Abbreviations &Acronyms Glossary

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FIELDS COVERED: European Union & international affairs, social affairs, development, education, transport (including a fair amount of EU jargon). NB abbreviations ONLY, with minimal notes...
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NAACP National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (USA)
NA beim BIBB = Nationale Agentur beim Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung = National Agency for the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (DE)
NA im DAAD = Nationale Agentur im Deutschen Akademischen Austauschdienst = National Agency for the German Academic Exchange Service (DE)
NA im PAD = Nationale Agentur im Pädagogischen Austauschdienst = National Agency for the Educational Exchange Service (DE)
NA JFE Nationale Agentur Jugend für Europa = National Agency for Youth for Europe (DE)
NABS Nomenclature pour l'analyse et la comparaison des programmes et budgets scientifiques = Nomenclature for the analysis and comparison of scientific programmes and budgets (Eurostat: use French acronym)
NACE Nomenclature générale des activités économiques dans les Communautéte européennes; Algemene Systematische Bedrijfsindeling in de Europese Gemeenschappen; Allgemeine Systematik der Wirtschaftszweige in der Europäischen Gemeinschaft = General Industrial Classification of Economic Activities within the European Communities (use FR acronym in all languages)
NAFTA North American Free Trade Area
NAO National Authorising Officer (EU: development)
NARVA nitrogen, argon, vacuum (trademark name of German company making lamps and lighting equipment, originally a GDR combine founded 1969)
NASDAQ National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation (USA: comm.)
NAV = net asset value (fin.)
NAW = "personal details" (Naam, Adres, Woonplaats: often seen as a "NAW-formulier")
NBC nuclear, biological and chemical (weapons)
NBS National Bureau of Standards (USA)
NC Nomenclature Combiné = CN q.v.
NC numerically controlled (machine tools)
NCC; NCCA = Netherlands Commercial Court (of Appeal) (established 2018)
NCI nationale coördinatie instantie (EU) = NCU q.v.
NCU national co-ordination unit (EU; Leonardo da Vinci programme)
NCW Nederlandse Christelijk Werkgeversbond = Netherlands Federation of Christian Employers
ND nominal diameter
n.d.a. non dénominé ailleurs = n.e.s. q.v.
NDB Nomenclature Douanière de Bruxelles = BTN q.v.
NEA i. nationale economische aanwijzer(s) = national economic indicators (NL) (stat.)
NEA ii. Nuclear Energy Agency (part of OECD)
Neat Neue Eisenbahn-Alpentransversale (CH: railways)
NEBI Nuclear Energy Board (Ireland)
NEI Nouveaux Etats Indépendants = NIS q.v.
NEM New Economic Mechanism (EP)
NEPRO Nomenclature des produits énergétiques
NEREIS Navire européen de recherche et d'intervention sous-marine = European research, experiment and underwater operations vessel (developed late 1980s as part of EC deep-sea exploration programme)
n.e.s. not elsewhere specified (classifications e.g.)
NFC Nederlands Federatie voor de Cinematografie = Dutch Federation for Cinematography
NFFO non-fossil fuel obligation
NFK Nederlandse Filmkeuring = Netherlands Board of Film Classification
n.g.e. Nederlandse grootte-eenheid = ?number of employees (NL: employed in agriculture?)
NGI Neues gemeinschaftliches Instrument = new Community instrument (EU)
NGY net gaming yield (gambling)
NIC i. National Insurance Contributions (UK: employers' and employees')
NIC ii. newly industrialised country (EP)
NICAM Nederlands Instituut voor Classificatie van Audiovisuele Media = (suggest) Netherlands Institute for the Classification of Audiovisual Media
NIDI i. Nederlands Interdisciplinair Demografisch Instituut = Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute
NIDI ii. ?Nationale ?Nederlandse Infodienst Immigratie
NII Nuclear Installations Inspectorate (UK)
NIMEXE Nomenclature of Goods for External Trade Statistics of the Community and Statistics of Trade between Member States
NIP National Indicative Programme (EU: development, EDF)
NIS Newly Independent States (for details see my Glossary of Terms, under CIS)
NISO National Industrial Safety Organisation (Ireland)
NITs new information technologies
NJW Neue Juristische Wochenschrift (D) = (suggest, if necessary) New Legal Weekly
NNC National Nuclear Corporation (UK)
NOS Nederlandse Omroep Stichting
= Netherlands Broadcasting Authority (public service broadcaster)
NOS Nieuwe Onafhankelijke Staten = NIS q.v.
NOSER Nomenclature des Services (context unconfirmed)
NPCF Nederlandse Patiënten Consumenten Federatie = Federation of Patients' and Consumer Organisations in the Netherlands
NPF nation plus favorisée = MFN q.v.
NPRP National Poverty Reduction Programme (development)
NPT Non-Proliferation Treaty (Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons) (UN: 1970)
NRA national regulatory authority (required in Member States under some EU laws)
NRC i. National Research Council (USA)
ii. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USA)
NRDC National Research Development Council (UK)
NSEJ Nouveaux services, emplois jeunes (FR) (suggest) New Services - Jobs for Young People (French employment programme)
NSP ne sait pas = 'don't know' (in questionnaire)
NST Nomenclature uniforme des marchandises pour les statistiques des transports = Standard Goods Classification for Transport Statistics (EU: ?use FR acronym)
NTA New Transatlantic Agenda (EU-USA, Madrid 1995)
NTBF new technology-based firm
NUS Neue Unabhängige Staaten = NIS q.v.
NUTS Nomenclature des unités territoriales pour les statistiques; Systematik der Gebietseinheiten für die Statistik = Nomenclature of territorial units for statistical purposes (EU)
NVLS NV Luchthaven Schiphol (NL) (operating company of Amsterdam's Schipol Airport)
NVPl Nederlandse Vereniging van Platenproducenten = (suggest) Dutch Record Producers' Association (music)
NVV Nichtverbreitungsvertrag = NPT q.v.
NW Nennweite = ND q.v.
NZS Independent Students' Association (Poland) (1988)

Created by Alison Gaunt
Last updated: 28 October 2018   
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