek = light spot (laser surgery) / Liegezeit see PMI 2. / liesbreuk see Leistenbruch / liesstreek = groin; inguinal region / LIF = left iliac fossa / LIGATUR / LIGATURE / LIGATION (surg., see "Vascular occlusion techniques can be divided into two categories – transfixion and non-transfixion. Transfixion techniques are defined by the passage of suture material or staples through the vascular tissue. Non-transfixion techniques are defined as suture, metal, or polymer material placed solely around the vascular tissue."  Thus according to the above definition, Durchstechung is transfixion. But the DE terms Durchstechung and Durchstechungsligatur boil down in EN to suture ligation (technique) and suture ligature (object, syn. scharfe Ligatur = stick tie) / Umstechung, Umstechungsligatur = tie ligation (technique, syn. Unterbinding); tie ligature, tie (object), syn. einfache Ligatur = tie ligation; (simple) tie). Cf. the phrase/heading common in EN of "tie- or suture-ligation". / ligature appuyée = suture ligation / ligging see Lage / lignage = lineage (cells) / lignée cellulaire = cell line / lijkstijfheid see Leichenstarre / lijkvlekken see Leichenflecken / likdoorn = corn; clavus; heloma (foot) / weke likdoorn = soft corn; heloma molle / limaçon osseux = cochlea (ear) / LIMA = left internal mammary artery / limbe = limbus; border, margin; arch; ring (depending on body part) / limbisches System = limbic system / limité par = bounded by (anat.) / Linderung = relief (pain) / linguette = sublingual tablet (pharm.) / linienfremd = aberrant (gene expression) / linkerharthelf = the left heart / refraktiver Linsenaustausch = clear lens extraction (ophthal.) / Linsenkern = lentiform nucleus; lenticular nucleus (brain) / lintworm = tapeworm / lipémie = hyperlipidaemia; elevated blood lipid level / Lipidsenker see hypolipémiant / lipome = lipoma / lipoméries = areas of body fat; "saddlebags"; "love handles" (esp. on thighs) / Lippenbremse see PLB / Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumenspalte = cheilognathopalatoschisis; cleft lip, jaw and palate / lippenrood; Lippenrot see lèvre rouge) / Lippenspalte = cleft lip; harelip, cheiloschisis / Liquorablassversuch see STT / Liquorraum = cisterna (esp. one of enlarged subarachnoid spaces containing CSF) / LIS = less invasive surgery / lis see lus / liseré noirâtre (des gencives) = "lead line" (at edge of gums, symptomatic of lead poisoning) / lissage = lifting (cosmetic. surg.) / musculature lisse = smooth muscle / liste limitative = schedule of approved drugs (health care costs) / lit de régulation ville = ?bed for patients referred by non-hospital doctors (to e.g. regional cancer centre) / lithiaise biliaire = (formation of) gallstones; biliary calculi / litteken = scar; cicatrix / LK = Lymphknoten = lymph nodes / LMCA = left main coronary artery; (syn.) left main trunk / LMP = last menstrual period (gyn.) / LMR = limite maximale de résidus see MRL / Lo = lowest (e.g. LDLo = lowest published lethal dose) / LOAEL = lowest observed adverse effect level (tox.) / lob = lobe (thyroid) / LOC = loss of consciousness / LOCF = last observation carried forward / Lochgeschwür = malum perforans pedis; diabetic ulcer (feet & legs, in diabetes mellitus) / Lochtuch = fenestrated drape (surg.) / locus: "at the HRPT locus" / LOEL = lowest observed effect level (tox.) / loge = 1. recess (in bone e.g., occupied by a muscle); 2. pocket (for a surgically created  implant: pacemaker, breast recopnstruction etc) / loge carotidienne = carotid space (neck) / loge rénale = renal bed / loger = lodge (anat.): "it (vertebral groove) lodges the deep back muscles.." / logette = (intraretinal cystic) cavity, as in cf. CMO / logette des osselets = epitympanic recess; attic (ear) / logopédie = speech therapy; logopaedics / LOH = loss of heterozygosity (cancer) / LOI = loss of imprinting (‘LOI markers’, genetics) / Lokalisation = site (of lesions) / lombalisation = lumbarization / lombes = lumbus; lumbar region; loins / longblaasjes = alveoli / longbloeding see Lungenblutung / longemfyseem = emphysema (rmed.) / longenpest = pleuropneumonia / longfunctie-onderzoek = lung function test (testing); pulmonary function test (testing); test of lung function; test of pulmonary function / longoedema = pulmonary oedema / longueur cranio-caudale = crown-rump length (embryol.) / longueur-tension = length-tension (relationship, diagram, of muscles) / looizuur = tannin; tannic acid (astringent) / loopvoet; loopvoeten = "foot problems" (EN writing then usually specifies the individual conditions involved); NL uses this blanket term for the full range of fungal and bacterial infections, wounds, ulcers, etc. commonly found in persons with poor foot hygiene, e.g. the elderly or homeless / Loslassschmerz = rebound tenderness (of abdomen, palpation) / loslating = detachment (retina e.g.) / masque de loup see aile de papillon / loupe = wen, see kyste épidermique / Löwengesicht see leeuwengezicht / LP = 1. libération prolongé = slow release (pharm.); 2. lipoprotein / LPS = lipopolysaccharide / LPW = long posterior wall (hip replacement) / LRD = lower respiratory disease / LRF = luteotropin releasing factor / LRR = light reflection rheography / LS = laparoscopic surgery / LSA = latex slide agglutination (test) / LSC = laparoscopy / LSD = lysergic acid diethylamide; Lysergsäurediäthylamid; lysergzuurdiethylamide (chem. name); lysergide (pharm. name): amphetamine used in psychiatry up to 1966, thereafter a banned substance, used recreationally; in UK a Class A drug, also known as: acid; microdots; penguins, smilies; stars; strawberries; tabs; trips) / LSK = Laparoskopie, see LSC / LSV = long saphenous vein / LTE = life-threatening event / LTEL = long-term exposure limit (sum of concentrations averaged over 8 hrs) / LTH = luteotropic hormone; luteotropin / LTT = lymphoblast transformation test / LTx; LTX = liver transplant; lung transplant / LUC = large unstained cell / luchtpijp = trachea / bovenste luchtwege = upper airways (rmed.) / onderste luchtwege = deeper airways (rmed.) / luchtwegenaandoeningen = respiratory disease / luchtwegverwijder = bronchodilator (pharm.) / lucite see PLE (derm.) / luès = syphilis / luétique = syphilitic / luette = uvula / Lufthaube see Luftsichelzeichen / Luftröhre = trachea; windpipe / Luftröhrenschnitt = tracheotomy / Luftsichelzeichen = air crescent sign (rad./rmed.) / luiereczeem = nappy rash; (USA) diaper rash / lui oog = lazy eye; amblyopia / lumière = lumen (blood vessel e.g.) / Lumineszenzfolie see Speicherfolie / Lungenabstrich = lung biopsy / Lungenblähung = emphysema (rmed.) / Lungenbläschen = alveolus / Lungenblutung = pulmonary haemorrhage; haematoptysis / Lungenentzündung = pneumonia / Lungenfell = visceral pleura / Lungenfibrose = pulmonary fibrosis / Lungenfunktionsprüfung = lung function test; pulmonary function test; test of lung function; test of pulmonary function (test or testing) / lungengängig = respirable, see Staub / Lungengerüst = lung architecture; parenchyma / Lungengerüsterkrankungen see ILD / Lungenkarzinom = pulmonary carcinoma (usually bronchial carcinoma) / Lungenkreislauf = pulmonary circulation; lesser circulation / Lungenmechanik = lung mechanics / Lungenpest see longenpest / Lungenreinigung = pulmonary clearance / Lungenschlag = (fatal) pulmonary embolism / Lungenspülung = pulmonary lavage, see lavage / Lungenstarrheit = stiffness of the lungs (von Basch, 1887) / vermehrte Lungenstrukturen = condensed areas, masses (increases in lung tissue density as seen on the radiograph) / Lungenvolumina = lung volumes / Lungenwurzel = hilum / Lungenzeichnung = lung markings (rad./rmed.) / luselektrode = loop; loop electrode (surg.) / hormone lutéale = progesterone / hormone lutéinisant see LH / LUTS = lower urinary tract symptoms / LV = left ventricle / LVH = left ventricular hypertrophy / LVI = left ventricular insufficiency / LVS = low volume sampling / LWS = Lendenwirbelsäule = lumbar spine / Lykorexie = bulimia / lymfatisch see lymphatique / lymfbaan = lymph vessel / lymfklier = lymph gland; lymph node / lymfknoop = lymph gland; lymph node / lymphatique (adj.) = lymph (cells, glands, nodes, vessels); lymphatic (drainage, system, tissue) / ganglion lymphatique = lymph node / lymphatiques (noun) = lymphatics; lymph vessels; lymphatic system / lymphoïde = lymphoid; lymphatic (tissue, system) / lymphoblastosarcome = ? poorly differentiated lymphosarcoma / tissus lymphoïdes = lymphoid tissue (NB lymphatic tissue = lymph vessels + lymphoid tissue) / auf dem Lymphwege = via the lymphatic system / lyosomale Enzyme = lyosomal enzymes / lyse cellulaire = cell lysis / lysotypie = phage typing  / Lyssa = rabies (obsol.) /

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