Glossary of Chemistry & Environmental Protection: terms & abbreviations   Dutch-English, French-English, German-English
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rabattement de la nappe = drawdown (hydrol.) / rationelle Energieverwendung see EE / rationelle Wasserverwendung = water efficiency / Raubbau = depletion (resources) / RBC = rotating biological contactor (effluent treatment) / RCEP = Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution (UK) / RDX = cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine (explosive) / Rea-Gips = FGD gypsum (synthetic gypsum, byproduct of flue gas desulphurization process) / reageerbuis = test tube / valeur de réduction décimale = decimal reduction time; D value (microbiol.) /  réensauvagement = rewilding / Regenerationsmiete see biopile / REGINA = Regionale Nachhaltigkeitsanalyse = regional sustainability analysis (D) / Reifenschnitzel = tyre chips (waste) / rejet ponctuel = point release (waste into environment) (US-EPA) / remodelage = recontouring (former industrial land) / REP = responsabilité élargie des producteurs see EPR / repiquages successifs = serial passages (microbiol. cultures) / reprise = take-back (waste recycling) / RESO = résidus organochlorés = organochlorine residues (survey) (FR)responsable du laboratoire = laboratory supervisor / `responsible care', concept, in handling and transportation of chemicals / retenue à la source = capture at source (pollutants) / taux de réticulation = cross-linking density (plastics) / REUSE / REPURPOSING / RECYCLING: In everyday use, the definitions of these terms are often blurred. "Reuse" means simply using a product again for the same purpose without treatment (e.g. second-hand clothing), or using it again for a different purpose ("repurposing"), whereas "recycling" always entails some form of (energy-consuming) treatment designed to obtain new raw materials for the manufacture of something else. Recyclage = recycling / réemploi ("toute opération par laquelle des substances, matières ou produits qui ne sont pas des déchets sont utilisés de nouveau pour un usage identique à celui pour lequel ils avaient été conçus") = reuse / réutilisation ("toute opération par laquelle des substances, matières ou produits qui sont devenus des déchets sont utilisés de nouveau") = reuse (if no processing involved), repurposing (often e.g. of a building) or (if processing is involved), recycling.  Helpful articles at: / = rates of revertants (cell testing) / Rezeptur = formulation / rH (symbol) = oxidation reduction potential (ORP) / RI = refractive index (detector) / RIA = radio immune assay / Richtigkeit = integrity (of analytical procedures) / RIKZ = Rijksinstituut voor Kust en Zee (NL) = National Institute for Coastal and Marine Management / RIMH = Regionale Inspectie van de Volksgezondheid voor de Hygiëne van het Milieu (NL) = Regional Public Health Inspectorate for Environmental Hygiene / Rio de Janeiro summit see UNCED / RISK SYMBOLS (EU): toxic T (giftig); very toxic T+ (sehr giftig); highly flammable F (leicht entzündlich); extremely flammable F+ (hoch entzündlich); harmful Xn (mindergiftig); oxidizing O (brandfördernd); corrosive C (ätzend); explosive E (explosionsgefährlich); irritant Xi (reizend); dangerous for the environment N (umweltgefährlich) / risques pérennes = legacy hazards (mining e.g.): "to delineate clean areas and remediate legacy hazards" (cf. Altlasten) / RIVM = Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieuhygiëne (NL) = National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (NL) / RIZA = Rijksinstituut voor Integraal Zoetwaterbeheer en Afvalverwerking (NL) = National Institute for Inland Water Management and Waste Water Treatment / RME = rape methyl ester (biofuel) / RN = residual nitrogen / RO = reverse osmosis (water treatment e.g.) / rodage = grinding in (glassware, stopper e.g.) / ROS = renewable oxygen source / RPE = résonance paramagnétique électronique see EPE; ESR / RPT = rational planning techniques (EU: envir.) / RQO = River Quality Objectives (UK) / RTECS = Registry of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances / Rücknahmepflicht = take-back obligation (bottles, packaging, etc.) / Rückstellprobe = reserve sample (food science) / Rückverfolgbarkeit = traceability (food science) / ruissellement = surface run-off (hydrol.) / RV = Rappaport-Vassiliadis (RV broth; RV medium) (microbiol.) / RWTC = regional waste treatment centre (UK) / RWZI = rioolwaterzuiveringsinstallatie = sewage treatment plant

Created by Alison Gaunt
Last updated: 8 February 2025  
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