Glossary of Agriculture, Fisheries, Food Science, Plant Health & Veterinary Science

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dachine = dasheen / DBV = Deutscher Bauernverband = (suggest) German Farmers' Union / DD = dégraissé, découenné = extra-lean, rindless (food science) / DDAF = Direction Départementale de l'Agriculture et des Forêts = Departmental Directorate for Agriculture and Forestry (FR) / prélèvement par décalque = contact sampling (plate or sticky tape strip is applied to surface of substance sampled to remove cells) / décharge = disposal facility (e.g. in orchard, for discarded fruit) / filet dérivant = drift-net (fisheries) / DERNS = Direction de l'évaluation des risques nutritionnels et sanitaires (FR, Afssa) / détournements frauduleux = food fraud (substitution, addition, tampering, tainting or misrepresentation of food or food constituents, e.g. fraudulent dietary supplements) / DGAL = Direction générale de l'alimentation (FR) / DGE = Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ernährung = German Nutrition Society / DHS = distinct, homogène, stable see DUS / Dibevo = Dierenbenodigheden en Voeders = (suggest) Animal Supplies and Feed, founded 1936 (NL) / Diergeneesmiddelenwet = Veterinary Medicinal Products Act (NL) / Directives (OEPP) = Guidelines (EPPO) / DL  = Directie voor Landbouw = Directorate for Agriculture (division of ministry) (NL) DSV = Direction des services veterinaries (FR) / DUR = Dienst Uitvoering Regelingen = Aid Schemes Administration Agency (NL) = (administers EU agricultural aid schemes) / DUS = distinct, uniform and stable (testing) /

Created by Alison Gaunt
Last updated: 26 December 2020  
Made with Nvu