Glossary of Chemistry & Environmental Protection: terms & abbreviations   Dutch-English, French-English, German-English

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= cyclic (e.g. cAMP) / CAA = Clean Air Act (UK, USA) / CAC = command and control (policy or approach to environmental matters) / calamine = carbon deposit / CAMP = Continuous Air Monitoring Program (USA) / canalisation see Abwasserleitung / capillary column see WCOT / captan (pest.) / carbaryl (pest.) / carbendazim (fungicide) = methyl benzimidazole 2 yl carbamate (MBC, BMC) / carbofluorés = fluorocarbons / carbofuran (pest.) / carbohalogénés = halocarbons / Carbomer K (DE) = carbomer 940 (trade name Synthalen® K) / anhydride carbonique; gaz carbonique = carbon dioxide; CO2 / carbonyl acid / Carbopack B (sampling apparatus) / carbonylzuurstof = carbonyl oxygen / CAS = Chemical Abstracts Service (e.g. "CAS number") / casier d'exploitation étanche = landfill cell with impermeable liner (waste management) / CCA = copper/chromium/arsenic (wood preservative: syn. chromated copper arsenate; chromium copper arsenate) / CCB = copper/chromium/boron (wood preservative) / CCE = carbon chloroform extraction / CCRIS = Chemical Carcinogenesis Research Info System / CDE = carbon dioxide equivalent / CDM = clean development mechanism (Kyoto Protocol, 1997) / CEC = cation exchange capacity / CEFIC = Conseil Européen des Fédérations de l'Industrie Chimique; Europäischer Chemieverband = European Chemical Industry Council (national federations and big companies; founded 1972; based Brussels) / CEGB = Central Electricity Generating Board (UK) / CERCLA = Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (USA) (1980, introduced tax on chemical industry to build up a "Superfund") / CET = corrected effective temperature / CFC = chlorofluorocarbon (ozone-depleting solvent, aerosol propellant, refrigerant, foaming agent) / CFK = 1. chloor fluor koolwaterstof see CFC; 2. copper/chromium/fluorine (wood preservative) / CFM = chlorofluoromethane / Chandler score = an index of water pollution (John Chandler, UK scientist) / chaux sodée = soda lime / Chemieabfall = chemical waste / Chemiemüll; Chemikalienabfall = waste chemicals / CHESS = City Health and Environment Surveillance System (USA) / chimiquement dangereux = a hazardous chemical (OSHA) / chinomethionat (pest.) / chloorethyl = ethyl chloride / chloorimipramine = imipramine hydrochloride / chloration = chlorination (water supply) / chlordécone = chlordecone (pest.) / chlordimeform (pest.) / chlore = chlorine (gas); Cl / chloré chlorinated (containing Cl) / chlorering = chlorination / Chlorethyl see chloorethyl / chlorfenvinphos (pest.) / chlorhydrate = hydrochlorate / acide chlorhydrique = hydrochloric acid; HCl / chloridazon (pest.) / chlorique = chlorinated (pertaining to Cl) / chlormequat (pest.) / Chlornaphthaline = chloronaphthalenes / chloroacetylchlorides / chlorothalonil (pest.) / chlorotoluron / 5 chlorouracil (potentially hazardous substance formed during chlorination of natural waters) / Chlorparaffine = chlorinated paraffins; chloroparaffins / chlorpyrifos (pest.) / chlorure = chloride / CHP = combined heat and power (energy) / chrome = chromium; Cr / Chromosorb 102 / CIA = Chemical Industries Association (UK) / CIS = copper iridium diselenide; CuInSE2 (thin film coating for photovoltaic cells, solar energy) / CIST = Commission Internationale de la Santé au Travail, see ICOH / CITES = Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (the "Washington Convention", 1975) / Citronenstein see Zitronenstein / CIV = cultivation in vitro = in vitro culture / temps de claquage = saturation time (filter) / Clavulansäure = clavulanic acid / espèce clé = keystone species (plant science) / CLO = concentration limite en oxygène, see LOC / CLRTAP = Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution (1979) / CMC = carboxymethylcellulose (detergents) / CMR = carcinogenic, mutagenic or toxic to reproduction; cancérogène, mutagène, reprotoxique; carcinogeen, mutageen, reprotoxisch; cancerogen, mutagen, reprotoxisch (EU classification: NB Directive 67/548/EEC uses the wording "cancérogène, mutagène ou toxique pour la reproduction"; "kankerverwekkend, mutageen of vergiftig voor de voortplanting"; "krebserzeugend, erbgutverändernd oder fortpflanzungsgefährdend") / CNC = condensation nuclei counting / CNG = compressed natural gas / CNL = corrected noise level (UK) / CNPE = centre nucléaire de production d’électricité = nuclear power plant / CNT see nanotubes / COD = chemical oxygen demand / coefficient d'emmagasinement = storage coefficient (of soil) (hydrol.) / Colcemid (trade name) / coloration = stain / comburant (adj.) = oxidizing / Commission on Pesticides and their Relationship to Environmental Health (USA) / comprimé = tablet (pharm.) / conditionnement = presentation; packaging (pharm.) / congélateur = ice chest (lab.) / contraintes en eau = water stress (envir.) / contrôle blanc = control blank / COP = conformity of production (certificate) (EU) (NOx emissions, lorries) / CoPa = Control of Pollution Act (UK, 1974) / cortisol = cortisol (natural chemical); hydrocortisone (pharm.) / COSH (Regulations) = Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (UK) / CPE = chlorinated polyethylene / CPG = chromatographie par gaz = gas chromatography (GC) / CR = chlorinated rubber / CRA = chemical risk assessment / crédit de toxicité = toxicity margin / CRM = certified reference materials (quality assurance) / CRT = continuous regeneration trap (diesel emissions) (source: BBC) / crue = flood (rise in gauge height) (hydrol.) / CSB = chemischer Sauerstoffbedarf see COD / CSD = Commission on Sustainable Development (UN) / CTAB = cetyle trimethyl ammonium bromide / CTB = College voor Toelating van bestrijdingsmiddelen (NL) = (suggest) Pesticides Licensing Authority / culot = pellet; residue; sediment (centrifuge) / cupro-aluminium = copper aluminium / cuves = tanks and troughs, jar (lab.) / CV = calorific value / CVD = chemical vapour deposition / CW = cloud water (climate modelling) / CWRP = cloud water radiative properties (climate modelling) / cyaankali; Cyankali = potassium cyanide, KCN / cyanure = cyanide / cyhexatin (pest.)

Created by Alison Gaunt
Last updated: 22 March 2018
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