Glossary of Chemistry & Environmental Protection: terms & abbreviations   Dutch-English, French-English, German-English
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p = 1. para- (chemical names, usually italics); 2. Particulate / P = (P-type wastes) = acute hazardous wastes (USA; EPA classification of hazardous and solid wastes) / 3P see PPP / PAA = photon activation analysis / PAE = phthalic acid ester / PAH = 1. polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon; 2. polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbon / paillasse = bench top (lab.) / PAK = polycyclisch aromatisch koolwaterstof see PAH 1. / PAKW = polyzyklischer aromatischer Kohlenwasserstoff see PAH 1. / PAN = 1. peroxyacetylnitrate (constituent of photochemical smog); 2. Pesticides Action Network (NGO) / panache = plume (of pollution: can be liquid, as in an oil slick, as well as gaseous) / Pantothen = pantothene / Panthothensäure = pantothenic acid / parafilm / parathion (pest.) / PAS = periodic acid -Schiff / Pasteur pipette / PBB = polybrominated biphenyl / PBNA = phenyl beta-naphthylamine / PBT = substances persistantes, bioaccumulables et toxiques ("substances PBT"); persistent bioaccumulative toxic ("PBT chemicals", "PBTs") / PLB = planetary boundary layer (atmosphere; dust aerosols) / PCB = polychlorinated biphenyl / PCDD = polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin / PCDF = polychlorinated dibenzofuran / PCNB = pentachloronitrobenzene / PCP = pentachlorophenol / PCPl = pentachlorophenol laurate / PCT = polychlorinated terphenyl / Pd = palladium / PDB = para-dichlorobenzene / p-DCB see PDB / PDEL = post dépoussiéré à écoulement laminaire = (suggest) laminar dust-free work station (laboratory) / PDM = plastic-, drank- en metaal = 1. plastic, beverage and metal (packaging waste); 2. polydimethylsiloxane / PE = polyethylene; polythene (UK) / PEC = predicted environmental concentration / PeCDD = 1,2,3,7,8-pentachloridinezodioxin / PeCDF = pentachloridibenzofuran / PEEPs = Prominent European Environment Problems (EU) / Pegelbohrung  = water-level borehole (to determine groundwater level) / PEI = polyethyleneimine / pencycuron (pest.) / PER = perchloroethylene (dry cleaning solvent, commoner syn. is tetrachloroethylene) / permethrin (pest.) / permis à polluer = emission allowance (EU Emissions Trading System) / Perspex™ = polymethyl methacrylate: many uses as substitute for glass, also used in e.g. joint replacements to cement bone implants. Other names (depending on manufacturer): Plexiglas™; Lucite™ / PET = polyethylene terephthalate (plastic bottles) / PETE see PET / PETN = pentaerythritol nitrate (explosive) / Pfandflasche = returnable bottle / Pfandsystem = deposit refund system (bottles e.g.) / PFB = pentafluorobenzyl / PFP = pentafluoropropionyl / PHA = Pollution Hazard Appraisal see OPRA / pharmaco-vigilance = (drug) post-marketing surveillance / PHC = polycyclic hydrocarbon / acide phénique see phénol / eau phéniquée see phénol / phénol = phenol; carbolic acid; hydroxybenzene / phosmet (pest.) / phosphatation = phosphatizing (anti-corrosion process) / phosphore = phosphorus (noun, element) / phosphoré = phosphorous (adj.) / phoxim (pest.) / physical-chemical (treatment of waste water e.g.) / PIB = polyisobutylene / picloram (pest.) / oppervlak van de piek = peak area (HPLC) / (coated) piezoelectric crystal detector = apparatus for measuring air pollution / PIR = polyisocyanurate / pitocine = Pitocin® (trademark) = oxytocin / pitressine = Pitressin® (trademark) = vasopressin / PIXE = proton induced X-ray emission (analysis) / eaux de pluies = rainwater run-off / pluviographe = recording rain gauge; self-registering rain gauge (records quantity and duration) (hydrol.) / pluviomètre = rain gauge; precipitation gauge (hydrol.) / PM = particulate matter (PM 10s = particulates not more than 10 microns in diameter) / PMA = phorbol myristate acetate / PMMA = polymethylmethacrylate, see Perspex™ / PMT = photomultiplier tube / PNdB = perceived noise decibels / poire de pipettage = rubber pipette filler / Polyglyceryl-3 Diisostereat = polyglyceryl-3 diisostereate / polyoside = polysaccharide / polytron = vessel for e.g. crushing organ samples for cultures or tests / POM = polycyclic organic material (POM emissions, POMs) / ponction = depleting; draining, tapping (of natural resources) / POP = persistent organic pollutant (WHO); nicht abbaubarer organischer Schadstoff / potasse alcaline = ? potassium hydroxide (KOH) / PP = 1. particulate phosphorus; 2. polypropylene (plastic bottles e.g.) / PPF = porous polyurethane foam / PPP = 1. "polluter pays" principle; 2. "pollution prevention pays" (syn. 3P) / prochloraz (pest.) / produktionsintegrierter Umweltschutz = "cleaner production", see additiver Umweltschutz / prometryn (pest.) / propachlor (pest.) / propamocarb (pest.) / propham (pest.) / propiconazole (pest.) / propipette = ? F trade name / Prozeßumweltschutz see produktionsintegrierter Umweltschutz / PS = polystyrene / PSI = Pollutant Standards Index (USA) / PSM = poste de sécurité microbiologique = microbiological safety cabinet (laboratory) / Pt = platinum / PTFE = polytetrafluoroethylene; "Teflon" / Puffer = buffer / pulvérulent = powdery, particulate, composed of small particles / PUR = polyurethane / PV = permanganate value (measures the oxygen demand of an effluent) / PVA = polyvinyl alcohol / PVC = 1. polyvinyl chloride; 2. poste ventilé chimique = (suggest) ventilated chemical work station (usually a hood) (laboratory) / PVD = physical vapour deposition / PVNO = polyvinyl pyridine-N-oxide / PVP = polyvinyl pyrrolidone / pyrazophos (pest.) / pyrethrins / pyridate

Created by Alison Gaunt
Last updated: 22 March 2018  
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