Glossary: European Union & international affairs, industry, trade, development aid, employment, social affairs, education & training, transport
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safety signs
: prohibitory, warning, mandatory, emergency escape / Sachleistungen = benefits in kind / Sachverständigenrat = Council of Economic Experts (DE) / saisie = inputting; opérateur de saisie = keyboard operator (IT) / samenlevingsopbouw = community development / samenloop van straffeiten = concurrence of offences (law) / santoméen = adj. pertaining to São Tomé e Príncipe / scaffolding: has platform, ties, toe boards and guard rails / Schacht (coalm.): ausziehender = upcast (ventilating) shaft; blinder = blind pit, jack head; einziehender = downcast (ventilating) shaft; flacher = inclined shaft, incline; Senkschacht = drop shaft; Versuchsschacht = test pit; Vorschacht = foreshaft / Schachtführungen = shaft guides (coalm.) / schakelopleiding = (suggest) transitional training / Schaltmatte = pressure-sensitive mat (OSH: safety device) / Schar = family (stat.) / scharrelstroom = electricity generated on a small scale by environmentally friendly means, "green" electricity (EP) / scheefwonen = (suggest) high-earner occupancy of lower-rental housing (NL) / Schiebelade = push block (woodworking machines) / Schiebestock = push stick (woodworking machines) / Schiebetisch (woodworking machines) = travelling table / schief = skewed (math/stat.) / Schlag- und Stoßmaschine = impact testing machine (ropes) / Schlagabfall = slash; logging residues (forestry) / Schlagwetter = firedamp (coalm.) / Schlagwort = keyword (documentation) / Schlaufe = loop (rope) / Schlechte = cleat (rope) / Schleifleitungsdraht = trolley wire (elec.) / Schleusung = people smuggling / Schmierrohr = lubricator pipe (ropes) / Schneeballsystem = pyramid selling (comm.) / Schnellläuferservice = next-day service (Deutsche Post) / Schnupperkurs = "taster" course (educ.) / obere Schranke; untere Schranke = upper bound; lower bound (of significance)(math./stat.) / Schuldquote = net leverage ratio (finance) / Schuldschein = promissory note / Schutzdach (machinery) = overhead guard / Schutzgut = protected interest (of the state, not necessarily environmental) / Schutzhaube (machine) = hood guard / Schutzschalter = circuit breaker (elec., source: product insert) / Schwarzarbeit, see travail noir / schwarze Null = balanced budget / die Schwarzen (German politics = the CDU/CSU: "True Blues" i.e. arch-conservatives, as opposed to the Reds or Greens) / Schweißdraht = filler wire (welding) / Schweißstab = filler rod (not welding rod) / Schwellenländer = emerging countries; (econ.) emerging markets / Schwimmglas = float glass / branché sur le secteur électrique = connected to the mains (electricity supply) / second œuvre du bâtiment = construction finishes and fittings / organe, vanne de sectionnement = isolating device (valve) / Seebären = fur seals (Grimzek) / ohne Seele = coreless (ropes) / Seil (coalm.): offenes Seil = tail rope; verdrilltes Seil = stranded rope / Seilbahnen = cable railways, cableways, (USA) ropeways / Seilbruchlast = rope breaking load / Seileinband = (rope) socket, capping, capel; Seil mit Harzeinband = resin-socketed rope / Seileinbinden = tail wrapping / Seilende = capel end / Seilfahrtförderseilklemme = man-riding haulage clip / Seilklemme = rope clip / Seilprobe = sample length (rope) / Seilrollen = support rollers / Seilrolle für den Versand = delivery roll / Seilseele = fibre core / Sekundärrohstoffdünger = recycled waste fertiliser / Selbstbehalt = excess (insurance) / selbstschuldnerische Bürgschaft = directly enforceable guarantee / semi-industries = light manufacturing / sénescent = senescent (plant) / SEPA = Single Euro Payments Area: plateforme SEPA = SEPA platform; structure SEPA en XML = SEPA XML structure; conforme à la structure SEPA = SEPA-compliant (ISO 20022) / en série = in series (seals, pipework) / serre-fil = fire warden (as the last person to leave an evacuated building, he is more important than the guide-fil, but in the UK, marshall and warden are used interchangeably) / sertissage = crimping (seals) / service civil = alternative civilian service / Sesselbahn, Sessellift = (usually both translated as "chair lift"); a Sessellift may be any kind of chair lift, whereas a Sesselbahn is specifically the more modern high-speed or express lift with up to 6 people per chair) / fix geklemmter Sessellift = fixed grip chair lift / sich setzen = bed down (ropes) / Seul le texte prononcé fait foi = Check against Delivery (speeches, press statements, etc) / shag = pouch tobacco (though ‘shag’ is a particular type of coarse cut tobacco, as a category it means pipe tobacco and rolling tobacco, i.e. not tobacco smoked in cigars or (manufactured) cigarettes and not chewing tobacco or snuff) / Sicherheitspunkt = critical value (stat.) / Sicherheitsschuhe = safety boots, with e.g. toe caps and sole plates / statistisch sichern: "es liessen sich keine signifikante Unterschiede statistisch sichern"; "there were no statistically significant differences" / siège = seat (valve) / test significatif = significance test (math./stat.) / sillon = path (EU rail freight transport) / silo = bunker (coalm.) / sintern = to sinter (hard metals) / sinusgolf = sinusoidal wave (elec.) / Sirmium = Western Srem (ex-Yugoslavia) / sluiproute = rat run (road traffic) / Smith, Adam: "An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations" 1776 / sobriété énergétique = clean energy / opleiding voor sociale promotie = (suggest) training for social advancement (B) / Sozialbeirat = Social Advisory Council (DE) / Sohle (coalm.) = level: Bausohle = working level; Teilsohle = sub-level / Sohlenabstand = distance between levels (coalm.) / Sohlenauftrieb = (mine) creep / Sohlendruck = bottom hole pressure / Sohlenstrecke see Strecke / solidaire = ethical (bank); socially responsible (investments) / solvable (usually linked with "besoins", no neat rendering) = which the consumer is willing and able to pay for / Sonderdruck = offprint / soudo-brasage = weld brazing / soudure = lean season; hungry season (Africa: period of pre-harvest shortage) / crédit de soudure = bridging loan; bridge loan / soufflage = blow (steelm.) / soufflante rotative = rotatory blower (steelm.) / bombes à sous-munitions = cluster munitions / soziale Gerechtigkeit = social equity (development e.g.) / Sozialpädagoge = social educator (NB as distinct from a "Sozialarbeiter" = social worker) / Spaltkeil = riving knife (woodworking machines) / Spannbacken = grips (ropes) / Spannzylinder = tensioning cylinder (ropes) / Spanplatten = wood chipboard / ligne spécialisé = dedicated line (EDP) / Sperre = barrier (coalm.) / Spiegelschweißen = butt fusion welding (ITI) / spinachtigen = arachnids (zool.) / joint spiralé = spiral-wound seal (pipe fittings) / Spiralseil mit Lagen aus Runddrahten = spiral strand built up with layers of round wires / Spitzen = lining (coalm.: of roadway) / Spitzenkandidat = "Spitzenkandidat" (defined: lead candidate for next president of the EU Commission, nominated by the groups in the European Parliament); use DE term / Staatsblad = Bulletin of Acts and Decrees (NL) / Staatscourant = Government Gazette (NL) / Staatsquote = public spending ratio / Standseilbahn = funicular / ständige Rechtsprechung = established case law (European Court of Justice) / Standsicherheit = stability (of building e.g.) / Stapler = high-lift (stacking) truck (may be fitted with fork or platform) / station de transport = transport station (EDP) / Steine und Erden = industrial rocks (as opposed to Industrieminerale = industrial minerals) / Steinkauz = little owl (Athene noctua) / Steinkohle-Einheit = coal equivalent (energy) / Stempel = prop (coalm.): Einzelstempel = single prop; Reibungsstempel = friction prop / stériles = dirt (mining) / Steuerung = governance (polit.) / steward urbain see citadier / Stichprobenerhebung = sample survey (stat.) / Stichsäge = keyhole saw (cutting-out work) / stimuleringsprogramma = promotional programme (EU: aid) / Stoffpatent = substance patent / stofjas = protective overalls / Stollenbau = drift (tunnel) mining / Stoßbau = cut-and-fill method (coalm.) / Stoßbelastung = impulsive loading (mechan.) / Sandstrahler = sand blaster / Streb = face (coalm.): Strebbau als Vorbau = advancing; Strebbau als Rückbau = retreating; Strebbau mit weitem Blick = long-wall advancing or retreating; Strebfront = working face / Strebpanzerförderer = armoured face conveyor / Strecke = road, roadway (coalm.): abfallende = brow, incline, inclined road; Ausbaustrecke = gate road; Ausrichtungsstrecke = preparatory working; Begleitstrecke = counter head; blinde = dummy drift; Feldstrecke = road head; Flözstrecke = gate road; Sohlenstrecke = gate road; steigende = brow, incline, inclined road; Vorrichtungsstrecke = heading; Vortriebsstrecke = heading / streitmäßig = by argument in court (as opposed to = judgment by default; cf also vergleichsweise = by out-of-court settlement) / Streudiagramm = scattergram (math./stat.) / Stromaggregat = (motor) generator / stroomweg = path; pathway (elec.) / secteur structuré, non-structuré = formal, informal sector (employment) / Student's t test (stat.: of significance) / Stufe = increment / Summenhäufigkeit = cumulative frequency distribution (math/stat.) / supérette = mini-mart; mini-market (comm.) / supports acier refroidis eau = water-cooled steel supports: in form of hollow boxes filled with water used in building support, to cool structures / bus à plancher surbaissé = low floor bus; "kneeling bus" (transport) / surface hors oeuvre brute (SHO or SHOB), also called surface de plancher non dévéloppée = gross area (non-techn.), gross internal and external built area (tech.); surface hors oeuvre nette (SHON) = net area (non-tech.), net occupiable area (tech.): "... SHOB is the "gross floor area" whilst SHON is SHOB less (1) area of roof space and basements which are not for occupation; (2) area of balconies and other non-enclosed areas; (3) area of space for car parking and (4) area for agricultural or horticultural use. Details are given in Decree No 77-739 of 7/7/77..." (F: building, ITI) / actions sur l'offre = supply-side measures (econ.) / System of National Accounts ("1993 SNA"), publ. jointly by UN, IMF, ECOM, OECD & World Bank / système-expert = expert system (Eurostat: EDI)

Created by Alison Gaunt
Last updated: 27 March 2020
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