Abbreviations &Acronyms Glossary

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FIELDS COVERED: European Union & international affairs, social affairs, development, education, transport (including a fair amount of EU jargon). NB abbreviations ONLY, with minimal notes...
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EA energy amplifier (nucl.)
EAD économies dynamiques d'Asie = "Tiger" economies of Asia
EAEU = Eurasian Economic Union
EAWU Eurasische Wirtschaftsunion = EAEU q.v.
EAMA Etats africains et malagache associés = AAMS q.v.
EASDAQ European Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation = (proposed, modelled on NASDAQ q.v.)
EATCHIP European Air Traffic Control Harmonisation and Integration Programme
EBB Enquête Beroepsbevolking (NL) (suggest) Working Population Survey
EBRD European Bank for Reconstruction & Development (EU: based London)
EBU Europeese Betalingsunie = European Payments Union
EBWO Europeese Bank voor Wederopbouw en Ontwikkeling = EBRD q.v.
EC European Community
ECAC European Civil Aviation Conference (NB not Commission, since 1993)
ECAR European Committee on Asylum and Refugees
ECE Economic Commission for Europe (UN)
ECHO European Community Humanitarian Office (EU)
ECHR European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (Rome 1950; NB abbreviated title is 'European Convention on Human Rights' )
ECI Euratom Classified Information
ECIP European Communities Investment Partners (ECIP Financial Instrument for Latin America, Asia, the Mediterranean & South Africa)
ECIR European Centre for Industrial Relations
ECLA Economic Commission for Latin America (UN)
ECMM European Community Monitoring Mission (Albania)
ECMT European Conference of Ministers of Transport (OECD)
ECMWF  European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (based Reading, UK)
ECN Energieonderzoek Centrum Nederland = Netherlands Energy Research Foundation
ECOSOC Economic and Social Council (UN)
Economic Community of West African States (1975)
ECPRD  European Centre for Parliamentary Research and Documentation (NB its website uses “Center” just once in the heading but always “Centre” thereafter)
ECRD European Committee on Research and Development
ECRI Energy Care Research Institute (e.g. medical lasers)
ECSA European Community Shipowners' Association
European Coal and Steel Community (EU)
ECTAO European Commission Technology Assistance Office
ECTR European Confederation of Tobacco Retailers (source: EP)
ECTSM European Credit Transfer System (education)
ECU European Currency Unit (upper case in English, the French insist on "Ecu"; introduced 1/1/79, superseded by the euro 1/1/99)
ECU Equatorial Customs Union
EDCS = European Development Cooperative Society (NL-based NGO, originally a World Council of Churches initiative, now familiarly known as Oikocredit, though EDCS remains the official name)
EDF European Development Fund (EU)
EDI electronic data interchange
EDPB European Data Protection Board (under GDPR)
EDTC European Diving Technology Committee
EEA European Economic Area
EEC European Economic Community
EEE Espace économique européen = EEA q.v.
EEI energy efficiency index
EEIGs European Economic Interest Groupings
EER Europese Economische Ruimte = EEA q.v.
EFICS European Forestry Information and Communication System (EU; 1989)
EFILWC European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (based Dublin)
EFRE Europäischer Fonds für Regionale Entwicklung = ERDF q.v.
EFRO Europees Fonds voor Regionale Ontwikkeling = ERDF q.v.
EFSA European Food Safety Authority (Regulation (EC)178/2002, NB other languages use the EN abbreviation)
EFTA European Free Trade Area
EG Erwägungsgrund = recital (laws)
EGA Europese Gemeenschap voor Atomenergie = EURATOM q.v.
EGKS Europäische Gemeinschaft für Kohle und Stahl = ECSC q.v.
EGV = Europäischer Gründungsvertrag = Treaty establishing the European Community (the 1957 Treaty of Rome, usually called the 'EC Treaty')
EGW Einwohnergleichwert (also EWG) = PE q.v.
EHB Einschienenhängebahn = overhead monorail conveyor (coalm.)
EIA energy impact assessment (EU)
EIC Euro Info Centre(s) (EU, network set up 1987)
EIF European Investment Fund (EU)
EINECS European Inventory of Existing Commercial Substances (EU)
EIO = European Investigation Order (Directive 2014/41/EU)
EJN European Judicial Network (EU)
EJTN European Judicial Training Network (EU)
e.k. eerstkomend = next
EK = Einkauf  = CP; cost price; "zum EK-Preis" = "at cost" (comm.)
