Abbreviations &Acronyms Glossary

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FIELDS COVERED: European Union & international affairs, social affairs, development, education, transport (including a fair amount of EU jargon). NB abbreviations ONLY, with minimal notes...
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OACI Organisation de l'aviation civile internationale = ICAO q.v.
OAP old-age pensioner (UK)
OAPI Organisation Africaine pour la Propriété Intellectuelle
= African Intellectual Property Organisation (French-speaking Africa; based Yaoundé, Cameroon)
OAS Organisation of American States
OBD on-board diagnostics (automotive: car technology)
OBEA Office Belge de l'Economie et de l'Agriculture = (suggest) Belgian Office for Economic and Agricultural Affairs
OBM oxygen bottom Maxhütte (metal.: steel process)
OBR Ontwikkelingsbedrijf Rotterdam = Rotterdam City Development Corporation (NL)
OcenW Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschappen = (Minister e.g. for) Education, Culture and Science (NL)
Online (orig. 'Ohio') Computer Library Center (located Dublin, Ohio)
OCM organisation commune du marché (EU) = COM q.v.
OCMW Openbaar Centrum voor Maatschapelijk Welzijn (B) = Public Social Assistance Centre, cf. CPAS
OCR optical character recognition (IT, cf. ICR q.v.)
OCT overseas countries and territories (EU)
ODA official development assistance (UN goal for ODA is 0.7% of GNP for the industrialised countries)
ODETTE Organisation de données échangées par télé-transmission en Europe = Organisation for Data Exchange by Tele-Transmission in Europe (EU: ?1991)
ODI Office for Democratic Institutions (CSCE, based Warsaw)
ODL open distance learning (educ.)
OEB Office Européen des Brevets = EPO q.v.
OECD Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (based Paris)
OEEC Organisation for European Economic Cooperation (forerunner of OECD)
OEES Organisatie voor Europese Economische Samenwerking = OEEC q.v.
OEM original equipment manufacturer (automotive: car parts e.g.)
OEOA Office for Emergency Operations in Africa (UN)
OEPM Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcos (Spain)
OESO Organisatie voor Economische Samenwerking en Ontwikkeling
= OECD q.v.
OETC onderwijs eigen taal en cultuur (NL: immigration e.g.)
ÖFPZ Österreichisches Forschungs- und Prüfungszentrum Arsenal = (suggest) Austrian Research and Testing Centre Arsenal
ÖGB Österreichischer Gewerkschaftsbund = Austrian Federation of Trade Unions
OHIM Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (Trade Marks and Designs) (EU, based Angers)
OHMI Office de l'Harmonisation dans le Marché Interne (Marques, Dessins et Modèles)
see OHIM
ÖHT Österreichische Hotel Treuhand, renamed (same acronym) Österreichische Hotel- und Tourismusbank Ges.m.b.H. (finances investment in hotel & tourism)
OIC Organisation of the Islamic Conference
OIT Organisation Internationale du Travail = ILO q.v.
OLAF Office de lutte antifraude = European Anti-Fraud Office (EU)
OMC Organisation Mondiale du Commerce = WTO q.v.
OMD Organisation Mondiale de la Douane = WCO q.v.
OMI Organisation Maritime Internationale = IMO q.v.
OMPI Organisation Mondiale de la Propriété Intellectuelle = WIPO q.v.
ONE Office de la Naissance et de l'Enfance = (its website offers 'Birth and Child Office' but suggest use FR acronym) (B)
ONEM Office national de l'emploi et de la main d'oeuvre (B)
ONP open network provision (telecom.)
ONS Office for National Statistics (UK: from 1 April 1996)
O&O onderzoek en ontwikkeling = R&D
OP orientation professionnelle = vocational guidance, counselling
OPA offre publique d'achat = take-over bid
OPA aggressive = hostile take-over bid
OPCS Office of Population Censuses and Surveys (UK)
OPEC Oil Producing and Exporting Countries
OPET organisations for the promotion of energy technologies; "the OPET Network" (EU)
Office des Publications Officielles des Communautés Européennes = Office for Official Publications of the EC (EU: use FR acronym in EN)
OPQCB Organisme Professionnel de Qualification et de Classification du Bâtiment (FR)
OPT optimised production technology
OPTA Onafhankelijke Post en Telecommunicatieautoriteit (NL) = Independent Post and Telecommunications Authority (1997)
ÖPUL Österreichisches Programm zur Förderung einer umweltgerechten, extensiven und den natürlichen Raum schützenden Landwirtschaft = Austrian Agri-Environmental Programme; Austrian Country Stewardship Programme (2000)
OR ondernemingsraad = works council
ORSTOM Office de la recherche scientifique et technique outre-mer (FR)
O&S Onderzoek en Statistiek (Amsterdam city dept.)
OSCE Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe
OSP onderwijs voor sociale promotie (B) = (suggest) training for social advancement
ÖSP Ökologischer Sanierungsprogramm (D) = (suggest) Programme of Ecological Redevelopment
OST Office of Science & Technology (UK)
ÖSTAT Österreichisches Statistisches Zentralamt = (suggest) Austrian National Statistical Office
OSZE Organisation für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa = OSCE q.v.
OTA Office of Technology Assessment (USA: 1972-95)
OTC over-the-counter (comm.)
OTUA Office technique pour l'utilisation de l'Acier (FR)
OVD optical variable device (anti-forgery)
öVE österreichischer Verband für Elektrotechnik

Created by Alison Gaunt
Last updated: 6 March 2018   
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