Abbreviations &Acronyms Glossary

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FIELDS COVERED: European Union & international affairs, social affairs, development, education, transport (including a fair amount of EU jargon). NB abbreviations ONLY, with minimal notes...
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Civil Aeronautics Board (USA: up to 1978)
CAD i. Comité d'aide au développement (OECD) = Development Assistance Committee
CAD ii. computer-assisted design
CAE Conseil d'analyse économique (FR: reports to Prime minister)
CAEM Conseil d'assistance économique mutuelle = COMECON q.v.
CAMM computer-assisted maintenance management
CANDU type of heavy water reactor (Canada Deuterium and Uranium)
CAO i. conception assistée par ordinateur = CAD ii. q.v.
CAO ii. collectieve arbeidsovereenkomst (NL) = collective labour agreement; collective bargaining agreement
CAP i. certificate d'aptitude professionelle (FR)
CAQ computer-aided quality
CASTOR cask for storage and transport of radioactive material
CAUE Conseil d'architecture, d'urbanisme et de l'environnement (FR)
CBEC Classification by broad economic categories (Eurostat)
CBLIA Centre Belgo-Luxembourgeoise d'Information de l'Acier
CBP Communautair Bureau voor Plantenrassen = CPVO q.v.
CBR crude birth rate (population studies)
CBS Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (NL) = Statistics Netherlands (title as used on their own letterhead) (NB sometimes also seen (presumably wrongly?) as: Central Bureau of Statistics)
CBSS Council of Baltic Sea States
CBYX Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange (DE)
CCACE Comité de Coordination des Associations de Coopératives d'Europe = Coordinating Committee of EEC Cooperative Associations
CCAM Comission Consultative des Achats et Marchés (EU) = ACPC q.v.
CCC Customs Cooperation Council
CCD i. charge-coupled device (as in CCD camera; scans an infrared image)
CCD ii. Conseil de Coopération Douanière = CCC q.v.
CCDD Coördinatiecentrum voor de Diergeneeskundige Diagnostiek (B) = (suggest) Veterinary Diagnostic Coordinating Centre
CCEE countries of Central and Eastern Europe
CCGT combined cycle gas turbine (energy)
CCI = Chambre de Commerce Internationale, see ICC
CCMC Comité des constructeurs d'automobiles du Marché Commun
CCN Commission des Comptes de la Nation (FR)
CCPCS Commission consultative pour les carburants de substitution (FR) = (suggest) Advisory Committee on Alternative Fuels
CCR Coördinatiecentrum Reddingswezen (B) = Rescue coordination centre (coalm.)
CCRN Centre commun de recherches nucléaires = Joint Nuclear Research Centre (EU)
CCT Common Customs Tariff (EU)
CCW (Convention on prohibitions or restrictions on the use of) Certain Conventional Weapons (UN)
CDIS Comité directeur de l'information statistique = Steering Committee on Statistical Information (Eurostat: use F acronym)
CDLR Comité Directeur des Autorités Locales & Régionales = Steering Committee on Local & Regional Authorities (CoE, abbrev. CDLR)
CDM clean development mechanism (environment)
CDO Commissie voor Duurzame Ontwikkeling = CSD q.v.
CDW Communitair Douanewetboek = Community Customs Code (EU; 1994)
ce i. coal equivalent
CE ii. colonne d'eau = WG q.v. 
CEAC Conférence Européenne de l'Aviation Civile = ECAC q.v.
CECE countries of Eastern and Central Europe (EU prefers CCEE q.v.)
CECR = Cadre européen commun de référence pour les langues = CEFR q.v.
CECRL Cadre européen commun de référence pour les langues  = CEFR q.v.
CEDAR Central European Environmental Data Request Facility (administered by ISEP q.v.)
CEDAW Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women (UN)
CEDEAO Communauté économique des états d'Afrique orientale = ECOWAS q.v.
CEDEFOP Centre européen pour le développement de la formation professionelle = European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (EU: use French acronym)
CEDEX courrier d'entreprise à distribution exceptionelle (FR): postal service for business introduced 1966
CEDH Convention européenne (de sauvegarde) des droits de l'homme (et des libertés fondamentales) = ECHR q.v.
CEDT Confédération européenne des débitants de tabac = ECTR q.v.
CEE i. Centre d'Etudes et d'Emploi (FR)
CEE ii. comité d'entreprise européen = European works council
CEE iii. Communauté économique européenne = EEC q.v.
CEEC Central and Eastern European countries (EU prefers CCEE q.v.)
CEEP Centre européen de l'entreprise publique = ?ECPE
CEF = CEFR q.v.
