Abbreviations &Acronyms Glossary

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FIELDS COVERED: European Union & international affairs, social affairs, development, education, transport (including a fair amount of EU jargon). NB abbreviations ONLY, with minimal notes...
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PAAG Prognose, Auffinden (der Ursachen), Abschätzen (der Auswirkungen), Gegenmaßnahmen = HAZOP q.v.
PACA (region): Provence, Alpes, Côte d'Azur (FR)
PACE Policies, appropriability and competitiveness for European industries (EU: survey)
PACS Pacte Civil de Solidarité (FR; 1999) gives new rights to non-married couples e.g. homosexuals
PACT Pilot Actions for Combined Transport (EU)
PADH Partenariat Asiatique pour le Développement humain = APHD q.v.
PAQ position analysis questionnaire (McCormick)
PARAFE = passage automatisé rapide aux frontières extérieures (FR)
PAS Programme d'Ajustement Structurel = SAP q.v.
PbEG Publicatieblad van de Europese Gemeenschappen = Official Journal of the European Communities
PBJ produit brut des jeux = GGY q.v.
PCE Postgraduate Certificate in Education (UK)
PCS puissance calorifique supérieure = HHV q.v.
PDB preliminary draft budget (EU)
PDF packaging-derived fuel
PDG Président-Directeur-Général: chairman & managing director; CEO (comm.)
PE population equivalent (stat.)
PECO pays d'Europe centrale et occidentale = CCEE q.v.
PEGIDA = Patriotische Europäer gegen die Islamisierung des Abendlandes = Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of the West (DE)
PEN Poets & Playwrights, Essayists & Editors & Novelists (International organisation)
PESC Politique étrangère et de sécurité commune = CFSP q.v.
PEZ Pan-European Free Trade Zone (EEA + CEEC, from 1 July 1997)
PFP Progressive Federal Party (South Africa)
PfP Partnership for Peace (NATO programme)
PfP SOFA Partnership for Peace Status of Forces Agreement (NATO)
pg = picogram (unit of mass equal to 10−12 grams)
PGCE post-graduate certificate of education (UK)
ph phot (CGS system of units)
PIB produit intérieur brut = GDP q.v.
PIEM principe de l'investisseur en économie de marché = market economy investor principle (EU)
PIFOR Peace Implementation Force, see IFOR
PIMB produit intérieur manufacturier brut = GDP in manufacturing
PIN Programme national indicatif see NIP
PIPO planification des interventions par objectifs = logical framework for analysis (development economics)
PIR Programme régional indicatif see RIP
pixel picture cell element (image resolution)
PJ peta Joule
PL poids lourds = lorry; truck; heavy goods vehicle; HGV
PLEV personal light electric vehicle (PLEVs include electric skateboards & kick scooters, hoverboards and Segways)
PMA pays en développement les moins avancés = LLDC q.v.
PMA Pre-Metro Antwerp
PME petites et moyennes entreprises = SME q.v.
PMP possibilités maximales de production = maximum production potential
PMS psycho-medisch-sociale (centra) (B) = (suggest) psycho-medical-social centres
PMU precision manufacturing unit (assembly production line e.g.)
PNAI Plan national d'action pour l'inclusion sociale = National Action Plan for Social Inclusion (EU)
PNJ produit net des jeux = NGY q.v.
PNLP Programme national de lutte contre la pauvreté = NPRP q.v.
PNUD Programme des Nations Unies sur le Développement = UNDP q.v.
P&O personnel & organisatie = (just) "personnel"
POC products of combustion (coalm., OSH)
POP programme opérationalle plurifonds = multifund operational programme (EU: regional policy)
point of sale (comm.: a terminal e.g.)
PPP i. Parlamentarisches Patenschafts-Programm = CBYX q.v.
PPP ii. public-private partnership (EU research funding)
PPP iii. purchasing power parity
PPPs purchasing power parities
PPS purchasing power standard
PPTE Pays Pauvres et Très Endettés = HIPC q.v.
PRA participatory rapid appraisal (methodology)
PrepComs Preparatory Committees (for UNCED)
PREST politique de la recherche scientifique et technique = STRP q.v.
PRSP poverty reduction strategy paper (development)
PSC port state control (shipping)
PSG passive solar gain (solar heating)
psi pounds per square inch
PTA parent-teacher association (primary & secondary education)
PTC Permanent Technical Committee (WCO)
PTEC poids total en charge = total laden weight (road vehicles)
PTF productivité tous facteurs = aggregate productivity (Eurostat)
PTOM pays et territoires d'outre-mer = OCT q.v.
PV photo-voltaic (cell)
PVD pays en voie de développement = developing country, countries
PWTF Politik auf dem Gebiet der wissenschaftlichen und technischen Forschung = STRP q.v.
PWR pressurised water reactor (energy)

Created by Alison Gaunt
Last updated: 13 September 2024
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