Abbreviations &Acronyms Glossary

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FIELDS COVERED: European Union & international affairs, social affairs, development, education, transport (including a fair amount of EU jargon). NB abbreviations ONLY, with minimal notes...
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TA Technische Anleitung (zum Schutz gegen..) (D); e.g. TA-Luft, TA-Abfall = (suggest) Technical Guideline
TA type approval (manuf.)
TABD Transatlantic Business Dialogue
TAC total allowable catch (EU: fisheries)
TAED Transatlantic Environmental Dialogue (EU-USA NGOs)
TAIEX Technical Assistance Information Exchange Office (EU)
technical assistance office (EU: external contracts)
tato Tagestonnen = t/d q.v. (coalm.)
TAV Trockenadditivverfahren (coalm.)
TBB Transnational Broadband Backbone (telecom.) (EP)
tonnes per day
TDC Tarif Douanier Commun = CCT q.v.
TDEV Taxe départementale d'espaces verts (FR)
TDSD Transatlantic Dialogue on Sustainable Development
TEC température effective corrigée = CET q.v.
T+ED Tank- und Erfrischungsdienst (motorway) services area
TEDIS trade electronic data interchange systems
TEH traite des êtres humains = THB q.v.
TEL transfert d'énérgie linéique = LET q.v.
TEM transversal electromagnetic mode (lasers)
TEN trans-European network (usually in plural) (EU: energy, transport, telecoms)
TENET Teacher Education Netork (EU: equal opportunities project)
TEP transatlantic economic partnership (EU-USA 1998)
TEPAC taux d'équivalence des pouvoirs d'achats = PPPs q.v.
TES Training of European Statisticians (Eurostat programme)
TEU i. Treaty on European Union (EU: Maastricht 1992)
TEU ii. twenty feet equivalent (ports)
TFAP Tropical Forestry Action Plan, also seen as Programme (FAO)
TFEU Treaty on the Functioning of the EU
TFRH Task Force "Ressources Humaines" = Human Resources Task Force (EU: use FR acronym )
TGV train a grande vitesse (FR) = high-speed train
THB trafficking in human beings
THD = très haut débit = ultrafast broadband (usually = fibreoptic)
THORP thermal oxide reprocessing plant (UK: nucl.)
TIC Technologies de l'information et de la communication = ICT q.v.
TIES Transatlantic Information Exchange Service (NGOs)
TIG tungsten inert gas (metal.: welding)
TIPP taxe intérieure sur les produits pétroliers (FR) = domestic duty on petroleum products
TIR traditional industrial region (EP)
TKV = Tier-Körperverwertung = rendering
TLE Taxe locale d'équipement (FR: property)
t/m tot en met up to and including
TMC traffic message channel; see RDS-TMC (transport)
TMP thermo-mechanical pulp (paper-making)
TNCs transnational corporations
TNO (Organisatie voor) Toegepast Natuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek (NL) = Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research
TNT (NL) see KPN
TOE tonne of oil equivalent
TOFE Tableau des opérations de l'Etat = SFFT q.v.
TOP Tagesordnungspunkt = agenda item
TPI Tribunal de Première Instance = Court of First Instance (EU: European Court of Justice, based Luxembourg)
TPRM Trade Policy Review Mechanism (WTO)
TPV terminal pointe de vente = POS q.v.
tpy tonnes per year
TQC total quality control
TQM total quality management
TRA topical rapid appraisal (methodology)
TRAFFIC wildlife trade monitoring programme; joint initiative of WWF and IUCN, set up 1976
Trb Tractatenblad (NL) = Treaty Series (contains text of all international, EU etc. treaties binding on the Netherlands which, prior to 1951, were published in the Staatsblad)
TREMs trade-related environmental measures (WTO)
TRIPS (Agreement on) Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property (GATT, WTO)
TRJ taux de retour aux joueurs = payout (gambling)
TRK Technische Richtkonzentration (D) = (suggest) Technical Guide Level
TS = Trockensubstanz = dry extract (food science)
TSA Training Services Agency (UK)
TSI Technical Specification for Interoperability (EU: transport)
TTIP Transat­lantic Trade and Investment Partnership
TTTs trusted third parties (EU: companies which will vet bodies seeking to buy or sell over the Internet; source: NS)
t.t.z. 'tis te zeggen = (Belgian variant on NL 'dat wil zeggen') = i.e.
TUIS Transportunfall-Informations- und Hilfesystem = (suggest) Information and Aid System for Transportation Accidents (chemicals, Germany, Switzerland and Austria)
TVC télévisions locales et communautaires (B)
TvF Tonnen verwertbare Förderung tonnes saleable (coalm: includes coal used in the mine itself)
TVo Toepassingsverordening = implementing regulation (EU)
TW Terawatt (1 TW = 1012W)

Created by Alison Gaunt
Last updated: 2 March 2020   
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