CEFR =  Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (devised by Council of Europe)
CEGB Central Electricity Generating Board (UK)
CEIES Comité consultatif européen de l'Information statistique dans les domaines économiques et sociaux = European Advisory Committee on Statistical Information in the Economic and Social Spheres (Eurostat: use French acronym)
CEMAC Communauté Economique et Monétaire de l'Afrique Centrale = Central African Economic and Monetary Community
CEMT Conférence européenne des Ministres des Transports = ECMT q.v.
CEO chief executive officer (comm.)
CEP common energy policy (EU)
CEPAL Commission économique pour l'Amérique Latine
= ECLA q.v.
CEPCEO Comité d'étude des producteurs de charbon d'Europe occidentale = Western European Coal Producers' Research Committee
CEPMMT = Centre Européen de Prévision Météorologique à Moyen Terme = ECMWF q.v.
CERVA (B) = VAR q.v.
CES i. Comité économique et social = ESC q.v.
CES ii. Confédération européenne des syndicats = ETUC q.v.
CEST Centre for the Exploitation of Science & Technology (UK)
CET corrected effective temperature
CETA Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (EU-Canada)
CETP Comité européen de technologie de la plongée = EDTC q.v.
CF Constitution Fédérale (CH e.g.) = Federal Constitution
CFA Communauté financière africaine: "the CFA franc"; CFAF
CFE (Treaty) Conventional Forces in Europe (1950s)
CFF critical fusion frequency
CFMU Central Flow Management Unit (aviation; Eurocontrol)
CFSP Common Foreign and Security Policy (EU)
CFTA Cosmetic, Toiletry and Fragrance Association
CGCE Classification par grandes catégories économiques = CBEC q.v.
CGG Commission on Global Governance; Commission de Gouvernance Globale (grouping of 28 world leaders, based Switzerland)
CGPM Conférence générale sur les poids et measures = General Conference on Weights and Measures (Metre Convention, Paris, May 1975, set up the SI system. No English acronym.)
CGS centimetre-gram-second (system using these units)
CHP = combined heat and power (energy)
CIDEX; CIDEX rural: courrier individuel à distribution exceptionnel (FR): postal service for rural areas, cf. CEDEX
CIDST Comité de l'Information et de la Documentation Scientifique et Technique (EU) = Committee for Scientific and Technical Information and Documentation, STID Committee
CIECA European Association of Driving Licence Issuing Authorities
CIF Conseil International des Femmes = ICW q.v.
CIGN Chief Inspector's Guidance Notes (UK: HMIP)
CILSS Comité Inter-Etats de Lutte contre la Sécheresse au Sahel = (EN unconfirmed) Intergovernmental Committee for Drought Control in the Sahel (use French acronym)
CIM computer-integrated manufacturing
CIPM Comité International des Poids et Mesures = International Committee for Weights and Measures (no English acronym)
CIPRES Conférence Inter-Africaine de la Prévoyance Sociale = Inter-African Conference on Social Security
CIRDES Centre International pour la Recherche et le Développement de l'Elevage en Zone Humide (EN unconfirmed) = International Centre for Livestock Research and Development in Subhumid Zones
CIREA Centre for information, reflection and exchange of information on asylum (EU: informal body set up by Council)
CIREFI Centre for information, discussion and exchange on the crossing of frontiers and immigration (EU: informal body decided on by Council in 1992, given official remit from 1/1/95. Use English acronym)
CIRIA Construction Industry Research and Information Association (UK)
CIS i.  Commonwealth of Independent States (for details see my main Glossary of Terms, under CIS)
CIS ii. Community Innovation Survey (EU)
CISL Confédération internationale des syndicats libres = ICFTU q.v.
CITI Classification Internationale Type par Industries de toutes les branches (UN) = ISIC q.v.
CITP Classification Internationale Type des Professions (ILO) = International Standard Classification by Occupations
CIVETs Colombia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Egypt, Turkey & South Africa (trade: emerging markets)
CKD countable knocked down (automotive: motor vehicles imported in parts for assembly)
CLA Country Landowners' Association (UK)
CLIO Classification et nomenclature des branches entrées-sorties (statistics)
CLM Centrum voor Landbouw en Milieu (NL) = (suggest) Centre for Agriculture and Environment
CLRAE Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe
CMT Confédération Mondiale du Travail = WCL q.v.
