Glossary of Medical Terms, Abbreviations & Symbols

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Q (symbol) = cardiac output / q = every (prescriptions) / QALY = quality-of-life year (health economics) / QF = Querfinger(breite) = finger breadth; finger's breadth (use deprecated) / q.i.d. = quater in die = four times a day / QR = quotient respiratoire see RQ / qs = quantum satis; quantum sufficit = as much as is necessary; naar believen; zoveel als nodig (medical prescriptions) / qsp = quantité suffisante pour see qs / QTA = quartztypisches Areal = quartz-typical area (a measure of pneumoconiosis or silicosis as seen in lung sections) / Quaddel = weal / quadrijumeaux; quadruplés = quadruplets / quarantaine; Quarantäne = quarantine / maladie quarantenaire = quarantinable disease / fièvre quarte = quartan (fever, malaria) (also used as noun) / Quartzstaublunge = silicosis / quatorzaine = 14-day quarantine ( epidem.) / Quecksilbervergiftung = mercury poisoning; mercurialism / Querfaser = cross fibre (asbestos) / Querfortsatz = oblique process (vertebra) / Querschnittslähmung = paraplegia / Querstreifung = (transverse) striation (muscle) / Quetschpräparat = crush preparation; squash preparation (cytol.) / Quetschwunde = crush injury / Quetschung = compression (intervertebral disc e.g.) / queue de cheval = cauda equina (spinal cord) / temps de Quick; Quickwert see PT / quinte = coughing fit / quotient intellectuel = intelligence quotient; IQ

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Last updated: 23 February 2021  
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