Glossary of Chemistry & Environmental Protection: terms & abbreviations   Dutch-English, French-English, German-English

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IA = industrieel afval = industrial waste / IAC = immunoaffinity column / IAES = International Academy of Environmental Safety / IBCT = International Bureau for Chlorine Technology / ICA = immunoaffinity column assay / ICCA = International Council of Chemical Associations; Weltchemieverband / ICLEI = International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (UN-associated, 1990) / ICOH = International Commission on Occupational Health (NGO, based Rome) / ICP = inductively coupled plasma / ICPE = installation classée pour la protection de l’environnement = installation classified on environmental protection grounds (incinerator e.g.) (FR) / ICPMS = inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry / ICRCL = Interdepartmental Committee for the Redevelopment of Contaminated Land (UK) / Identitätsnachweis = confirmation of identity (analyt. chem.) / IDPN = ß,ß-imino diproprionitrile / IFCC = International Federation of Clinical Chemists / IGU Internationale Gesellschaft für Umweltschutz see ISEP / IIED = International Institute for Environment and Development (based London) / IISD = International Institute for Sustainable Development / IMET = Instituut voor Milieu- en Energietechnologie (NL, part of TNO) = (suggest) Institute for Environmental and Energy Technology / Immission (D) = ambient level (i.e. away from point of emission; contrast Emission = level at immediate point of release) / Immissionsgrenzwert = ambient limit value / IMPEL Network: European Network for the Implementation and Enforcement of Environmental Law (EU; unofficial grouping, first meeting Chester, UK, in 1991) / "imposex": (defined) hormonal changes caused by exposure to chemicals (e.g. masculinisation of female sea snails due to tributyltin) / INAA = instrumental neutron activation analysis / INB = installation nucléaire de base = basic nuclear installation (FR) / INCI = International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredients / incident combustible = fuel incident (nuclear) / substance inflammable = flammable substance, see brennbarer Stoff / inflammation = ignition (explosive atmospheres) / ingewogen = calibrated / INH = isonicotinezuurhydrazide; isonicotinic acid hydrazide / INS = International Numbering System for Food Additives / concentré en insaponifiables = high in unsaponifiable matter; high-unsap (food, cosmetics) / insufflation d'air = forced aeration (soil remediation) / inweeg = calibration / IOC = Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (UNESCO) / ioxynil (pest.) / IOPP Certificate = International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate (shipping) / IPC = integrated pollution control / IPCC = Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (1988; based Geneva, jointly run by WMO/UNEP) / IPCS = International Programme on Chemical Safety (1980; jointly organised by UNEP/ILO/WHO) / IPIECA = International Petroleum Industry Environmental Conservation Association (based London) / IPPC = integrated pollution prevention and control (EU; Council Directive 96/61/EC) / iproniazid / IPTS = International Practical Temperature Scale (BIPM) / IS = index securitae; safety factor (tox.) / ISEP = International Society for Environmental Protection (NGO based Austria) / isofocalisation = isoelectric point precipitation (variant of electrophoresis) / isoniazid / Isopropyl Palmitat = isopropyl palmitate / en isotherme = under isothermal conditions / I-TEQ = International Toxicity Equivalent Quantity (used by NATO) / IUCLID = International Uniform Chemical Information Database (EU) / IUCN = International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (based Gland, Switzerland; now called the "World Conservation Union". Founded Paris 1948 as the IUPN) / IUPAC = International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry / IUPN = International Union for the Protection of Nature, see IUCN / IWC = International Whaling Commission

Created by Alison Gaunt
Last updated: 16 February 2018 
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