Glossary of
Medical Terms, Abbreviations
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Aa = alveolar-arterial / AA = 1. anémie aplastique = aplastic anaemia; 2. antigen-antibody (reaction); 3. atomic absorption / AAA = abdominelle Aortenaneurysma = abdominal aortic aneurysm / aambeien = haemorrhoids; "piles" / aandrang = urgency (to urinate, defaecate) / aangeboren = congenital / aangrijpingspunt = (point of) insertion (distal point of attachment of muscle to bone it moves; contrast origin) / aanhechting = attachment (muscle to bone) / stoornis in de aanleg = genetic defect / een aanleg voor ... = a predisposition to develop... / aanvangsdosis = initial dose / A-aDO2 = alveolar to arterial oxygen tension gradient (rmed., blood gases) / AAF = 2-acteylaminofluorene / AAFB see AFB / aambeeld = incus (ear) / AAP = 1. agent antiplaquettaire see AP agent; 2. alanine aminopeptidase / AAppO = Approbationsordnung für Apotheker = Licensing Order for the Practice of Pharmacy (DE) / aardbeivlek = strawberry mark; strawberry naevus, see haemangioma / aarsmade = pinworm; seatworm (Enterobius vermicularis) / AAS = atomic absorption spectro(photo)metry / AAT = antigènes associés aux tumeurs, see TAAs / Abbau = resorption (bone e.g.); degradation (chemicals e.g.); destruction (lung tissue e.g.): "Die Hemmung für aus weißen Blutkörperchen freigesetzten Proteasen verhütet einmal das Angehen eines überempfindlichen Bronchialsystems, was durch freie Proteasen im Bronchialbaum erzeugt werden kann, was andererseits den Abbau von Lungengewebe und damit die Entwicklung eines Lungenemphysems verhindert"; "Bullae are emphysematous areas in which there is complete destruction of lung tissue" / ABC = airway, breathing, resuscitation; (in D: "A = Atemwege freimachen; B = Beatmung; C = Circulation (+ D = Drugs)" (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) / ABCD = Assymetry, Border irregularity, Colour variation, Diameter > 6 mm (skin lesions) / ABDA = Bundesvereinigung Deutscher Apothekerverbände = Federal Union of German Associations of Pharmacists (but why the initial “A”?) / Abführmittel = laxative / ABG = arterial blood gases (test) / Abgang = 1. passage (of urine, stool); 2. (urine) leakage, (urinary, bowel) incontinence (if involuntary), 3. (spontaneous) abortion; 4. breaking of the waters (pregnancy) / abgangsfähig = passable (kidney stones e.g.) / abgeschwächt = 1. attenuated (vaccine); 2. diminished (breath sounds) / abgestorben = necrosed; necrotic (tissue) / schlecht abgrenzbar = ill-defined; poorly circumscribed (lesion e.g.) / abhorchen = auscultate; listen to / Abkläruntersuchung = investigative test / Abklatscher = contact sample (on plate or tape) (microbiology) / Abklatschkrebs = contact cancer / Abklatschverfahren = agar contact plate method (sample is pressed against the plate rather than swabbed) Abkochung = decoction (process and product); decoction; decoctum (product) (pharm.) / ablagern = deposit (substance in tissues) / Ablagerung = deposition (dust in lungs e.g.) / ablassen = drain (pus, fluid) / ableitend = efferent (nerves; vessels) / Ableitung = lead, electrode (ECG) / Ablösung = detachment (retina e.g.) / ABM = Agence de la biomédecine = Biomedicine Agency (FR) / Abmagerung = weight loss / pilule abortive = emergency contraceptive pill; emergency contraception; (popular usage but deprecated) morning-after pill / Abortuszange = placenta and ovum forceps (gyn.) / abouchement = anastomosis; surgical opening / ABPA = allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis; aspergillose broncho-pulmonaire / Abrißbruch = avulsion fracture / Absättigung = saturation (blood gases e.g.) / abscheiden = eliminate (dust from lungs e.g.) / Abscherfraktur = chip fracture; flake fracture / abschilfern = shed (viruses, etc.) / Abschilferung = desquamation (tissue)/ Abschluß = terminal part (of organ, bone) / Abschnitt = segment (of lung) / Abschnürung = constriction; strangulation / Abschuppung = desquamation / Abschürfung = excoriation / Abschüttraum = filling area (pharmacy) / Abschwemmung = elutriation (microbiol.) / Absetzungsfläche; Absetzungsrand = surgical margin; resection margin / absondern = secrete (hormones e.g.) / Abstammungslehre = theory of evolution / absteigend = efferent (nerve) / abstention-surveillance see WW / Absterberate (der Zellen) = cell mortality / abstillen = wean (paed.) / Abstoßung = (tissue) rejection / Abstrich = smear (hist.) / Abtreibung see Schwangerschaftsunterbrechung / abwehrgeschwächte Person = person with lowered resistance to disease / Abwehrspannung = reflex (abdominal e.g.) / ac = avec correction = adjusted (med. stat.) / AC = 1. acromioclavicular (joint, shoulder); 2. altération de conscience see ALC; 3. arrêt cardiaque see CA; 4. atteinte cognitive see CI / ACB = aortocoronary bypass; coronary artery bypass; coronary bypass / ACBP = Acyl-CoA binding protein / AcBz = Acetyl-Benzocain = acetyl benzocaine / accès = attack; bout (fever e.g.) / troubles de l'accommodation; Akkomodationsstörungen see verschwommen sehen / accoucheur = obstetrician (gyn.) / accouplement au hasard = random mating, see panmixie / accoutumance = habituation; addiction (narcotics) / accroches = suture snags (surgery) / ACD = acid-citrate-dextrose / ACDP = Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens (UK) / ACE = 1. antigène carcinoembryonnaire = carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA); 2. angiotensin-converting enzyme / acharnement thérapeutique = (definition) persistence with treatment beyond point where benefit can reasonably be expected / AchE = acetylcholinesterase / Achsellymphknoten = axillary lymph nodes / Achsenzylinder = axon (nerves) / achteruitgang = loss; impairment (of lung function e.g.) / acide acétylacétique = acetoacetic acid / acide biliaire = bile acid / acide édétique = EDTA / acide gras = fatty acid / acide ribonucléique (ARN) = ribonucleic acid (RNA) / acido-résistant = acid-fast see AFB / acinus (plur. acini) = acinus; (sometimes as syn. of) alveolus / 1. ACL = anterior cruciate ligament (knee); 2. aCL = anticardiolipin antibodies (blood test for e.g. "sticky blood") / ACM = Arnold-Chiari malformation (cerebellum) / acouphènes (usually in plural) = tinnitus / ACP = analgésie contrôlée par le patient, see PCA / AcPABA = Acetyl-p-Aminobenzoesäure = acetyl-p-aminobenzoic acid / ACPIV = analgésie contrôlée par le patient intraveineuse, see IVPCA / ACR = arrêt cardio-respiratoire see CRA / ACS = acute coronary syndrome / paiement à l'acte = fee per item (treatment) / ACSOS = agression cérébrale secondaire d'origine systémique, see SBISO / acte chirurgical; acte opératoire = procedure; operation; surgery; intervention / ACTH = adrenocroticotroophormoon = adrenocorticotropic hormone; corticotropin / acuité visuelle = visual acuity; "eyesight" / ACVB = aortokoronaler Venenbypass, see ACB / AD = 1. Alzheimer's disease; Alzheimer disease (WHO-preferred name); 2. attention deficit (psych.) / Adamsapfel = Adam's apple; prominentia laryngea / ADD = attention deficit disorder, see ADHD / ademarbeid see Atemarbeit / ademcentrum = respiratory centre / ademhaling = respiration (lungs, cells) / ademhalingscentrum = respiratory centre / ademminuutvolume see MV / adempoging = respiratory effort / ademstilstand = apnoea / een ademteug nemen = to take a breath / adenoïde vegetatie = adenoidal vegetation; "adenoids" / adénolymphocèles = lymphadenovarices; lymph(atic) varices; varicose lymph nodes / adénome de la prostate see BPH / adénopathies = enlarged lymph nodes; lymphadenopathy; "swollen glands" / Ader = vein / Aderhaut = choroid (eye) / aderlijk = venous / ADH = l. antidiuretic hormone; antidiuretisch hormoon; 2. attention deficit and hyperactivity, see ADHD / ADHD = attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (psych.) / Adhärenzen; adhérences = (tissue) adhesions / capacité d'adhérence = adherence (microbiol.: cells to slide e.g.); attachment (cells to other cells e.g.) / ADI = acceptable daily intake; admissible daily intake (FAO, WHO) / Adipositaschirurgie = bariatric surgery / ADKA = azide dextrose kanamycine agar (microbiol.) / ADL = activities of daily living / ADME = absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion (toxicity parameters) / ADN = acide désoxyribonucléique see DNA / coupure de l'ADN; fragmentation de l'ADN = DNA cleavage / ADN libre circulant see cfDNA / ADP = adenosine diphosphate / ADPKD = autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease / ADR = adverse drug reaction (clinical trials) /
d’annonce du diagnostic, where
the patient is told his diagnosis. This equates to the
“(breaking) bad news
interview”. 2) a
review of
the management options by a
multidisciplinary team (réunion de concertation
pluridisciplinaire, RCP); 3) a
d’annonce médicale at which the doctor
presents the RCP’s findings to the patient in the form of a
personalised care
programme (plan personnalisé de soins,
PPS). At all stages of the process, an infirmière
d’annonce is also
available, who would equate in the Anglo-Saxon world to a
“cancer nurse”. On its own, consultation d’annonce
will usually mean 3) rather than 1). |