Glossary of Medical Terms, Abbreviations & Symbols
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HA = haemagglutination; haemagglutination assay / Haaraufrichtung = piloerection / Haarbalg = hair follicle / haardontsteking = focal infection / Haargefäß = capillary (rmed.) / haarroos = dandruff / HAART = hochwirksame antiretrovirale Therapie; hochwirksame antiretrovirale Kombinationstherapie = highly active antiretroviral therapy;  highly active antiretroviral combination therapy (HIV/Aids) / zwarte haartong see Haarzunge / Haartrichter = hair follicle / haarvaat see Haargefäß / haarworm = hairworm / schwarze Haarzunge = black hairy tongue; lingua villosa negra / HACCP = Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP plan, system, principles, application) (food safety) / HACEK group bacteria: Haemophilus spp, Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans, Cardiobacterium hominis, Eikenella, Kingella / coup de hache = hatchet strike: "En revanche, il existe une rupture du tendon d’Achille gauche et on note un aspect en coup de hache sur la partie médiane du tendon"; "Physical exam findings include the “hatchet strike” sign (a palpable proximal defect in the Achilles tendon) or a positive Thompson test.2"; "gap, gapping" / Hacken-Zehen-Gang; hakken- en tenengang = heel-to-toe walk (neurol.) / Hackenfuß = pes calcaneus (walking on heel) / HAD = haemadsorption / haemangioma: a vascular naevus or red birthmark, either flat or raised, superficial (capillary) or deep (cavernous), which may either be permanent or may involute over time. Depending on the depth of the blood vessels involved, its colour may range from pink to purple. Classification is complex: common raised types which may be present at birth but fade with age include the "salmon patch", the "stork bite", and the "strawberry birthmark". A haemangioma which is congenital, flat and permanent is known as a naevus flammeus; the commonest example is the "port-wine stain". There is also the non-congenital "vascular spider" (syn. naevus araneus; spider mole; stellar naevus) which affects the arterioles in a radiating pattern, hence the name. / hartnäckig = recalcitrant; persistent / hémangiome = haemangioma / hémangiome plan see naevus flammeus / Hagelgeschwülst = stye; hordeolum / Hagelkorn = chalazion; meibonian cyst / HAI = 1. haemagglutinin; 2. haemagglutination inhibiting; 3. haemagglutination test see HI; 3. Health Action International (NGO) / Häkchen = (surgical) hook; hook probe / Hakenbein = hamate bone / Hakenwurm = hookworm, see also Grubenwurm / hakvoet see Hackenfuß / Halbseitenlähmung = hemiplegia / halfdoorlaatbaar = semipermeable / halfwaardetijd = half-life (pharm. e.g.) / HALO = haemorrhoidal artery ligation operation / Halsschlagader = carotid artery / Halswirbel = cervical vertebra / Halteband = ligament; retinaculum; (uterus) parametrium / Haltung = (body) posture / halve cirkelvormige kanalen = semicircular canals (ear) / Häm = haem (US heme) (porphyrin chelate of Fe(II)) / hamer; Hammer = malleus (ear) / hamerteen = hammer toe / Hämin = haematin; methaem (porphyrin chelate of Fe(III)) / Hämoptyse = haemoptysis (rmed.) / Hämovigilanz = haemovigilance / Hand: prehensile movement (gripping, pinching between digits and palms), types: precision grip (thumb pad and several or all finger tip pads - writing, sewing); power grip (uses surface of fingers with thumb for support - scrubbing nails); hook grip (joints straight, ends bent - carrying suitcase); scissor grip (holding cigarette); non-prehensile movement (uses whole hand - pushing, lifting, punching) / Handgriff = (surgical) manoeuvre / Action européenne des Handicapés = European Action for the Handicapped (1979) / operatieve handstuk = surgical handpiece / handwortel; Handwurzel = wrist; carpus / hanging drop culture (bacteriol.: drop of culture medium containing test material is placed on a glass coverslip. Over it is placed a thick glass slide with a central well. Slide is inverted so that drop hangs down over well, clear of any interfering organisms / hansénien = (defined) pertaining to