Abbreviations &Acronyms Glossary

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FIELDS COVERED: European Union & international affairs, social affairs, development, education, transport (including a fair amount of EU jargon). NB abbreviations ONLY, with minimal notes...
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RA rapid appraisal (work procedures, methods)
RAG Ratsarbeitsgruppe = Council Working Party (EU)
RAL Deutsches Institut für Gütesicherung und Kennzeichnung (modern name: originally called "Reichsausschuß für Lieferbedingungen und Gütesicherung"; body does independent quality monitoring of consumer goods for health and safety)
RAS rien à signaler
RATU = (WEU) Residual Administrative Tasks Unit
RAXEN European Racism and Xenophobia Network (part of EUMC q.v.)
RBA Regionaal Bureau voor de Arbeidsvoorziening (NL) = Regional Employment Office
RCCB residual current circuit breaker (elec.)
RCD residual current devices (elec.: trips)
R&D research and development
RDA Regional Development Agency (UK: 1998)
RDF refuse-derived fuel (energy: also called waste-derived fuel WDF)
Rdn. Randnummer
RDP Reconstruction and Development Programme (South Africa)
RDS-TMC radio data system - traffic message channel (transport)
REA Rauchgas-Entschwefelungs-Anlage = FGD plant, see FGD
REDD Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (programme)
REFA i. Reichsausschuß für Arbeitszeitermittlung (Arbeitsstudien) (D) now called Verband für Arbeitsstudien
RELEX relations extérieures external relations (EU jargon)
REFA ii. eV Darmstadt = (suggest) REFA work study association
RETI (Association des) Régions Européennes Technologiques et Industrielles = (Association of) Technological and Industrial Regions of Europe (EP) (NB "Traditional Industrial Regions" also seen..)
RFRL Rückführungsrichtlinie = Return Directive (EU,Directive 2008/115/EC)
RGPD Règlement général sur la protection des données, see GDPR
RGV Rahmen Gegenseitiger Verpflichtungen (EU) = FMO q.v.
RGW Rad für gegenseitige Wirtschaftshilfe = COMECON
RH i. relative humidity
RH ii. resources humaines = HR q.v.
RIC reconnaissance intelligente des caractères = ICR q.v.
RID Rijksinstituut voor Drinkwatervoorziening (NL) = (suggest) National Drinking Water Supply Authority
RIIA Royal Institute of International Affairs (based London)
RIP Regional Indicative Programme (EU: development, EDF)
RITTS regional innovation and technology transfer strategies (EU)
RJE Réseau Judiciaire Européen = EJN q.v.
RLT Raumlufttechnische Anlagen = air conditioning and control systems
RLU relative light unit (phys.)
RMC Règlement sur la marque communautaire = CTMR q.v.
ROC reconnaissance optique des caractères = OCR q.v.
ROFF (analyse des) risques, occasions, forces, et faiblesses = SWOT q.v.
ROI Republic of Ireland (Eire)
RON octane rating (automotive)
ROPS roll-over protection structures (automotive)
ROSCO rolling stock leasing company (UK) (railways)
ROTEB Reinigings-, Ontsmettings-, Transport- en Brandweerdienst (NL) = (suggest) Cleansing, Decontamination, Transport and Fire Service
R/P ratio = reserves/production ratio (oil e.g.)
RRA rural rapid appraisal (methodology)
RS Recueil Systématique des lois et ordonnances (CH) = statute book)
RSD relative standard deviation (stat.); residual standard deviation (stat.)
RSE responsabilité sociale des entreprises = CSR q.v.
RSF Reporters Sans Frontières
RSP responsabilité sociale partagée = shared social responsibility (Council of Europe)
RTD research and technological development (EU, e.g.)
RTE réseau transeuropéen = TEN q.v.
RTI Région de Tradition Industrielle = TIR q.v.
RV relatieve vochtigheid = RH  q.v.
RVS roestvrij staal = stainless steel
RWA Rioolering en Waterhuishouding Amsterdam (city dept.)
RWK Regionalwirtschaftskonzept = regional economic strategy
RWS Rijkswaterstaat (NL) = Directorate-General for Public Works and Water Management

Created by Alison Gaunt
Last updated: 26 May 2021   
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