EMCF European Monetary Cooperation Fund
EMI European Monetary Institute (EU)
Ethnische Minderheden bij de Overheid (NL) (the"EMO-plan", 1987, EMO-2 in 1994: for greater civil service employment of ethnic minorities
EMPA Euro-Mediterranean Parliamentary Assembly 
EMS European Monetary System (EU)
EMU Economic and Monetary Union (EU)
ENDAF evaluated nuclear data file
ENDS Euratom Nuclear Documentation System
ENM École Nationale de la Magistrature = National School for the Judiciary (FR; source: its website)
ENOF European Network for Scientific Research Coordination in Organic Farming
ENP European Neighbourhood Policy (EU)
ENT Environnement Numérique de Travail = Intranet
EO equal opportunities
EOC Equal Opportunities Commission (UK)
EOTC European Organisation for Testing and Certification (EU)
EPA i. Einmannpackung MRE q.v.
EPA ii. Environmental Protection Agency (USA)
EPA iii. European partnership agreement (EU)
EPAS Enlarged Partial Agreement on Sport (Council of Europe), NB has a Comité de direction = Statutory Committee
EPC European Political Cooperation (EU)
EPD Enig Programmeringsdocument = SPD q.v.
European Patent Office (based Munich)
EPRD European Programme for Reconstruction and Development in South Africa (EU)
EPSF = Europäisches Programm für die Sicherheitsforschung = ESRP q.v.
EPTO European Permanent Traffic Observatory (EU transport)
EPZ Europäische Politische Zusammenarbeit = EPC q.v.
ERA exploratory rapid appraisal (methodology)
ERDF European Regional Development Fund (EU)
Ad Hoc Group on the Evolution of Regulations - Global Approach (EP)
ERNP European Radio-Navigation Plan (EU)
European Recovery Programme
ERSF European Road Safety Federation
ESRP =  European Security Research Programme (EU)
ERT European Round Table (45 captains of industry grouping)
ERTMS European Rail Traffic Management System (EU)
i. Employment Services Agency (UK)
ESA ii. European Surveillance Authority (EU: regional development aid legislation)
ESA iii. European System of Integrated Economic Accounts (Eurostat)
ESAF Enhanced Structural Adjustment Facility (IMF)
Economic and Social Committee (EU)
ESCB European System of Central Banks
ESM Europäischer Stabilitätsmechanismus; European Stability Mechanism (EU)
ESO Ecole supérieure d'optique
ESR external standard ratio (analysis method)
ESRF European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (nucl.)
ESRP = European Security Research Programme (EU)
ESS European Statistical System (Eurostat)
ESSPROS European System of Integrated Social Protection Statistics (Eurostat)
ESTA European Science and Technology Assembly
ESTO European Science and Technology Observatory (EU: based Seville)
ESVG Europäisches System Volkswirtschaftlicher Gesamtrechnungen = ESA iii. q.v.
ET écart-type = SD q.v.
ETA Euskadi Ta Askatasuna (Basque separatist movement)
ETAN European Technology Assessment Network
ETB Einheitliche Technische Baubestimmungen (D) = (suggest) Standard Building Regulations
ETSC European Transport Safety Council
ETUC European Trade Union Confederation (EU: 1973, EEC/EFTA unions)
EUAM European Union Administration of Mostar (Bosnia)
EUCLID European Cooperation for the Long Term in Defence (EU programme)
EUMC European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia (EU; based Vienna, founded 1997; from 1 March 2007 became the FRA)
EURATOM full name European Atomic Energy Community (EU)
EUROS European Register of Shipping
e/v i. echtgeno(o)t(e) van (NL) = spouse of (in legal text, if meaning wife = 'et uxor')
EV ii. Einigungsvertrag (D) = Unification Treaty
EVA Europese Vrijhandelsassociatie (NL) = EFTA q.v.
EVCA European Venture Capital Association
EVRM European Convention on Human Rights
EVS European Voluntary Service (EU)
EWG i. Einwohnergleichwert (also EGW) = PE q.v.
EWG ii. Enquête werkgelegenheid en lonen (NL) (suggest) Survey of Employment and Earnings
EWPM i. early warning and prevention measures (pol./mil.)
EWPM ii. European Wood Preservation Manufacturers
EZPWD Europäisches Zentrum für Parlamentarische Wissenschaft und Dokumentation = ECPRD q.v.

Created by Alison Gaunt
Last updated: 21 May 2021
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