leprosy / Harnblase = (urinary) bladder / Harnkanälchen = renal tubule; uriniferous tubule / Harnleiter = ureter / harnpflichtige Stoffe = renally excreted substances / Harnröhre = urethra / harnsauer = (of, pertaining to) uric acid / Harnsperre = urinary retention / Harnstarre = isothenuria / Harnstauungsniere = hydronephrosis / Harnstein = urinary calculus; urinary stone; urolith / Harnstoff = urea / Harnstottern = 1. urinary intermittency; 2. paruresis / harntreibend = diuretic / Harnverhalt see Harnsperre / Harnwege = urinary tract / hartfalen = heart failure; cardiac insufficiency / hartgebrek = heart defect / hartgeruis = heart sounds (collective, cf. harttoon, Herzton) / hartinfarct = myocardial infarction / hartinsufficiëntie see hartfalen / decompenseerde hartinsufficiëntie = cardiac decompensation / hartjagen see hartkloppingen / hartklepje see Herzklappe / hartkloppingen = tachycardia; "palpitations"; "racing heart" / Hartmetallunge = hard metal lung (rmed.) / hartminuutvolume = cardiac output (rate) (symbol Q) / hartpuntstoot = ictus cordis; heart beat / hartspann = myogelosis / harttoon see Herzton / hart- en vaatziekten see CVD 1. / hartverlamming = heart attack / hartzakje = pericardium; pericardial sac / hartziekten = heart disease / HAS = Haute Autorité de Santé = French National Authority for Health (use FR abbrev.) / Hasenpest = tularaemia; rabbit fever / Hasenscharte = cleft lip; harelip / Haschisch (D); hasj; hasjiesj (NL) see cannabis / HAT-SOB = hystérectomie abdominale totale avec salpingo-ovarectomie bilatérale see TAH BSO / HAU = haemagglutinating units / haubanage = cerclage (fixing of bone) / Hauptschlagader = aorta / Hauspflegestation see Heimpglegestation / Hausstaubmilbe = housedust mite / Haut = 1. skin; 2. membrane / hautähnlich; häutig = membranaceous / Hautkrebs = skin cancer / Hautlappe = skin flap / Hautmaulwurf = creeping eruption (by larva migrans) (parasites) / Hautschmarotzer = dermatozoon / HAV = 1. hepatitis A virus; 2. hyperactivité vésicale, see OAB / hazenlip = cleft lip; harelip / Hb = haemoglobin / HbB = haemoglobin in blood / HbCO = carboxyhaemoglobin / HbGM = hémoglobine globulaire moyenne = mean corpuscular haemoglobin (MCH) (measured in pg) / HbO2 = oxyhaemoglobin / HBOT = hyperbaric oxygen therapy / HBP = 1. high blood pressure; 2. hyperplasie bénigne de la prostate see BPH / HBsAg = hepatitis B surface antigen / HBV = hepatitis B virus / HC = 1. haemoglobin concentration; 2. haemorrhagic colitis (bacteriol.); 3. head circumference (obst.); 4. hospice civil (FR: historical) hospital caring for poor, non-military people; (modern) organization responsible for administration of the entire hospital network of a given geographical area (incl. personnel management and social services, training for nurses, midwives, ambulance drivers, etc.) / HCG = human chorionic gonadotropin / HCL = hairy cell leukaemia / HCM = hypertrophic cardiomyopathy / HCt = haematocrit / HCV = 1. hepatitis C virus; 2. human coronavirus / HDC = human diploid cell (rabies vaccine) / HDL = high density lipoprotein / HDU = high-dependency unit (one step down from intensive care) / health (WHO) definition, 1946: "Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing, not merely an absence of disease and infirmity." (for DE; FR; NL definitions see Gesundheit; gezondheid; santé) / health physics = (defined: science & study of health hazards caused by ionizing radiation / Heber = levator (muscles) / hechting = stitch; suture / heiligbeen see sacrum / Heilpraktiker = non-medical practitioner / Heimpflegestation = domiciliary care service, agency / Heißhunger = bulimia / heksenmelk see Hexenmilch / méthode à l'hélium en circuit fermé = helium dilution technique (rmed.) / helm = caul; cowl (obst.) / helse steen = lunar caustic; fused silver nitrate; toughened silver nitrate (AgNO3, used in stick form for e.g. wart removal) / HEM = health effect monitoring (tox.) / hémangiome see naevus vasculaire / hémangiome plan = naevus flammeus; port-wine stain / hématose = 1. (respiratory) gas exchange; 2. haematopoeisis / hemeralopia (EN) = day