Glossary of Medical Terms, Abbreviations & Symbols
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k = cancer / K = (FR) abbrev. for côte (common in FR to identify the ribs as, e.g. K1, 2, 3 etc. In EN the abbrev. "R" is found, but rarely, and it is more usual to say e.g. "3rd rib") / kaakholte = maxillary sinus; antrum; sinus maxillaris / kaakklem = trismus; lockjaw (tetanus) / Kaffeearbeiterlunge = coffee worker's lung / Kaffernpocken = variola minor; alastrim; whitepox; cottonpox; milk pox (mild form of smallpox) / Kahnbein = scaphoid bone; os scaphoideum (hand); navicular bone; os naviculare pedis (foot) / Kaiserschnitt = caesarian section (obst.) / Kaliber = calibre (airways e.g.) / kaliémie = blood potassium (level) / Kalkschulter = tendinitis calcarea; calcifying tendinitis / Kalkspitze see Knochensporn / kalmerende middel = sedative (pharm.) / Kälteagglutinin = cold agglutinin / Kalzitonin = calcitonin; thryocalcitonin / kamer see Kammer / kamerfibrilleren = ventricular fibrillation / kamervlieg = house fly; musca domestica / Kammer = chamber (general); ventricle (specific) (heart) / Kammeranfangsgruppe = QRS complex (cardiol.) / Kammerendschwankung = T wave (cardiol.) / Kanüle = (hollow) needle; cannula / kanzerogen = carcinogenic / Kaolinlunge = laolinosis / Kaposi-Sarkom = Kaposi's sarcoma / Kapsel = capsule (joint, kidney); capsule (bacterium) / adhäsive Kapselentzündung = capsulitis; "frozen shoulder" / weiche, (eindruck / Kapselgehörschützer (KGS) = ear muffs (OSH) / Kardiadrüsen = cardiac glands (stomach) / karteldarm = colon / Käsewascherlunge = cheese washer's lung / Kassenarzt (syn. Vertragsarzt): doctor who treats patients covered by a statutory insurance scheme, equivalent to an NHS general practitioner in the UK or a panel physician in the USA, contrast Wahlarzt / Kassenmedizin = panel medicine, see Wahlarzt / Kasuistik = (patient) case report / Kategoriemittel = midcategory (radiograph) / "Kater" = "hang-over" / kattenkrabziekte = cat scratch fever / Katzenkratzkrankheit see kattenkrabziekte / Kaustik = cauterisation / Kauter = coagulator (surg. instrument) / Kautelen = precautionary measures, conditions (e.g. "unter sterilen Kautelen") / Kaverne = cavity (rad./rmed.) / Kavernenbildung = cavitation (rmed.) / kavernöse Zerfallserscheinungen = cavitation (rmed.) / kbE = keimbildende Einheit see CFU / KCCT = kaolin cephalin clotting time (obs.), see APTT / KCO = Krogh factor, synonym: transfer factor (rmed.) / KDG = koorddansersgang, see hakken- en tenegang / keimarm = antimicrobial (of hospital textiles: treated by impregnating with e.g. silver or copper thread); otherwise paraphrase as "with low microbial (or bacterial) count", loosely used, depending on context, to mean disinfected, sanitised, (semi-)sterile, aseptic or even just "clean" / Kernschatten; Gumprecht'sche Kernschatten; Gumprecht-Kernschatten = smudge cells, Gumprecht shadows (in e.g. chronic lymphocytic leukaemia) / kernspintomografie; Kernspintomographie see MRI / Kernteilung = mitosis / Kerzenfleckphänomen see tache de bougie / Keuchhusten = whooping cough; pertussis / keukenzoutoplossing = physiological saline, salt solution (aqueous solution of NaCl with osmolality similar to that of blood serum) / KFR = Klinischer Forschungsreferent, see CRA / KGS = Kapselgehörschützer = ear muffs (OSH) / KGW = Körpergewicht see bw / KHK = koronare Herzkrankheit, see CHD / KI = kunstmatige inseminatie see AI 1. / KID = kunstmatige inseminatie, donor = donor insemination; AID / KIDNEY STONES: the 2 main types of treatment are extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy, abbreviated to ESWL or just SWL, and laser lithotripsy, sometimes abbreviated as FURSL (flexible ureteroscopy and laser lithotripsy) but frequently referred to in shorthand as just "ureteroscopy" / Kieferhöhle see kaakholte / kiemcel see Keimzelle / kiemdodend middel = germicide (pharm.) / kies = tooth (= tand) / echte kies = molar / valse kies = premolar / ware kies = echte kies / kiezellong = silicosis / kiespijn = toothache / "kijkoperatie" = pop. name for any kind of -oscopy, often arthroscopy / Kinderbettfieber (synonym: Wochenbettfieber) = puerperal fever / kindergeneeskunde; Kinderheilkunde = paediatrics; paediatric medicine / Kinderkrankheiten = diseases of childhood / spinale Kinderlähmung = spinal paralytic poliomyelitis; acute anterior poliomyelitis; infantile paralysis / zerebrale Kinderlähmung; kinderverlamming = cerebral palsy / Kindspech; kindspek = meconium / kinésithérapie = remedial exercises; exercise physiotherapy / kinine = quinine / kinkhoest = pertussis, whooping cough / kippenborst = pigeon chest; pigeon breast / kippenvel = gooseflesh; cutis anserina / Kittel = (surgical) gown / kittelaar see Kitzler / Kittniere = putty kidney; mortar kidney; caseous pyonephrosis / Kittsubstanz = cementing substance (of cells) / Kitzler = clitoris (gyn.) / KKHF = Krim-Kongo hämorrhagisches Fieber = Congo-Crimean haemorrhagic fever (virus) / KKS = Kalottenklopfschmerz = cranial percussion tenderness (neurol.) / klachten = symptoms / klachtenvrij = symptom-free; asymptomatic / Klappensegel = valve leaflet (heart valve) / klaring = clearance (creatinine, pulmonary) / klecksiger Schatten = blotchy opacity (rad./rmed.) / kleerluis; Kleiderlaus = body louse; Pediculus humanus corporis; clothes louse; Pediculus humanus vestimenti / kleinblasiges Rasselgeräusch see adventitious breath sounds / kleine hersenen; Kleinhirn = cerebellum / "kleines Labor": refers to routine tests (blood, urine) typically performed in the doctor's surgery rather than in a hospital pathology department ("Großlabor") / Kleinhirnbrückenwinkel = cerebellopontine angle / Klemme = clamp (surg.) / kletskop = favus; honeycomb ringworm; tinea favosa / klier = gland / klierlobje = follicle (glands) / klimakterisch = menopausal / klingendes Rasselgeräusch see adventitious breath sounds / klinisch-chemische Befunde = (laboratory) test results / Klistier = enema; clyster / klompvoet; Klumpfuß = clubfoot; pes varus / Klumphand = clubhand / KM = 1. Knochenmark = medulla; bone marrow; 2. Kontrastmittel = contrast medium / knee prostheses: Blatchford stabilized; multiaxial, uniaxial / Blatchford pneumatic swing control knee control; wheel type knee control; manual knee lock; (semi-) automatic knee lock; internal calf spring / kneuzing = bruising; contusion / knevelverband = tourniquet / Knickfuß; knikvoet = talipes valgus / Kniefalte = synovial plica, (US) synovial shelf / Knie-Hacken-Versuch = heel-shin test; heel-on-shin test; heel-to-knee test (of coordination) / Kniekehle = popliteal fossa; kneepit / knieknobbel = geniculate body (thalamus) / Kniescheibe; knieschijf = patella / KNMG = Koninklijke Nederlandse Maatschappij tot bevordering van de Geneeskunst = Royal Dutch Medical Association / KNMP = Koninklijke Nederlandse Maatschappij ter bevordering der Pharmacie = Royal Dutch Society for the Advancement of Pharmacy / KNO = keel-, neus- en oorheelkunde see ENT / Knöchelchen = ossicle / Knochenfissur = pseudofracture / Knochenfraß = osteomyelitis; (acute) osteitis; caries / Knochengerüst = skeleton / Knochenhaut = periosteum / Knochenleiste = line; linea / Knochenneubildung = periososis, bony neoplasm / Knochenschwund = bone loss; osteoporosis / Knochensporn = bone spur; osteophyte / Knochenwucherung = bony growth / Knochenzelle = osteoblast / knokkelkoorts = dengue (fever); dandy fever; breakbone fever / knolwam = (toadstool of the genus) Amanita / groene knolzwam = death cup; Amanita phalloides / Knopfbildung = clumping; agglutination (cells) / knorpelig = cartilaginous / Knorpelzelle = cartilage cell; chondrocyte / Knorpelhaut = perichondrium / Knötchen = nodule, see also Herd / knötchenförmig = nodular (rad./rmed.) / Knoten = 1. (lymph) (nerve impulses) node; 2. nodule (lung disease); 3. lump (cancer) / knotig = nodular (rad./rmed.) / KO = knock-out (mice) / KO; KOF = Körperoberfläche, see BSA / Kobaltkanone see cobalt / koepokken = vaccinia; cowpox / koffer = inlay (dent.) / Kofferdam see sous-digue (dent.) / kogelgewricht = ball-and-socket joint; spheroidal joint / Kohabitation = sexual intercourse / Kohlenbergarbeiterpneumokoniose = coal worker's pneumoconiosis (CWP); coal miner's pneumoconiosis (rmed.) / Kohlendioxidabgabe = carbon dioxide output (rmed.) / Kohlensäuredruck = carbon dioxide tension (rmed., blood gases) / Kokarde = target (sign, pattern); also "cockade", halo, doughnut, bullseye (medical imaging, describes thickening of bowel wall) / Kompartiment = (blood) fraction, "compartment" is old-fashioned / konfluierend = coalescent (lesions) (rad./rmed.) / Konisation = cone biopsy (procedure) / Konkrement = concretion (calculi e.g.) / Konsiliararzt = consulting physician (advises or helps the attending physician) / Kontrastmittel = contrast medium (rad.) / Konus = cone (e.g. biopsy sample) / koolhydraat = carbohydrate / koolzweer = carbuncle / koortsblaasje = coldsore; herpes