Glossary of Medical Terms, Abbreviations & Symbols
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UAP = unstable angina pectoris / UAW = unerwünschte Arzneimittelwirkung = adverse drug reaction; adverse effect (clinical trials); undesirable side effect (general) / Übelkeit = nausea / Überbein = ganglion; hygroma / Überblähung = overinflation; hyperinflation (lung) / überempfindlich = (general) hypersensitive; (of bronchial system) hyperreactive; hyperresponsive, see BHR & HRBS) / Überfunktion der Schilddrüse = hyperthyroidism; hyperactivity of thyroid gland / Übergangsepithel = transitional epithelium / auf ... übergreifend = spreading to ... / Überlebungskurve = plating efficiency (microbiol.: on graph, shows number of cells which have survived culturing) / übernormaler Film = "barndoor" normal radiograph / Übersichtsaufnahme = standard radiograph (as opposed to mini-format) / überstürzt = precocious (symptoms, disease) / übertragen = (adj.) postmature; past term (obst.); (verb) transmit (a disease) / Überwachungszone = controlled area (vet.) / überzählige Embryonen = spare embryos (reprod. med.) / UBO = unidentifiable bright object (MRI scan) / U&E = urea and electrolytes (test) / UEMO = Union européenne des médecins omnipracticiens = European Union of General Practitioners / UEMS = Union européenne des médecins spécialistes = European Union of Medical Specialists (based Brussels, use FR acronym) / ufc = unités formant colonie see CFU / Uhrglasmagen see Sanduhrmagen / Uhrglasnägel = watch crystal nails (concomitant of digital clubbing) / UICC = Union Internationale contre le Cancer see IUAC / uitademing = expiration; exhalation, breathing out / uitgezonden vermogen = power output (laser surgery) / uitlokkende factoren = triggering factors; triggers; factors which provoke / uitlopers = processes (of neurones) / uitpuilende ogen = protruberant eyes; exophthalamos (thyroid function) / uitscheider = shedder (of virus) / uitslag = (skin) eruption; rash / uitspuiten = syringe (ears e.g.) / uitsteeksel = process (bones) / uitstorting = effusion (pleural e.g.) / uitstrijkje = smear (cervical e.g.) / uitwerpselen = faeces; dejecta / uitzaaien = seeding (cancer cells) / uitzakken = prolapse / ulcère peptique = 1. peptic ulcer; 2. (postoperativel) anastomotic  ulcer / ULTRA = Unrelated Live Transplant Regulatory Authority (UK, 1990) / Umgebungsdosimetrie = area monitoring, environmental monitoring (vicinity of plant and wider environment, including natural background radiation) / Umgehungskreislauf = collateral circulation; compensatory circulation / umhüllen = invest (the pleura invest the lungs e.g.) / Umlauf = whitlow; felon; paronychia (derm.) / Umschlag = deflection (wave on ECG) / unausgereift = immature / unblutig = non-invasive / unicellulaire = single-cell; unicellular / épilepsie uncinée = uncinate epilepsy / UNDCP = United Nations Drug Control Programme / undeutlich = 1. dull (rmed.: cf. ohrfern); 2. ill-defined (lung opacity) (rad.) / unerwünscht = adverse (e.g. reaction) / UNFDAC = United Nations Fund for Drug Abuse Control / ungestielt = sessile (polyp) / lit unguéal; matrice unguéale - nail bed; nail matrix / unimorph = monomorphic (card.) / unité formant plages; unité formatrice de plages see PFU / universitaire geneeskunde = conventional medicine; "allopathy" (as opposed to e.g. homeopathic medicine) / univitellin = monozygotic (twin) / UNSCEAR = United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation / unscharf = ill-defined (rad./rmed.) / Unterbrechermethode = interruptor method (lung function testing) (rmed.) / Unterfüllung = lining (dentistry: of tooth cavity) / Untergang = death; devitalisation; degradation (tissue, cells) / untergegangen = dead; devitalised (tissue; cells) / Untergeschoß = inferior pole (kidney) / Unterhautgewebe = subcutaneous tissue; subcutis / Unterlappen = upper lobe (lung) / Unterleibtyphus = typhoid; typhoid fever; typhus abdominalis, see typhoid / Unterschenkel = lower leg / UO = of unknown origin / "uppers" = amphetamines / Project UPSTART = Use of Procedural Standardization to Reduce recognition to reperfusion Time (cardiol., see / uratique = uratic; "gouty" (deposits of sodium urate around joints) / ureum = urea / chariot d'urgence = crash trolley; crash cart / urination (French) defined: involuntary voiding, more akin to (stress) incontinence; NB the French for urination is miction / urinebuis = urethra / urinekelk = renal calix / urineleider = ureter / urinewegen = urinary tract / Urinschau = uroscopy / Urinstreifentest = rapid urine test; urine strip test; urine dipstick test / uroculture = urine culture / UROD = ultra rapid detoxification (drug addiction) / URS = ureteroscopy, see KIDNEY STONES / urticaire = urticaria; hives; nettlerash / Urtierchen = protozoon; (plur.) protozooa / à usage unique = disposable / USP = United States Pharmacopeia / Uterusexstirpation = hysterectomy / UTI = urinary tract infection / UVV = Unfallverhütungsvorschrift = (suggest) accident prevention rules (OSH)

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