blindness; poor vision in bright light (NB Hemeralopie (D), héméralopie (FR) = night blindness; nyctalopia) / -hemmend = (as suffix usually) -static / Hemmstoff = inhibitor / Hemmung = inhibition; suppression / hémoculture = blood culture / hémodialyse = haemodialysis, dialysis; dialysers; haemodyalised patients / tube à hémolyse = haematolysis tube / hémopathie = blood disease; haemopathy / hémoperfusie = haemofiltration / hémorragie en nappe = vascular oozing / HeNe = helium-neon (laser type) / heparin; to heparinize a sample / Hepatopathie = liver disease / Herd = focus (of disease generally); (rmed.) nodule, lesion: "The lungs, sectioned at autopsy, display a uniform pattern of pigmented foci, often with emphysema around them." In pneumocioniosis, Herd usually specifically means a lesion (safest translation), the discrete lesions or nodules (Knötchen) found in the less serious forms of disease, as opposed to the massive lesions (Schwielen) characteristic of e.g. PMF, where the discrete lesions have coalesced or become confluent / herdförmig = focal / hernie discale = herniated disc / hernie étranglée = strangulated hernia / hernie hiatale = hiatus hernia / hernie intraspongieuse = herniation of intravertebral disc / hernie du poumon = pneumatocele / heroin = (in UK, class A drug) chemical name: diamorphine; diacetyl morphine; as narcotic also known as brown; elephant; horse; skag; smack / hersenaanhangsel = pituitary gland; hypophysis / grote hersenen = cerebrum / hersenkneuzing = brain contusion / hersenontsteking = encephalitis / hersenruggenmergsvocht = cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) / hersenschors = cerebral cortex / hersenschudding = concussion; commotio cerebri / hersenverwekking = 1. "softening of the brain" (= dementia); 2. encephalomalacia (true softening of brain substance) / hersenvliesontsteking = meningitis / hersenenvliezen = meninges (singular: meninx) / hersenzenuw = cranial nerve / herstellen (intr. verb) = recover / hervorrufen = trigger (reaction) / Herzbeutel = pericardium; pericardial sac / Herzflimmern = (cardiac) fibrillation / Herzjagen see Herzklopfen / Herzklappe = heart valve; cardiac valve / Herzklopfen see hartkloppingen / Herzkontur = cardiac outline (rad.) / Herzkranzgefäße = coronary arteries /  / Herzohr = atrium / Herzpause = diastole (coincides with interval between first and second heart sound) / Herzrand = cardiac border (rad.) / Herzschatten = heart shadow (rad.) / Herzschlag = 1. heartbeat; pulse; 2. heart attack / Herzschlagfolge = cardiac sequence / Herzstillstand = cardiac arrest / Herztod = cardiac death; fatal heart attack (irreversible cardiac arrest) / Herzton = heart sound / heterologe inseminatie = donor insemination; artificial insemination by donor (AID) / hétéroprotéine = conjugated protein / type hétérozygote = phenotype (rmed.) / hétérozygotie = heterozygosity / heupbeen = hip bone; os coxae / Heuschnupfen = hayfever; seasonal allergic rhinitis / Hexenmilch = witch's milk; hexenmilch / Hexenschuß = lumbago; joint stiffness / HFEA = Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (UK) / HFMD = hand, foot and mouth disease / HGPRT = hypoxathine-guanine phosphoribosyl transferase / HHA = health hazard analysis / HHL = Hypophysenhinterlappen = posterior pituitary / HHV = host-specific herpesvirus / HI = 1. haemagglutination inhibiting; haemagglutination inhibition test; 2. humoral immunity / Hib = haemophilus influenzae type B (vaccine) / HIC = hypertension intracrânienne = intracranial hypertension / hielbeen = heel bone; calcaneus / hielspoor = calcaneal spur / hielvoet see Hackenfuß / HIFU = high-intensity focused ultrasound / hik = hiccups; hiccoughs; singultus / Hilfe im Sterben = palliative care; end-of-life care / Hilfe zum Sterben, see PAS / Himbeermal = strawberry mark; strawberry naevus (not raspberry NB!), see haemangioma / Himbeerzunge = raspberry tongue; red strawberry tongue (scarlet fever) / Hinterhaupt = occiput / Hinterhauptsbein = occipital bone; os occipitale / Hinterhauptsloch = foramen magnum / Hinterhirn see metencephalon / Hinterhorn = posterior horn; cornu posterior (of spinal cord) / Hinterstrang = posterior bundle; funiculus posterior / Hippocrates see Hippocratic oath (EN & Greek); eed van Hippocrates; serment d'Hippocrate; Eid van Hippokrates / hippocratisme digital = clubbing of the fingers / Hirnanhangsdrüse see hersenaanhangsel / Hirnbruch = cerebral hernia / HIRNHAUT; HIRNHÄUTE = meninx (singular); meninges (plural): Hirnhaut- (as adjective) = meningeal / harte Hirnhaut = dura mater; dura / weiche Hirnhaut (sometimes zarte Hirnhaut) = pia mater, pia (NB sometimes "weiche Hirnhaut" is used to describe the pia and the arachnoid together, i.e. the leptomeninx) / Hirnhautbruch = meningocele / Hirnhautentzündung = meningitis / Hirnkammer = ventricle of brain; ventriculus cerebri / Hirnnerv = cranial nerve / Hirnrückenmarksflüssigkeit see CSF / Hirnvorfall = encephalocele / Hirnwasser see CSF / Hirtenstab = remover hook (a type of crown and bridge remover. The term "shepherd's hook" is not used for this in EN for this, though it is used to describe a type of probe routinely used in dental examinations) / Hitzewallung = hot flush (gyn.) / Hitzschlag = heat stroke; thermoplegia / HIV = human immunodeficiency virus / Hk = Hämatokrit = haematocrit (HCT) / HKB = hinteres Kreuzband, see PCL / HLA = human leukocyte antigen / HLT = heart-lung transplant / HML = Hypophysenmittellappen = pars intermedia of pituitary / HMV = Herzminutenvolumen = cardiac output / HNO = Hals-, Nasen- und Ohrenheilkunde see ENT / HNP = hernia nuclei pulposi = herniated disc / Hochtonsteilabfall = ski slope loss; steeply sloping loss (audiometry: difficulty hearing HF/MF sounds) / Höcker (gen.) = protruberance; tuberositas / großer Höcker = greater trochanter; trochanter major / kleiner Höcker = lesser trochanter; trochanter minor / Hodensackbruch = scrotal hernia / hoefijzernier = horseshoe kidney / hoektand = canine; eye tooth / Hof = areola (nipple) / Höhenkrankheit = mountain sickness; altitude sickness / Hohlfuß = pes cavus / Hohlkeim = blastocyst / Hohlkreuz = hollow back; saddle back (abnormal lordosis) / Hohlvene = vena cava / holle ader see Holhlvene / "holle" tepels = inverted nipples (gyn.) / Höllenstein see helse steen / holoprotéine = holoprotein / holvoet see Hohlfuß / "holy plane of rectal surgery", defined: perimesorectal plane; interfascial plane of fusion between presacral and mesorectal fascia (term coined by R.J. Heald, 1988) / Holzarbeiterlunge = woodworker's lung (rmed.) / Holzbock = castor bean tick; Ixodes ricinus / Homogenisat = homogenate; "ground in a homogenizer" (microbiol.) / homolatéral = on the affected side; ipsilateral / homologe inseminatie = homologous insemination (AIH) / hondenlintworm = dog tapeworm; Echinococcus granulosus / hondsdolheid = rabies; lyssa / stille hondsdolheid = dumb rabies; paralytic rabies / wilde hondsdolheid = furious rabies / Honigwabenlunge = honeycomb lung (rad./rmed.) / honteux = pudendal / hoofdluis = head louse; Pediculus humanus capitis / hoofdroos = dandruff / hoofdzeer = favus; honeycomb ringworm; tinea favosa / hoogdeziekte see Höhenkrankheit / hooikoorts = hayfever; seasonal allergic rhinitis / hoorbuis = stethoscope / hoornlaag = horny layer; stratum corneum (epidermis) / hoornstof = keratin / hoornvlies = cornea (eye) / Hormonhaushalt = hormonal balance; endocrine homeostasis / Hornhaut see hoornvlies / Hornhautrand = limbus (eye) / horrelvoet = club foot; pes varus / horripilation = goose flesh; goose bumps; horripilation / effet hors cible = off-target (effect) / zeitweilige Hörschwellenabwanderung, Hörschwellenverschiebung see TTS / tablier des Hottentotes = Hottentot's apron (elongated genital labia) / HPA = Health Protection Agency (UK government public health watchdog) / HPD = haematoporphyrin derivative / HPNS = high pressure nervous syndrome (diving med.) / HPV = human papilloma virus / HR = heart rate / HRBS = hyperreagibles Bronchialsystem = bronchial hyperreactivity; airway hyperreactivity (NB these are the terms used in the EN literature: "hyperreactive/hypersensitive bronchial system" seems to occur only