Glossary of Agriculture, Fisheries, Food Science, Plant Health & Veterinary Science

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gaine foliaire = leaf sheath / galmug = gall midge (insect) / GCB = groupe de compatibilité végétative see VCG / Gdansk Convention = Convention on Fishing and Conservation of the Living Resources in the Baltic Sea and Belts / gefallene Rinder = fallen cattle; fallen stock (died as opposed to slaughtered) / Gemeinschaftlicher Sortenschutz see CPV / Gemeinschaftliches Sortenamt see CPVO / Genußmittel: (defined) natural stimulants or luxury goods, thus alcoholic beverages (wines, spirits, liqueurs), tobacco (and smokers' requisites), also coffee and tea. When used in combination with "food" (Nahrungs- und Genußmittel), it invariably refers solely to (alcoholic) beverages, and can reasonably be translated as such. International classifications of goods, e.g. ISIC, do not have a one-word term equating to Genußmittel, but break it down into beverages, tobacco, etc. / Genußtaugliche Erzeugnisse = products fit for human consumption; HC products / gesloten = closed (agric.: crop) / Gesundheitszeugnis = health certificate (vet. med./food) / GEVES = Groupe d'Etude et de Contrôle des Variétés et des Semences (FR: use FR acronym) / gewasbeschermingsmiddel = crop protectant; agricultural pesticide / GFCM = General Fisheries Council for the Mediterranean (part of FAO) / gießen = drench (hort.) / gigogne = nested (PCR) / Glatubo = glastuinbouw = cultivation under glass; nursery cultivation (hort.) / GLB  = gemeenschappelijk landbouwbeleid see CAP / globulaire = globose / GLP = goede landbouw pratijk (NL) = good farming practice / GMO = genetically modified organism / gombo = okra / duingrasland = dune grassland / heischrale grasland = mat-grass; Nardetea / venige grasland = boggy grassland / zinkgrasland = calaminarian grassland / grasmat = grass cover (agric.) / grassland (in EU context, usually used in preference to e.g. pasture) / greffon = scion; graft (hort.) / grondontsmetting = soil disinfection (not decontamination) / Grüngutcompost = composted landscape waste; landscape waste compost / GVE groot-vee eenheid; Großvieheinheit see LU /
Created by Alison Gaunt
Last updated: 6 March 2018
Made with Nvu