simplex / koortsonderdrukkend = antipyretic / kootje = phalanx (finger, toe) / koperdamp = copper vapour (laser type) / Kopfbein = capitate bone / Kopfhaut = scalp / Kopflaus = head louse; Pediculus humanus capitis / Kopfschlagader = carotid artery / Kopfschwarte see Kopfhaut / koreal = (misspelling for) korial = deep dermal: korial-subkutan versenkte Naht = deep dermal-subcuticular suture (surg.) / Korkstaublunge = suberosis (rmed.) / Korngrößenverteilung = particle size distribution (rmed., dust) / Kornzange = dressing forceps / Körperbau = stature / körperfern = distal (anat.) / Körperinnentemperatur = body core temperature / Körpermassenindex see BMI / körpernah = proximal (nat.) / Körpersäfte = body fluids / zentrale Körpertemperatur see Körperinnentemperatur / korrelziekte = trachoma; granular ophthalmia; Egyptian conjunctivitis / korst = scab (wounds) / kortademigheid = dyspnoea; breathlessness; shortness of breath / Korundschmelzerlunge = corundum smelter's lung (rmed.) / koubult = chilblain; pernio / "koude koorts" = malaria / koude rillingen = chills / koudvuur = gangrene / kraakbeen = cartilage / kraambed; kraamperiode = postpartum; postpartum period; puerperium; "lying-in" (gyn./obst.) / kraamvloed = lochia (gyn./obst.) / Krampfadern (syn. Varizen) = varicose veins, see Varix / erhöhte Krampfbereitschaft = lowered seizure threshold (epilepsy: i.e. patient more likely to have a seizure) / krankhaft = pathological / Krankheitsbild = pathology; clinical picture; (pathological) condition / Krankheitsgefühl = malaise; feeling unwell / kransslagader = coronary artery (card.) / Krätzmilbe = itch mite; Scarcoptes scabeii (causes scabies in humans, mange in animals) / krebserzeugend = carcinogenic / Kreislauf = circulation; systemic circulation; greater circulation (carrying blood from heart to body tissues and back) / kleiner Kreislauf = pulmonary circulation; lesser circulation / "Kreislaufstörung": as the "crise du foie" is to the French, "Kreislaufstörung"is to the Germans...(suggest) circulatory problems; circulatory insufficiency / Kreuzband = cruciate ligament / Kreuzbein see sacrum / Kreuzotter = adder; European viper; vipera berus / Kreuzresistenz = cross-resistance / Kreuzschmerzen = low back pain; sacroiliac pain / Kribbeln = tingling; "pins and needles" / kriebel in de benen = "restless legs" / kringspier = sphincter muscle / Krippentod = "cot death"; SIDS / KRK = Kolorektalkarzinom, see Dickdarmkrebs / Krötentest = male toad test; male frog test (for pregnancy) / Krokydolith = crocidolite (asbestos) / kronkeldarm = ileum / krop; Kropf = goitre; struma / kruisproef = crossmatch test (blood) / Krummdarm = ileum / Krümmung = normal curvature of spine (normal slight kyphosis and normal lordosis) (see also Wirbelsäulenverkrümmung) / Kruor = Cruor, see blood clot / Kryokonservation = freezing (reprod. med.: "cryoconservation" and "cryopreservation" exist, but the EN literature prefers "freezing") / KS = Kempen (unit of fatigue, name derived from Campine/Kempen coalfield, Belgium) (OSH) / KST = Kernspintomographie, see MRI / KTP = potassium titanyl phosphate (laser type) / KTSZ = Kerntransfer somatischer Zellen, see SCNT / KUB = kidney, ureter, bladder (radiogr.) / kubisches Epithel = cuboidal epithelium; / ICRU Kugel = the ICRU sphere: a type of phantom, 30 mm in diameter and filled with soft tissue, used for testing dosemeters (rad.) / Kugelbacterium = (micro) coccus / Kugelzange = tenaculum forceps; (obsolete?) bullet forceps (gyn.)/ kuitbeen = fibula / kuitspier = calf muscle; gastrocnemicus muscle / Kulissenphänomen = 1. (defined: "Verziehung der Uvula zur gesunden Seite) uvular deviation (due to e.g. pharyngeal infection, damage to cranial nerves, neoplasm: paralysis on the affected side causes displacement of the uvula towards the unaffected side and lowering of the soft palate on the affected side); 2. (radiology) silhouette sign, also called Kulissenzeichen, Silhouettenzeichen, described by Ferson) / kunstfout = medical error / Kunstklappe = prosthetic valve (card.) / Kuppe = 1. dome (of diaphragm) (anat.); 2. cusp (of teeth) (labial = facing the cheek, lingual = facing the tongue) / Kurzschluß= shunt (card., rmed.) / Küvette = cuvette (spectrometers) / kwaadaardig = malignant / kwakzalver = quack; charlatan / kwikdruk: 80 mm kwikdruk = 80 mmHg (blood pressure) / kyste épidermique; kyste sébacé = epidermal cyst; sebaceous cyst; "wen" /

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