in translations from German. See also BHR) / HRCT = high resolution computer(-ised) tomograph(y) / HROP = horseradish peroxidase / HRP = hématome rétroplacentaire = retroplancental haematoma (gyn./obst.) / HRS = Harnstoff-Stickstoff = blood urea nitrogen (BUN); HRS = human subject research / HRT = hormone replacement therapy (gyn.) / HSC = 1. health and safety committee (OSH); 2. haematopoietic stem cell / HSE = Health and Safety Executive (UK) / HSG = hysterosalpingografie; hystérosalpingographie = hysterosalpingography / HSS = Herzspitzenstoß = apex beat (card.) / HSV = herpes simplex virus / Ht = haematocrit (synonym HCT) / HTA = hypertension artérielle = HBP; hypertension / HTLV = human T-cell leukaemia/lymphoma; human T-cell lymphotropic (virus) / HTS = high-throughput screening (tox., pharm.) / HTX = heart transplant / Hüftbein see heupbeen / Hughes syndrome = antilipophosphid syndrome; "sticky blood" (named after Dr Graham Hughes, based St Thomas' Hospital London) / Hühnerauge = corn; clavus; heloma (foot)/ Hühnerbrust = pigeon chest; pigeon breast / Hühnerzüchterlunge see Vogelhalterlunge / huig = uvula / huispraktijk = general practice / huisstofmijt = housedust mite / huiduitslag see Hautausschlag / huidzeer = impetigo (derm.) / Hülle = envelope (virus) / hulpademhalingspieren = accessory muscles of respiration / HUS = haemolytic uraemic syndrome (bacteriol.: E.coli) / Hustentest = 1. "cough and drop" test (for hernia, etc. in men); 2. bladder stress test (for urinary incontinence, chiefly in women) / HVD = hypertrophie ventriculaire droite see RVH / HVES = Halveneneinflussstauung, see JVD / HVG = hypertrophie ventriculaire gauche = left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) / HVL = Hypophysenvorderlappen = adenohypophysis; anterior pituitary / HVS = 1. Hyperviskositätssyndrom = hyperviscosity syndrome; 2. Halsvenenstauung, see JVD;  3. high volume sampling (tox.) / HWI = Harnwegsinfektion see UTI / HWK = halswervelkolom = cervical spine / HWS = Halswirbelsäule = cervical spine / Hx = history / hybridation fluorescente in situ see FISH / hydrargyrie = mercury poisoning; hydrargyria / hydroadénites suppuratives = hidradenitis suppurativa / hydrocution = immersion syncope; hydrocution / hydropisie (obsol.) = (obsol.) dropsy; anasarca / hygiéniste dentaire = dental hygienist / hyperbarie = hyperbaric conditions (diving med. e.g.) / hypercalcémie = hypercalcaemia; high blood calcium / hyperchloorhydrie = hyperacidity / hyperglycémie = hyperglycaemia; "high blood sugar" / épreuve d'hyperglycémie provoquée = glucose tolerance test / hyperkaliémie = hyperkaliaemia; high blood potassium / hyperkinetisch syndroom = attention deficit disorder (ADD); attention deficit and hyperactivity (ADH); hyperactive child syndrome / hyperlipémie = hyperlipidaemia / épreuve d'hyperlipémie provoquée = lipidaemia tolerance test / hypernatrémie see natrémie / hyperplaquettose = thrombocytosis / hypersialorrhée = drooling; sialorrhoea / hypertension artérielle pulmonaire = pulmonary arterial hypertension (rmed.) / Hypertonie = hypertonia (muscle); hypertension (blood) / hypertrophie = hypertropism; enlargement (gen.): hypertrophie de la rate = splenomegaly; hypertrophie du foie = hepatomegaly / hypoaccélérinémie = proaccelerin deficiency (blood: proaccelerin = factor V) / hypocalcémie = hypocalcaemia; low blood calcium / épreuve d' hypocalcémie = EDTA tolerance test / hypocaptant = low-uptake (by cells, of iodine tracer in testing for thyroid cancer) / hypocholestérolémiant = cholesterol-lowering / hypoglycémie = hypoglycaemia; "low blood sugar" / épreuve d' hypoglycémie = insulin tolerance test / hypolipémiant; hypolipidémiant = lipid-lowering (agent) / hyponatrémie see natrémie / Hypophysenhinterlappen = posterior pituitary / Hypophysenvorderlappen = antterior pituitary / Hyposensibilisierung = desensitisation / hystérectomie par voie basse = vaginal hysterectomy / hystérectomie par voie haute = abdominal hysterectomy / HZL = Haarzellleukämie, see HCL / HZV = Herzzeitvolumen see HMV /

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