Glossary of Chemistry & Environmental Protection: terms & abbreviations   Dutch-English, French-English, German-English

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OA = ochratoxin A (mycotoxin) / OCDD = octachloridibenzodioxin / OCDF = octachloridibenzofuran / OCF = organic carbon fraction / OCP = organochlorine pesticide / Octyldodecanol = octyldodecanol / ODP = ozone depletion potential / Ökobilanz = life cycle assessment (LCA) / Ökosteuer = environmental tax; ecological tax, ecotax (e.g. carbon tax, energy tax) / oligoélément = trace element / hochölsäurehaltig = high oleic / OMEGAM = Onderzoeksdienst voor Milieu en Grondmechanik (Amsterdam city department) / ontsluiting = digestion (chem.) (ITI) / OOE = out of expectation (samples, results) (pharm.) / OOS = out of specification (samples, results) (pharm.) / OOT = out of trend (samples, results) (pharm.) / OPA see OPRA / OPRA = Operator and Pollution Risk Appraisal (method used in IPC, comprising Operator Performance Appraisal (OPA) and Pollution Hazard Appraisal (PHA) (UK) / Ordnungspolitik; ordnungspolitischer Ansatz = environmental regulation; regulatory approach to environmental matters; "command and control (CAC)" / organoarsenicals / organo-chloré = organochlorine (adj.) / composé organo-halogéné = organic halide / organo-iodés = organic iodides / organometal toxicant / organotin (fungicide: used in boat anti-fouling paints) / ORP = oxidation reduction potential (symbol rH) / ose = monosaccharide / oside = gmultimaniaide / ÖSP = Ökologischer Sanierungsprogramm (D) = (suggest) Ecological Remediation Programme / OT = ortho tolidine / OTA see OA / OVAM = Openbare Afvalstoffenmaatschappij voor het Vlamse Geweest (B) = Public Waste Agency of Flanders / overmangaanzuurkalium (kaliumpermanganaat) = potassium permanganate, KMnO4 / ows = oil-water sludge / oxamyl (pest.) / Oxid (D) = trivalent oxide, as opposed to Oxid = bivalent oxide / oxides: in EN or DE when the name of the metal is followed by "oxide", or the name of a salt, the more highly oxidized or most stable compound is indicated; thus iron oxide is Fe2O3 ferric oxide, and copper sulphate is CuSO4 cupric sulphate (Fromherz/King) / oxycorticostéroïde = hydroxycorticosteroid / oxydation = oxidation / oxyde de carbone = carbon monoxide; CO / oxydo-réduction = oxidation-reduction; redox / oxygénation = oxygenation

Created by Alison Gaunt
Last updated: 16 February 2018 
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