Glossary of Chemistry & Environmental Protection: terms & abbreviations   Dutch-English, French-English, German-English

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NAA = 1. naphthalenacetic acid; 2. neutron activation analysis / Nachsorge = aftercare (of landfill sites e.g.) / Nachweisgrenze = limit of detection, see LOD (and cf. Bestimmungsgrenze) / Nachweltschutz = intergenerational equity / NAD = nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide / Nährboden = culture medium (microbiol.) / Nalidixinsäure = nalidixic acid / nanotubes de carbone mono-feuillets = single-walled carbon nanotubes / nanotubes de carbone multi-feuillets = multi-walled carbon nanotubes / nappe libre = free groundwater (hydrol.) / nappe phréatique = water table (NB FR often uses this  in sense of  'n. souterraine', so 'pollution de la nappe phréatique' = 'groundwater pollution', not 'pollution of the water table' / nappe souterraine = groundwater / napropamide (pest.) / à l'état natif = native (in a chemically uncombined state, i.e. pure): native minerals include most metals, also sulphur, graphite, diamond; one exception is iron, found in the pure form in meteorites, but not on Earth / National Sulphuric Acid Association Ltd (UK) / natriumcarbonaat = sodium carbonate, see soda / Natriumcocylglutamat = sodium cocyl glutamate / natron = 1. sodium carbonate, see soda; 2. sodium hydroxide / Natronlauge = caustic soda, sodium lye, sodium hydroxide solution, aqueous sodium hydroxide (NaOH) / naturnah = ecologically-based / naturnaher Waldbau = ecoforestry / NBC = nuclear, biological and chemical (warfare) / NBR = nitrile butadiene rubber / NBT = nitroblue tetrazolium (dyestuff) / NE = nicht-Eisen = non-ferrous (metals) / neige carbonique = dry ice / NEPA = National Environmental Protection Act (USA) / NIA = Nederlands Instituut voor Arbeidsomstandigheden = (suggest) Netherlands Institute for Working Conditions (OSH) / NIBSC = National Institute for Biological Standards and Control (UK) / NICI = negative ion chemical ionisation (spectrometer) / nicotinezuur = niacin; nicotinic acid / NIEH = National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (USA) / NIMBY = "not in my back yard" (objection to development, esp. UK) / NiS = nickel monosulphide / Ni3S2 = nickel subsulphide / nitroglycérine = nitroglycerin / nitros: nitrose Gase = nitrous gases; oxides of nitrogen (in gaseous form; in the occupational context often NO2 (welding fumes e.g.)) / Nm3/h = normal metres per hour (indoor air quality; more commonly expressed as m3/h stp) / NMP = Nationaal Milieubeleidplan (NL) = (suggest) National Policy Plan for the Environment / NNI = Noise and Number Index (aircraft noise, devised for London's Heathrow Airport) / NOAA = National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (USA) / NOx = oxides of nitrogen; nitrogen oxides (collectively: nitrous oxide N2O; nitric oxide NO and nitrogen dioxide NO2) / NPB = n-propyl bromide (ozone-depleting chemical) / NR = 1. natural rubber; 2. nitrile rubber; 3. noise rating / NRA = 1. National Rivers Authority (UK); 2. natural resources accounting / NSA = nitrate sensitive areas (UK) / NSC = National Safety Council (OSH, USA) / NSQR = North Sea Quality Status Report / NTA = nitriloacetic acid / NTP = normal temperature and pressure (0oC and 760 mmHg) / Null-Variante = zero option / NUP = Nationaler Umweltsplan für Österreich = (suggest) Austrian National Environmental Plan / NVCA = Nederlandse Vereniging van Verwerkers van Chemische Afvalstoffen = (suggest) Netherlands Association of Chemical Waste Processors / NWG = Nachweisgrenze, see LOD

Created by Alison Gaunt
Last updated: 16 February 2018
  Made with Nvu