Glossary of Chemistry & Environmental Protection: terms & abbreviations   Dutch-English, French-English, German-English
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WaBoLu = Wasser, Boden, Luft (D)
/ waf = Wasser- und Aschefrei (dusts) = ? / Waldwende = concept describing change of attitude away from traditional forest management (monocultures e.g.) towards systems designed to preserve biodiversity. English talks of "sustainable forest management", "ecologically based forestry", "ecoforestry"...Paraphrase to translate, but NB not as "forest conversion" or similar, which has negative connotations of environmental damage by e.g. logging. Concept first popularized by Bode & Hohnhorst, 1994 / Wärmestau = heat accumulation / Washington Convention see CITES / Wasserstoffionenkonzentration = hydrogen ion concentration (= pH) / wastewater (all one word) / waterstofperoxide = hydrogen peroxide, H2O2 / WBGT = wet bulb globe temperature / WBCSD = World Business Council for Sustainable Development / WCA = waste collection authority (UK) / WCED = World Commission on Environment and Development / WCOT = wall-coated open tubular (column) (chromatography; syn. capillary column) / WCS = World Conservation Strategy (IUCN initiative, 1980) / WDA = waste disposal authority (UK) / Weckamine = amphetamines / weed see cannabis / Weichmacher = plasticizer / WICE = World Council for the Environment / WICEM = World Industry Conference on Environmental Management / Wildquerung = wildlife crossing; animal crossing; ecoduct. Either a bridge ("overcrossing") or a tunnel (for smaller animals, e.g. frogs), landscaped to be as natural as possible / WKK = warmte kracht koppeling see CHP / WLM working level month (radon measurement) / WP = wettable powder (pest.) / WQO = Water Quality Objectives (UK) / WRA = waste regulation authority (UK) / WRC = Water Research Centre (UK) / WTE = waste-to-energy (plant) (waste processing) / WWF = Worldwide Fund for Nature (formerly World Wildlife Fund) / WWI = World Watch Institute (based Washington DC)

Created by Alison Gaunt
Last updated: 16 February 2018  
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