CN Combined Nomenclature (Eurostat)
CNAM Conservatoire national des arts et metiers = National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts (FR)
computer numerically controlled (machine tools)
i. Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (UK) (most active in 1960s)
CND ii. Commission on Narcotic Drugs (UN)
CNEXO Centre National d'Exploitation des Océans (FR)

CNLAMCA Comité national de liaison des activités mutualists, coopératives et associatives (FR) = (suggest) National Liaison Committee for Friendly Societies, Cooperatives and Associated Activities
CNMCCA Confédération Nationale de la Mutualité, de la Coopération et du Crédit Agricole (FR) = (suggest) National Confederation of Agricultural Friendly Societies, Cooperatives and Savings Banks
CNUCED Conférence des Nations Unies sur le Commerce et le Développement = UNCTAD q.v.
CoBo-fonds Coproduktiefonds binnenlandse omroep (NL) = Coproduction Fund for National Broadcasting (Eurodicautom)
COBRA Controle, Bewaking, Registratie en Afdoeningssysteem
(NL) = (suggest) Inspection, Surveillance, Registration and Implementation System (fisheries)
COCCEE Comité des organisations commerciales de la Communauté Economique Européenne = Committee of Commercial Organisations of the EEC
Cocobu Commission du contrôle budgétaire (EP) = Committee on Budgetary Control (NB always use full title in English, never the French acronym)
COCOM Coordinating Committee for Multilateral Export Controls (1958)
COISP Centre d'orientation de d'insertion socio-professionnelle (B) = (suggest) centre for social and occupational guidance and placement
COM common organisation of the market (in bananas e.g.) (EU)
COMECON Committee for Mutual Economic Assistance
COMESA Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa
COP i. coefficient de performance = coefficient of performance (heating, ventilation)
COP ii. Conference of the Parties (climate change e.g.)
COPAC Consortium of the Packaging Chain (UK)
COS coéfficient d'occupation des sols (FR)
COSAC Conférence des organes spécialisés dans les affaires communautaires = Conference of Community and European Affairs Committees (EU national parliaments and EP) (EU: use FR acronym)
CoSS Committee on Safe Seas (EU)
COTOREP Commission technique d'orientation et de reclassement professionnel (FR)
CP critical points (analysis, e.g.)
CPA Classification de produits par activité = Classification of products by activity (Eurostat)
CPAS Centre Publique d'Assistance Sociale (B)
= Public Social Assistance Centre, cf. OCMW
CPB Centraal Planbureau (NL) Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis
cpc i. cahier des prescriptions communes (contracts)
CPC ii. Common Product Classification (UN)
CPE coopération politique européenne = EPC q.v.
CPERE Comité permanent de l'espace rural = SCERA q.v.
CPLRE Congrès de Pouvoirs locaux et régionaux = CLRAE q.v.
CPM capteur poussières mines (FR)
CPN Conflict Prevention Network (EU: CFSP)
CRRE Council for the Protection of Rural England (UK)
i. Comité du Programme Statistique = SPC (Eurostat)
CPS ii. Consumer Protection Service (ECOM)
CPT Committee for the Prevention of Torture (and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment) (CoE)
CPU central processing unit (computers)
CPVO Community Plant Variety Office (EU)
CQFD ce qu'il fallait démontrer = QED q.v.
CREST Committee for Scientific and Technical Research (EU: use FR acronym)
cS centistoke (measure of viscosity)
CSCE Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (Helsinki)
CSD Commission for Sustainable Development (UN)
CSE connaissances secrètes Euratom
= ECI q.v.
CSLP Cadre stratégique de lutte contre la pauvreté = (concept of) Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers, see PRSP
CSR corporate social responsibility
CST Classification statistique et tarifaire pour le commerce international = Statistical and Tariff Classification for International Trade (use FR acronym)
CSTE Classification statistique des Transports en Europe = Commodity Classification for Transport Statistics in Europe (UN Economic Commission for Europe)
CSTO Collective Security Treaty Organisation (1992, post-Soviet states
CTBT Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty
CTCI Classification Type pour le Commerce international (UN) = SITC q.v.
CTE Committee on Trade and Environment (WTO)
CTMR Community Trade Mark Regulation (EU)
i. common transport policy (EU)
ii. common training programme (EU, customs)
CV i. calorific value
CV ii. coefficient of variation (stat.)
CVC compound vortex controlled (automotive: engine)
CVSE (NL) = CSCE q.v.
CWC Chemical Weapons Convention (Convention on the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons) (UN: 1993)
centra voor werk en inkomen = (suggest) employment and income centres (a "one-stop-shop" arrangement grouping employment agencies, social services and implementing agencies, set up to help job seekers and persons on benefit) (NL)
CWÜ Übereinkommen über das Verbot chemischer Waffen
= CWC q.v.

Created by Alison Gaunt
Last updated: 29 September 2020
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