Glossary of Agriculture, Fisheries, Food Science, Plant Health & Veterinary Science

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kaki = persimmon; sharon fruit / kamanioc = camanioc (eaten as vegetable rather than made into flour) / Kirrung = bait site (set up either to lure in game for shooting or to keep them away from areas under crop) / KNMvD = Koninklijke Nederlandse Maatschappij voor Diergeneeskunde = Royal Netherlands Veterinary Association / KNPV = Koninklike Nederlandse Planteziektenkundige Vereniging = Royal Netherlands Society for Plant Pathology / knollen = corms (hort.) / kohlensaurer Magnesiumkalk = dolomitic lime; magnesian limestone; magnesium calcium carbonate (fertiliser) / Körnermaïs see Zuckermaïs / Kraftfutter = concentrated feed; concentrate (agric.) / kralenteelt = cormlets (hort) / Kreislaufwirtschaft = cycling (e.g. agric.) / Kreuzungspartner = sexually compatible relatives / kuil = a horizontal, ground-level, drive-in silo or silage clamp or pit; thus kuilfolie = silo or silage sheeting (agric.) / Kulturpflanzen = arable crops /

Created by Alison Gaunt
Last updated: 5 April 2018  
Made with Nvu