Glossary of Chemistry & Environmental Protection: terms & abbreviations   Dutch-English, French-English, German-English
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= salicylic acid / Salmiak = sal ammoniac; ammonium chloride; salmiac / Salmiakgeist see Ammoniak / Salzsäure = hydrochloric acid; HCl / Sanierung = remediation; clean-up, rehabilitation (contaminated or abandoned sites, soils, see also Altlastensanierung) / sapement de berges = undermining of banks; undercutting of banks (hydrol.) / säuregereinigt = acid-washed / SBR = styropor butadiene rubber / SC = suspension concentrate (pest.) / SCC = secondary combustion chamber (waste incineration) / SCGE = single cell elecrophoresis; Comet assay / Schadstoff = toxic substance; toxicant; harmful substance; deleterious substance / Schutzgas = filler gas (AAS) / Schüttelapparat = agitator (lab.) / Schwärzungsmessung = smoke meter measurement; smoke reading (aerosol sampling) / Schwefelkohlenstoff = carbon disulphide; CS2 / Schwefelwasserstoff = hydrogen sulphide; H2S / Schwelgase = decomposition gases / scinder = cleave / SCMO = Studiecentrum voor Milieuonderzoek (NL) = (suggest) Environmental Research Centre / SCOPE = Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment (part of ICSU) / SCOT = support coated open tubular (column) (chromatography) / SCR = selective catalytic reduction (NOx e.g.) / SDB = Sicherheitsdatenblatt, see MSDS / SEA = strategic environmental assessment (related to but not the same as an EIA. An EIA tends to assess the finished project, but an ESA looks at the project early on, to see if it is necessary at all.) / SEI = secondary electron imaging / sel gemme = rock salt (halite) / seleenwaterstof = hydrogen selenide (H2Se) / SEM = scanning electron microscope (microscopy) / Senke = sink (environment, e.g. a carbon sink) / séquestration du CO2 = carbon capture and storage / SETAC = Society of Environmental Toxicologists and Chemists / seuil de déclaration = reporting threshold (chemicals) / Seveso see dioxin / SFK = Störfallkommission = Accident Commission (D) / SGK = Sauerstoffgrenzkonzentration, see LOC / silice = silica (SiO2) / silice fondue = silica gel / silicium = silicon (Si) / silicone = silicone (polymer) / simazine (pest.) / sirop = syrup (pharm.) / SLCAL = Salt Lake City Analytical Laboratory / SMB = strategische milieueffectenbeoordeling see SEA / SMD = soil moisture deficit / SMM = sustainable materials management / SN = suspended nitrates / SNCR = selective non-catalytic reduction (NOx e.g.) / SNG = synthetic natural gas / soda = sodium carbonate; sal soda, washing soda; Na2CO3 / SOF = soluble organic fraction / Sollwert = designated value (commercially prepared solutions) / Solu-Medrol (pharm.) / soluté = solute; also aqueous solution / solvant = solvent / sonde isocinétique = sampling under isokinetic conditions / sonicate, sonication = to clean matter by ultrasonic treatment: "the samples were sonicated for 5-10 min. in order to disperse any large clumps of debris" (asbestos in rainwater) / sorbonne = fume cupboard / sous-couche = subshell (transition metals) / SOx = oxides of sulphur; sulphur oxides / soxhlet = equipment for the continuous extraction of a solvent: "the material to be extracted is usually placed in a porous paper thimble, and continually condensing solvent allowed to percolate through it and return to the boiling vessel, either continuously or intermittently" / SP = synthetic pyrethroids (replaced organophosphates in e.g. sheep dip as being safe to humans; now found to be highly toxic to environment) / spécialité pharmaceutique see Arzneispezialität / spectre d'action = spectrum; spectrum of activity (pharm.) / speksteen = talc; talcum; stearite (magnesium silicate) / Sperrmüll = bulky waste; bulky residue / SPF = spectophotofluorimetry / SPI = Society of the Plastics Industry (USA; devises marking systems for plastic bottles; founded 1937, based Washington DC) / spill control kit (lab. safety) / Spirsäure see Salicylsäure / Spitzbodenröhrchen = microtube, micro test tube (has a pointed end, often an "Eppendorf tube", if made by that (leading German) manufacturer) / splitless mode (chromatograph) / SPLV = soil pollutant limit value / sporenelement = trace element / spoorelement see sporenelement / SRS = slow-reacting substances / SS = 1. suspended solids; 2. suspended sulphates / SSNIF = site-specific natural isotope fractionation by nuclear magnetic resonance (odour analysis) / Stammlösung = stock solution / standard addition method (chem.) / station de jaugeage = gauging station (hydrol.) / Status Quo-Betrachtung = zero option / stechend = pungent (odour of chemical e.g.) / Stellmittel = filler (cosmetics, construction); additive / Stickoxydul = nitrous oxide; N2O / Stickstoffmonoxid; stikstofmonoxyde = nitrous oxide; N2O / STP = standard temperature and pressure (60oF and 30 inHg) / STPD = standard temperature and pressure, dry / Stufenkontrolle = process check; in-process check (food science) / Styrofoam™ (Dow, 1954), see EPS / sublimaat = corrosive sublimate (disinfectant, see kwiksilverchloride) / mélange sulfochromique = ? sulphuric/chromic acid mixture / sur un support = on a backing (laboratory reagent) / surnageant = supernatant / suroxygénation = oxygen enrichment / SUVP = strategische Umweltverträglichkeitsprüfung; strategische Umweltprüfung, see SEA / SVP = Sicherheitsvertrauensperson (D) = safety officer (OSH)

Created by Alison Gaunt
Last updated: 22 March 2018  
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