Glossary of Chemistry & Environmental Protection: terms & abbreviations   Dutch-English, French-English, German-English

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bac à marée = (specifically located onshore, not floating, and specifically for flotsam, not general waste) flotsam recycling bin; tidal waste bin; marine debris bin / bac à retention = sink (lab.) / bain marie = water bath (chem./tech.) / BAL = British antilewisite (dimercaprol, a metal complexing agent) / Baltic Sea Network on Occupational Health and Safety / Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal (1989) / BASF = Badische Anilin- und Soda-Fabrik AG (D) (founded 1865) / Basle Convention see Basel Convention / Basler Übereinkommen über die Kontrolle der grenzüberschreitenden Verbringung gefährlicher Abfälle und ihrer Entsorgung see Basel Convention / bassin d’infiltration = infiltration basin (hydrol.) / bassin versant = catchment basin; drainage basin (hydrol.) / BAT = 1. best available technique; 2. best available technology / BATNEEC = best available technique not entailing excessive cost (UK) / Bauschutt = demolition waste / BBT best bestaande techniek see BAT / BCD = base-catalysed dechlorination / BCF = bioconcentration factor / BCSD = Business Council for Sustainable Development / Becherglas = glass beaker (lab.) / BEI = back scattered electron imaging / benomyl (pest.) / BEPO = best environmental practical option / Beseitigung = disposal (waste) / Bestimmungsgrenze = limit of quantitation, see LOQ and cf. Nachweisgrenze) (tox.) / betazone (pest.) / benzalkonium chloride (pharm.: throat lozenges) / in bewerking nemen = to extract (HPLC sample; source unconfirmed / BFB = bubbling fluidised bed (waste combustion) / BHA = butylated hydroxyanisole / BHC = benzene hexachloride / BHK = baby hamster kidney (cell culture) / Bhopal see MIC / bidestilliertes Wasser = double-distilled water / bilan carbone see empreinte carbone / BIM = Bedrijsinterne Milieuzorg (NL) = (suggest) In-house Environmental Protection (Measures) (for the ... sector) / BImSchG = Bundesimmissionsgesetz (D) = Federal Immission Control Act (NB this is the "official" name used; equivalent for all intents and purposes to a clean air act) / BImSchV = Bundesimmissionsverordnung (D) = Federal Immission Control Ordinance / biodisponibilité = bioavailability / Bioabfall; Biomüll = organic waste / Biomiete see biopile / biopile (defined): Facility for the controlled biodegradation of pollutant wastes or spills, promoted by aeration or the introduction of nutrients. Material is piled up within an impermeable liner (biopile) or arranged in layers (biocell). Technique is called "biopiling". / biotertre = biopile (or biocell – French does not seem to differentiate), see biopile / Biotonne = organic waste bin; green waste bin / biphasique = 2-phase (oxygen) / bisulfure = disulphide / BKG = broeikasgas = greenhouse gas / blanc réactif = test blank / Blauer Engel = "Blue Angel" (D) (eco-label) / Blaukreuz = DA, Clark I, chlorodiphenylarsine; diphenylarsenous chloride (poison gas) / Blausäure = cyanide gas / blauwzuur see Blausäure / bleekaarde; Bleicherde = Fuller's earth / BLO = black liquor oxidation / blow see cannabis / BMC (syn. MBC) = methyl benzimidazole 2 yl carbamate (the fungicide carbendazim) / BMU = Bundesministerium für Umwelt (D) = Federal Ministry for the Environment / BNA = beta-naphthylamine / BOD = biological oxygen demand / Bodenschutz = soil conservation / technologie en bout de chaîne see additiver Umweltschutz / BP = 1. benzo[a]pyrene (a major PNC); 2. British Petroleum / BPEO = Best Practicable Environmental Option (UK) / BPM = best practicable means / BREF = best available reference documents (OECD) / Breitbandantibiotikum = broad-spectrum antibiotic / brennbarer Stoff = flammable substance (substance in the form of gas, vapour, solid, or mixtures of these, able to undergo an exothermic reaction with air when ignited) (explosive atmospheres standard EN 1127-1) / bromopropylate (pest.) / bromoxynil (pest.) / bromure = bromide / formule brute = ? molecular formula / BSB = Biologischer Sauerstoffbedarf = biological oxygen demand (BOD) / BSO = buthionine sulphoximine / BSP = bromsulphalein / BTPS = body temperature and pressure, saturated with water vapour / BTX = benzene, toluene, xylene / BUT = best uitvoerbare techniek see BMP / buturon (pest.) / bvo = bodemverontreiniging = soil contamination; ground pollution

Created by Alison Gaunt
Last updated 23 October 2024
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