Abbreviations &Acronyms Glossary

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FIELDS COVERED: European Union & international affairs, social affairs, development, education, transport (including a fair amount of EU jargon). NB abbreviations ONLY, with minimal notes...
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GA Gasausbruch = gas outburst (coalm.)
GAFI Groupe d'action financière sur le blanchiment de capitaux = FATF q.v.
GAK (D) Gemeinschaftsaufgabe "Verbesserung der Agrarstruktur und der Küstengebiete"
Global Action Plan
GASM Geassocieerde Afrikaanse Staten en Madagaskar = AAMS q.v.
GASP Gemeinsame Auben- und Sicherheitspolitik = CFSP q.v.
GATS General Agreement on Trade in Services (WTO) 1997
GATT General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (1948)
GAU gröbtmöglicher anzunehmender Unfall = MCA q.v.
Gb gigabarrel (oil)
GBCS Geintegreerde Beheer- en Controle Systeem = IACS q.v.
GBVB Gemeenschappelijk buitenlands en veiligheidsbeleid = CFSP q.v.
GCC Gulf Cooperation Council
GCEI Gemeentelijk Centrum voor Elektronische Informatieverwerking (Amsterdam)
GDP gross domestic product
GDPR General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679, entry into force 25 May 2018)
GDT (NL) = CCT q.v.
GEA Group for Efficient Appliances (EU: electricity)
GeR; GeRS Gemeinsamer europäischer Referenzrahmen für Sprachen, see CEFR
GERD gross expenditure on research and development (OECD)
GERK = Gemeenschappelijk Europees Referentiekader voor Moderne Vreemde Talen, see CEFR
GES grubenechte Stäube = mine dust
GFT Groente-, fruit- en tuinafval = vegetable, fruit and garden waste (NL) (consumerism)
GGY = gross gaming yield (gambling)
GIP Gesellschaft für Informationstechnologie und Pädagogik (D)
GIS geographic information systems (assessment of sites for e.g. wind turbines)
GIZ Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit = German International Cooperation
GKÖD Großer Kommentar Öffentlicher Dienst (D) = Notes on the Civil Service (reference work)
GL Gay Lussac (measure of alcoholic strength)
GMAO gestion de maintenance assistée par ordinateur = CAMM q.v.
GMQ guaranteed maximum quantity (trade)
GMS grandes et moyennes surfaces = shopping centres (in food context, effectively means supermarkets)
GNC Groupement national de la coopération (FR) = (suggest) National Cooperatives Group
GNPmp GNP at market prices
GNSS Global Navigation Satellite Systems
GNQ guaranteed national quantity (trade)
GOS Gemenebest van Onafhankelijke Staten = CIS, see my General Glossary
GPRSP Growth and Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (development)
GPS i. gestion de parcelles par satellite = (suggest) parcel management using satellite techniques (agric.)
GPS ii. Global Positioning System (satellite navigation)
GPS iii. Government Procurement Agreement (WTO)
GRIP Groupe de Recherche et d'Information sur la Paix
= Peace Research and Information Group (based Brussels)
GRP glass reinforced polyester (manuf: car bodies e.g.)
GS Geharmoniseerd Systeem = HS q.v.
GSNS global satellite navigation system
GSP Generalised System of Preferences (UN: trade)
GSTP Global System of Trade Preferences (UN)
gigatonne (1 Gt = 109 tonnes; NB British usage sometimes prefers "thousand million tonnes")
GTA grant theft, auto (USA: insurance)
GTC gestion technique centralisée = technical control centre (of a building)
GtC gigatonne of carbon
Gtoe gigatonne of oil equivalent
GUS i. Gemeinwesen unabhängiger Staaten = CIS, see my General Glossary
GUS ii. Groupes utilisateurs de statistiques = statistical user groups (Eurostat: ?no EN acronym)
GV see GVE
GVA gross value added 
GWP gross world product (econ.)
GZT Gemeiner Zolltarif = CCT q.v.

Created by Alison Gaunt
Last updated: 25 May 2018   
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